Post-menopausal bleeding and my treatment
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Ladies, wanted to reassure many of you who have had sudden bleeding. I am 59 and all of a sudden started bleeding 2 months ago. Long story short, went in, had an ultrasound and biopsy. My lining was 10mm, which scared me to gave me all kinds of scenarios. Long story short, biopsy came back fairly normal, and my doctor was sure it was either a polyp or polyps. Went in for a D&C and hysteroscopy at Women's Hospital. Didn't have any problems at all. Pathology came back ALL CLEAR, and all polyps removed. So before you worry yourselves too much, from what I have read this is what usually happens with this. Good luck to all, just see your doctor and hope yours is a good turnout as mine was!
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sherry26257 christie210
Hi christie, I hope yo don't mind me replying to your message, I am going through a horrible situation at the moment, I'm premenopausal and have been having some spotting for a couple of months, went Drs refer erred me for a pelvic ultrasound, couldn't wait six weeks as I have health anxiety so paid private, anyway radiologist wasn't concerned about scan said I had a 7 mm fibroid, ademyosis and slightly thickened endometrium 14 mms on day 18 of my cycle, she said this is what causes my heavy periods, only comment on the scan was about the fibroid no referral nothing, anyway called Drs the same day, about e results, she eventually called me back, saying she was fast tracking me to a gynocologist for a Hysteroscopy, because I was in the criteria, when I asked her if she thought I had cancer she oh no not at all and she is almost sure it will come back clear, I have the appointment Wednesday and I'm finding it hard to get through each day not eating sleeping drinking to much alcohol, all because I am convinced I have a serious illness, I have had lots of symptoms of perimenopause, but my blood results came back slightly lower than normal, my mum had an early menopause, she was 50 by the time she went through it, she had terrible erratic bleeding during perimenopause, 5 week long periods, flooding, massive clots spotting etc. But as you can imagine I'm petrified to go for the test on weds, I'm a month of off 45, my mum was early 40s when she had the bleeding. Anyway sorry to go on maybe you could help reassure me a little before Wednesday thanks sherry xxxx
christie210 sherry26257
Hi Sherry. I too was worried, but after reading here and other places, most women are just fine, but need some type of treatment. Mine was a D&C...very glad I did it. Try to stay calm and like me, just get thru what you need to. It's more common thank people think...also, my friend who is my age went thru the exact same thing but her doc opted for a complete hysterectomy. I told mine I have no problem having that as well, but she thought the D&C was sufficient. So just get through this, try not to drink much while going thru it, and keep us posted. I can't believe my journey is over and it wasn't bad at all...the waiting is the hard part!
Mars777 christie210
katyD211 christie210
Hi Christie...
Your post was right on time for me. I saw my doc today because I'm 59 this past February and still having bleeds. Although women in my family go long (meno after 55, 57)..I was becoming worried. She said today, she isn't worried, did my pelvic and said " girl you have a huge fibroid !" Then she repeated that she's not worried, ordered ultrasound n said she wanted to do the procedure where they take a sample. Then she hugged me and said we will take take of this.
My health anxiety is always high but now its over the moon.
(This on top of laying my mom to rest yesterday.) So I pray I have as good an out come as you, and I'm really glad to know you're ok.