Post menopausal - 5 years and now sore vagina

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Do I need to see a doctor?  I'm 5 years post-menopausal and I have a very sore, burning sensation in my vagina on the inside not outside.   It's been like it for months (I had a polyp removed in March this year).  I've tried a couple of times to insert a tampon and pull it out to see if it hurts and it's really painful, sore and stings.   What could be going on?

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    It's vaginal atrophy. I get that quite a lot. It is normal for women post menopausal to experience dryness and burning sensation.

    I noticed that drinking loads of cranberry juice helps a lot and also I use.

    Vaginal atrophy happens due to:

    The vaginal mucosa becomes thinner, drier, less elastic and more fragile. It may become inflamed.

    The vaginal epithelium may become inflamed, contributing to urinary symptoms (see under 'Presentation', below).

    Changes in vaginal pH and vaginal flora may predispose to urinary tract infection (UTI) or vaginal infections.

    Reduced oestrogen levels may affect periurethral tissues and contribute to pelvic laxity and stress incontinence.

    You can use a non hormonal gel that eases the symptoms. I use a French one but GYNATROF is good as well.

    Good luck.

    • Posted

      Thanks.  I've got an appointment this afternoon with a GP, I hope I get given some cream too.  just lately I'm getting one thing after another :-( 

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    I do get that burning sensation but I didn't had it for long time feels like some kind a pain but not bad can live with it.

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    painful, sore and stings.  thats what I get from time to time. Some months are worse tha others. 
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      Do any of you lady's get it on the outside to burning and sore and stings when you pee

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      Mine is inside not outside, that's why I did a 'tampon' test and when I pulled it out it really hurt (sore, burning, stinging) as I was pulling it out :-( hope GP will sort it out today for me.

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    My physician didn't let mine get that bad to create a sore burning sensation.  I noticed lack of lubrication with sex (lots of lube) and at times painful sex.  But once she saw the area, she prescribed  vaginal Estrace.  These things normally do not go away without treatment.   You're tissue are suffering from estrogen deprevation.    

    There are several options you can try.  

    But I'm going to mention that I have heard of women who actually had pain just from walking because their tissue were so inflammed and dry.


  • Posted

    Sounds like atrophy ( dryness of the vagina). I use Replens moisturiser given

    to me by the doctor, which I use once every three days. It is good. You can

    buy it from the chemist (box of six, pre filled applicaters). This is how mine

    started, burning on inside and outside.

    On the other hand if you had the polyp removed in March you may have an

    Infection sometimes this happens, I got one from having a coil put in. You

    may need some antibiotics, that will clear it up. Go to the doctor and find

    out. Either way you can get something to help. I would still get the Replens

    anyway, you are probably going to need it.

    Don't worry, you will be fine. Let us know how it goes?

  • Posted

    Hi I'm new to the forum but I read your post and can totally sympathise with you. I have been diagnosed with vaginal athrophy brought on by the menopause,and currently take vagifem (estriol) which has helped but does not cure. I have found drinking plenty of water (about 3/4 glasses a day) has helped immensely though. I also have decaf coffee and tea (as caffeine dehydrates the body), along with soups and stews which again hold a lot of fluid. I  try to eat more vegetables, and make up a fruit salad to eat over a couple of days and limit my in take of milk and diary food which I found aggrevated and brought on more itching and soreness. I have added soya milk to my diet mainly in tea which helps both with limiting sweats and helps to moisten the vagina. Can't actually bring myself yet to put on my cereal. I would like to know if anyone can suggest a good lubricant alternative to ky, which is kind to the vulva entrance as it does become sore during and after sex. 

    • Posted

      Hi Anne. Replens vaginal moisturiser. I have found this really

      helps. (See my post above).

      All my best to you Anne☺

  • Posted

    Saw my GP yesterday and she prescribed me 'sylk natural intimate moisturiser' which I'm trying out, only used it for one day and not much improvement as yet.  My soreness seems to be on one side and I can only describe it like something sharp.  My GP didn't give me an internal but said to go back if this moisturiser doesn't help.  I hope I won't need to go back but wondering what else it could be if I don't feel any improvement. 

    • Posted

      Should get better soon Carina, but the stuff I use works well for me

      Meant to say though Ladies, use some KY jelly too when you have

      sex it helps too. I have been using that since I was young as I used

      to suffer from recurrent thrush and by chance we discovered this

      stopped it, (just a peice of unrelated information)☺

    • Posted

      I just wanted to update you that the sylk natural intimate moisturiser worked a treat and at the moment i haven't had a need to use it but it's there if i want it so i'm glad to say it did work :-)

  • Posted

    Hi, I'm still in peri-meno and have some kind of itching going on....I did had burning sensation a while back that's gone only get sore if I scratch will have to get something on my next appointment no joys with menopause.

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