Post Menopause

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I had my last period back in January 2014 so I am now classed as post menopause. I thought once I hit this stage it would be plain sailing...... unfortunately not, though not as bad as it could be!

At times anxiety drives me crazy I worry about the most stupid things. Last night when I went to bed I just felt so unwell nothing particular just generally feeling yucky. I had awoken early yesterday morning with a banging headache and I felt out of sorts all day long to be honest. When I went to bed I convinced myself I was going to croak it during my sleep! My heart was pounding away and occasionally skipping beats sad thankfully I did not.biggrin

I have been trying to see if there is a pattern to these anxiety attacks and I really believe there is..... A month ago I was due to donate blood but was advised not to due to having a headache and low and behold I had a headache again yesterday 28 days after my last one! Not sure if there is a connection or it’s just me grasping at straws. I have made a note so I will monitor it.

Today I still feel I little anxious but not too bad! I really should be on a high as i have lost 2lb this week biggrin 

I really believe that exercise is helping me lots even though the weight is coming off very slowly, it gives me something to focus on. 

I still have issues with sleeping but nothing like I used to and I am sure exercise is helping me I really do. I still have shoulder pain issues but again I have much more movement with all the exercise I do.

Do any other ladies having coping methods that they believe are helping them? 

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    I have been 6/7 years with no period and having a horrible time still yo this day. Anxiety was massive but been on Seetraline for nearly 2 years which had been a blessing. No HRT. Sleepless nights for long time and when I do eventually fall off to sleep all be it close to alarm I gave the most vivid dreams that sometimes are just awful. No I don't work because I find it impossible to commit and feel I have let enough people down over the years. I do hope that things will improve & do go on my treadmill which I find really good for my sanity!!!😜. Xx
    • Posted

      Oh no! poor you. I do take Propranolol only small dose though. The Dr gave me it to control my BP which i have anxiety over. I am convinced it is high and check it so much on my home monitor rolleyes I had a 12 hour BP fitted from the Dr and my BP was perfect over the 12 hours. But yet i still stress about it. If I am having a super bad day i do take extra Propranolol and i find it does help.

      I do have very strange dreams and people from my past pop into them which i find very strange. 

      I wish I could pop a pill without any side effects or worries that would cure menopause.... if only ey? At least I am not alone!

      I truly hope you start to feel better soon Trevis....

      Mrs D xx

    • Posted

      Aww thank you! You too... Take care sending big hugs xx ((hugs))
  • Posted

    I feel so sorry for all you lovely ladies

    doesnt it make you feel like your losing your marbles I keep thinking that I must be sick or people are thinking I'm losing the plot because one minute I'm cold the next I'm stripping off I'm so hot and my moods my god I can be your best friend one minute then your worst enemy the next I'm a bar manager and when I'm feeling down I actually feel sorry for the poor people that come in for a drink. Any way I have stayed off of the pills up until now but my husband has almost begged me to take hrt so maybe I should go to the doctors .

    good luck every one xxx

    • Posted

      It take such a low dose of propranolol 10mg 3 times a day & I know that it can't do that much in such small amounts but my head tells me it does lol. I will not take anything stronger or HRT so I will have to put up with it..... 

      Hope you find something that helps you 

      MrsD xx

  • Posted

    Hi mrsd64

    I am post menopause myself i am 46. I have had my ups and downs feeling like i am not myself, having anxieties, having trouble sleeping at night sometimes. Having stomach issues. Can't eat foods that I use to like pizza, tomato sauce cheese. Does not go with my stomach at all. I am on Ativan for anxieties, the other night i took a half a trazodone to help me sleep the next morning my heart was racing like crazy. Became scared. 

    I have my stomach issues and at times sleep disturbance

    • Posted

      It's horrid isn't it! Hopefully it won't go on for too long & we will feel normal again! 

      I know it's my anxiety that causes my problems & I do shout at myself when I'm alone! 

      My sleep has definitely improved with exercise )


    • Posted

      Will it improve with out HRTs because HRTs don't agree with me I feel a little calmer today 
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      Susan - I have no idea on HRT as its something I have never taken. All I know is what i have read on this forum where other ladies say it just delays symptoms!!!! x
    • Posted

      HRTs can cause a person to gain weight, it can cause headaches, nausea, bleeding in some people, acne, also I called this number the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 and they told me that HRTs can cause fast or irregular heart beats, anxieties, and high blood pressure. HRTs are not really a calming pill so just be careful being on it because it can cause strokes in people and heart attacks in people. You should talk to your doctor if your HRT is not working for you and call the FDA number and report it
    • Posted

      Not really it does not delay symptoms it can cause more symptoms like fast heart rate irrregular heart rate high blood pressure 
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      I am not going to take any HRT either. To me I feel that HRTs cause more side effects in some women like anxieties, racing heart, feeling weak, thats what the progesterone did to me so I stopped it after two dosages never took it again and that was two weeks ago. 

      I'm just going to let this go away on its own in time it will. My mom never went trough bad symptoms when she went into menopause i don't know when she went into menopause but she was never anxious or had sweats or racing heart so if she did with out HRTs so can I 

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      You don't need to struggle there are other alternatives to HRT and just because your mum did not have problems does not mean you won't either. Is it a case that your mum just never said and could hide it when you were around.

      I am most of the time ok its just the anxiety that i struggle with but exercise is helping, not only am i losing weight but im feeling better in myself. I also have the occasional slight flush but have never suffered with sweats thankfully.

      I also take the many vitamins that have be recommended by other lovely ladies on this site.

      There really is no need to suffer Susan you can get help!

      Take care

      MrsD x

    • Posted

      You are right, mine is anxieties too I don't have hot flashes, and I my breast do not hurt like some folks, so far none of thay. 

      Anxieties play a big role on how menopause feels. I do a lot of walking myself and I feel good when I am busy and doing things 


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