Post menopause periods!
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great forum & I've found some good insights! Thanks everyone. Let me put my situation out there to see if anyone can relate. I'm 55, per hormone blood work I'm in menopause. That being said, I went thru short period of menopausal symptoms, survived but then out of the blue had a period & then spotting here n there. The periods, which were regular heavy flow for 2 days followed by 5 or so days till finished, WERE regular periods. Appetite increased & bloated. SO, my Dr does endometrial biopsy (ouch!) which was OK, no cancer. I've had 2 ultrasounds to finally find that I had a 1 inch polyp which I'm having removed April 13. However, during all this testing & Appts, I had a period July 2014, Nov 2014, Feb 2015 and guess what? Started full blown period yesterday, Apr 3!! What's so confusing & frustrating to me is my Dr confirms for me that removing the polyp WILL stop my "periods" ?? Although, he say, you're really not having periods, just abnormal bleeding. I beg to differ as I know my body and it's having a PERIOD! What is going on? I'm seeing "oestrogen surges"? What r these? AND I've started getting itchy spots (red) under my chin and all over my neck, comes & goes. Is this hormonal? I dont think it's a food allergy. Ahhh what's happening? I don't agree with the dr as I know this is a period yet my blood work says I'm Anybody have any answers? Removal of the polyp is unquestionable and I can see it being cause of spotting, but is it REALLY the cause of an occasional 7 day period? Or is it hormonal? I really don't want to go on any hormonal therapy meds....desperately looking for feedback :o)
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annieschaefer karen_76350
I did the same thing last year (minus polyp-I have multiple fibroids though) stopped thought this was menopause for certain, one doc ran bloodwork to "confirm" hahaha I started cycles again for 7 consistent months and now I'm back in crazyville with no periods feeling like a loon......and praying this finally ends soon.
I did try combipatch -lasted 8 days (HRT) went on to sporadically using progesterone on as needed basis.....and for most part try to be consistent (Not my strong suit) with vitamins and supplements to help with this.
Don't cancel having polyp removed, it's better out. Will it stop your periods? Who knows? I believe the bleeding is more your hormones doing what they do at this time and that is go all over the map until they truly get to their new low level.
Best wishes in getting through this, Karen!
Annie xx
karen_76350 annieschaefer
annieschaefer karen_76350
The estrogen surge (this is the latest explanation I got by doctor) is with the wavering hormone levels sometimes the balance gets out of line so to speak. There was a term estrogen dominance-still used, but in most cases it's really a sharp decline in progesterone that can make thing worse all the way around. I take (my Naturopath changed up things and wants me to take progesterone cream 25 days out of the month) progesterone cream occasionally for a 2 week period. I am seeing an integrative MD at end of month as I'm not crazy about that idea. I have to see the Integrative MD for the thyroid anyway, so I'm asking about this latest change as I hear horror stories about taking the cream or even taking the progesterone pills in general. What a crap shoot this all is, really!
And you point out what many of us have or are dealiing with. Clueless doctors...........Lord help me.....over the past few years I've seen several, as I thought I was just nuts at first, come to find out haha-it's Peri, but every doc has a different approach, if they even understand it (most just say "here's some ADs now be on your way" haha! so it's been quite a ride.
Coming on here has been incredibly helpful for me, but again, we are all different and what may work for you, won't work for me. Plus, this all makes me feel old, before my time and that makes me SAD!
Yes, the 50's have been interesting-just when I thought it'd be cool to relax a bit!
Don't know about your rash, but I do get hives in the am on my one has an answer about that one. Sorry.
Happy Easter my dear!
Annie Xxxx
Annie Xxx
kristi63 karen_76350
karen_76350 kristi63
annieschaefer karen_76350
Annie Xxxx
kristi63 karen_76350
helen64949 kristi63
karen_76350 annieschaefer
karen_76350 kristi63
karen_76350 helen64949
kristi63 helen64949
kristi63 karen_76350
helen64949 kristi63
annieschaefer karen_76350
Don't you go for a post procedure follow up with your doctor? Not sure what this 2 yr exam is, but I wouldn't wait that long. If you do happen to continue having periods after this procedure (and you may) by all means, call him/her up and let them know. That is important information for them to know about you.
Hoping for better days for you!
kristi63 helen64949
kristi63 helen64949
helen64949 kristi63
kristi63 helen64949
helen64949 kristi63
kristi63 helen64949
i know that i don't communicate very well, but i'm obviously not explaining this very well to you. or, i've explained the stages well enough, but you are speaking of something else and i've not gotten it. i've explained perimenopause: stage of hormone fluctuations and irregular periods before menopause; and menopause: complete cessation of bleeding, no blood for one year and and one day; and abnormal POST menopausal bleeding: any bleeding after the one year anniversary of no bleeding. i can't make what i'm trying to say any plainer.
i think the burden of "last period" is on the person who is complaining of the bleeding. the question asked is: were you completely blood-free for more than one year when you started to bleed again? if not, you are perimenopausal and bleeding irregularly. if you WERE blood-free (for one year = menopause) and are now bleeding, spotting, etc, then you are bleeding POSTmenopausal and DO INDEED have issues and should see your gyne.
can we please call this a wrap??
helen64949 kristi63
kristi63 helen64949