Post menopausal bleeding

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Some weeks ago I visited the forum to ask about post menopausal bleeding.

Since that visit I've been checked its a polyp and it needs to be removed by General anaesthetic I'm on a waiting list for 12 weeks or more.

Here is my problem I'm still bleeding and that's been since March.

How long do you let this go on for sometimes it's spotting but sometimes it's feels like a period and its heavier, but it is every day. At this moment it is heavier and I'm wondering if it carries on for the next eleven weeks or more that can't be good for you.

If anybody has had this could you please give me some help.

Thanks again Heather x

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    I have had it and had the surgery. It seems like more blood than it actually is. Eat tomato sauce and things with salt/electrolytes if you feel weak at all. I just got through a stint of bleeding HEAVILY for 20 days (!) and I was totally fine. I'd eat some pasta with sauce and feel better. You will be fine, the surgery is easy, and polyps are super common and RARELY any cause for concern. Health and love to you! xo Heidi

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying, my problem is that I am obese and its very unlikely that they will operate for fear with the anaesthetic of me not coming out of it.

      I don't know if it is okay to bleed and then wait eleven weeks or more before they even call me back for pre op check. It is very unlikely that I will be able to lose weight in that time frame. Believe it or not I also have a hereditary disease called haemachromatosis, which means I actually make to much iron in my body so every few weeks I have to get a bag of blood taken off me so the bleeding actually will keep that down , but this period feeling after four years is a bit annoying lol.

      Many Thanks again Heather x

    • Posted

      i had my polyp removed in the gynae clinic at the hospital. one doc wanted to do it under general but my bp was too high so it got postponed, then he left and new consultant refused to do it under a general when it could be done in a clinic . yes it was uncomfortable but quick and no side effects from a general. good luck x

    • Posted

      Thanks for replying.

      I don't have much choice they don't keep in touch with me.

      The thing that's bothering me is I've been bleeding for seven weeks and I'm not due to see anyone till the pre op appointment which could be weeks away.

      I have had the ultrasound scan and then they said it would be removed at my next appointment they then let what I believe to be a junior doctor try and take a biopsy of the polyp which came back as not enough to check for cells as well as this I had a smear test that come back normal and a scraping of the womb that came back normal.

      As you've probably worked out by now I am totally p****d off with all of this I just want it all over so I can finally relax knowing that the polyp is normal too.

      Sorry for moaning many thanks again. .....Heather

      P.S. If you don't mind me asking did you bleed for a while or am I one of the lucky ones lol


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      I'm on norithesone tablets so that stops the bleeding

      hope you get sorted soon x

    • Posted


      Could ask if you are still bleeding after the removal of the polyp and how much information you were told about any procedures.

      I was looking on Google to see if says anything about how long I should be allowed to bleed and I found a download that says that all procedures should be carried out by a consultant or a specialist nurse. I was treated by by what I think was a junior doctor under the supervision of a consultant it also says that they should contact patients and explain everything with me I didn't speak to the consultant it was a young doctor who talked to me the consultant was a stand in for someone else which she never said I found out cause a secretary told me . The secretary got in touch with a consultant who was on call she told me that I wouldn't be getting it cause of my obesity. The next thing I get a letter saying I'm on a waiting list for surgery.

      Sorry for rattling on but I don't know if I'm coming or going with this bleeding.......Heather x

    • Posted

      i didn't bleed much after the removal if the polyp but im still on the norithesone tablets. I'm on them all the time. to be honest i don't want to come off them in case i start bleeding again I've felt great on them

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