Post Menopausal Arthralgia
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My chiropractor suggested I investigate Post Menopausal Arthralgia as the cause of my severe joint pain. I think this is exactly what I have! Now I just need to work out how to tackle it without going on HRT
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TeresaJS AusWinnie
TeresaJS AusWinnie
Carolmayhew6 TeresaJS
Painkillers antidepressant vit d multivitamins n them so ? If 1 was reacting against each other, so I stopped taking the glucosamine & chondroitin, I've just had review with my gp n gained advice that what I'm taking is fine as yesterday I read on here that oesto care is good as it has magnesium vit-d in it so see how I go with them I'm 10days post op from arthoroscopy n feel ok in myself just pain in the knee n that my legs are weak to walk any distance but physio has advised more I walk the strong I'll get
That's easier said than done when your tired n your legs arnt that strong isn't it
shaznay96184 AusWinnie
My next-sister-up is 62 and been taking HRT for 7+yrs. Her GP 'attempted' to suggest she wean off lat year. It lasted 3 days!
With an instant return of her aches and flushes she went back to demand she be put back on her HRT as she is entitled to some quality of life. She's came out of her Surgery smiling, clutching her repeat prescription!!:-)
I've read of many women who have safely stayed on HRT for yrs and yrs. As adults we are made aware of, and understand the risks of L/T meds of all sorts. But if you are otherwise healthy, get yourself checked out regularly and feel good - where's the problem in longer term use??
I hope you start to address your aches as for me, they are he symptom I find the most debilitating. I currently take Menopace Original and use some Bioidentical Progesterone Cream. Not for all, I appreciate, but from a personal point of view, I feel pretty good at this stage in the game.
Hope you get some help soon, as lie me, you've got a lot of living to do!!!!:-)
margaret04348 AusWinnie
shaznay96184 margaret04348
Shoulder 'caught' on Wednesday, couldn't lift much (felt like a nerve trapped). 3 sprays = fixed the job. My own version of WD40!!!!!:-)
viv1960 AusWinnie
My perimenopausal aches & pains are now a thing of the past thanks to acupuncture. I have said on this site many times, that I was taking very strong painkillers, that had become less effective, 3 times/day, last year. Since starting acupuncture last summer, I very rarely need to take them. I had an initial course of treatments weekly, for 6 weeks, and now only need to go monthly.
I take a magnessium with with calcium supplement only.
Please give it a try, it has been a miracle cure for me, I have my energy and life back to normal.
Good luck
Carolmayhew6 viv1960
I've started the calcium magnesium with zinc &vitd3
3days ago I've been having horrendous knee pain n Iam 11days post op from an arthoroscopy to my left knee but was found to have tear in ligement & meniscus so I'm hoping the pain will ease now still very tender n painful but each day I'm getting more easier to walk but I was advised on here to try the calcium magnesium so if it helps I'll try will keep on here update