Post meno worries with eyes

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Hello ladies , im really worried and anxious about this and its causing me so much anxiety and major stress . I had my regular eye check a while ago and the pressure was up in both eyes which could be glaucoma , the opthamilogist wasnt overly worried but i am , she said it wasnt urgent enough for an immediate hospital appointment but it needed to be checked , anyway i have an appointment for december . Despite her reassurance that its not urgent to me it is so i made an appointment with my GP to ask if i could possibly have my appointment bought forward , i cant ! GP said if they were overly worried id be seen straight away , my problem is ive had things missed before and suffered because of it and its causing me massive stress and sleepless nights .... anyone else similar to me ? I dont know what to do im so stressed and need to take sleeping tablets to help me sleep , with all these symptoms all the time its hard to deal with one thing after the other .... now this , for goodness sake its all a nightmare my imagination is working overtime i dont know what to do . Any help please x

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Foxy62,

    I completely understand your fear and worry. I used to obsess over every little symptom I get too. I have had to learn that this obsessive worrying only worsened my symptoms or could do worse to me. If the doctors said that it's not an urgent matter then try not to fret about it. They haven't actually diagnosed you with glaucoma yet, have they? Already you have diagnosed yourself with the worse case scenario. Why do we do this to ourselves? I do it too. Try to take a moment to yourself and do something that you enjoy that you haven't done in a long time. This will put your mind at ease. I pray you don't have what you think it is. Be blessed, not stressed. Take care.


    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your reply , no i havent been diagnosed yet - ive diagnosed myself already ! To make matters a hundred times worse my GP surgery rang me this morning , my doctor has requested that i have a blood test ... for goodness sake whats that all about , the receptionist told me its routine but nothing was mentioned to me about blood tests when i went last week for my appointment .... it could be councincidence but my over anxious thoughts and imagination are driving me mad .... i hate this damm menopause its causing me so much turmoil and distress .... im sorry youve felt like this too its horrible and consuming ... its a nice day here today so i might go for a walk or listen to the birds sing to try and take my mind off things .... trying to stop myself wondering why i need a blood test .... oh god us poor women , mother nature you sure have alot of explaining to do x

    • Posted

      I used to be a clinical Nurse Assistant and if memory serves me correctly, I think it is standard to do blood test before surgery. No worries they are just doing their job.

    • Posted

      Thank you , i guess time will tell not much i can do about things . I should be grateful that things are being dealt with and count my blessings . Im trying !

  • Posted

    Foxy, I think doctors have a great way of worrying us to death. I think you get your eyes checked in December and they'll tell you its just normal for our age.

    Stop worrying for now. And don't google. Stressing and not sleeping will cause something worse.

    • Posted

      thank you , i definatley will not

      google ill scare myself sick . im

      going to get my trainers on and go for a walk , take some deep breaths and wonder why i now need a blood test . Something else to damm well worry about . 6 years post hysterectomy and its still hell x

  • Posted

    Try not to worry.. If the Dr thought it was urgent, they would've got you in ASAP. I had a test done last week and now have to do another in a month.. I thought to myself if it was urgent, I would be doing another one this week. So I put it to rest for now-- it's in the back of my mind but I'm not allowing it to consume me. Try and go for a walk or do some deep breathing-- I do this and it helps some.

    • Posted

      Oh gosh your so amazing and positive , ive read your words carefully and have taken them on board , thank you . It makes sense all that you say it really does and all would have been fine until this morning , despite that im trying to stay calm but its not easy when beastly anxiety and overthinking is trying to overpower me . Hope all is well with you , bless you x

  • Posted

    Try not to worry. The pressure in my eyes the last time I went was up to. My Ophthalmologist told me not to worry as the the eye pressure was below 21. that was 2018. 2019 I went and my pressure was down a bit. I started eating carrots. I had no trouble with my eye pressure until I stopped eating them. Hugs and hang in there.🙏🤗

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