Post nasal drip, silent reflux etc.

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Hi All,

I have come across this forum whilst searching the internet for some answers. I have been suffering from the symptoms mentioned on here for about 6 years now.

Just to give you a short overview, will keep it short: I am living in South Africa, 29 years old, male, problem started with an irritating cough & constant throat clearing & got sore throat but not too often. Started getting upper airway infections & decided to go to doctor that diagnosed me with Asthma. After I started using the Asthma inhalers the sore throat became more apparent but my cough stopped. Decided to stop using inhalers but problem just got worse and worse over the years. Daily symptoms now include sticky white mucus in back of throat, post nasal drip, sore / burning throat, constant throat clearing, hoarseness in voice, throat clearing after eating (does not matter what I eat), blocked noise, sinus infections, etc.

I have been on all sorts of medication, nasal sprays, antihistamines, Cortisone's. I have been to 2 different ENT's, had sinus surgery (which made it worse), been to 2 different allergists, seen many GP's & a homeopathic doctor & no relief. The latest thing I have done is the G-scope after reading about LPR & doc advised that all seems normal. I have tried nexium & now use another med for reflux.

My work also involves speaking a lot so I suffer more at work than at home. I dont drink or smoke either.

I have traveled to other countries & the symptoms still continue.

My question is to those who suffer from this, do you have lots of stress, have you suffered some sort of trauma before symptoms started, do you have an active job or are you sitting at a desk all day?

Also, I haven't manged to find any forums like this for South Africans, so if there are anybody in SA reading this with these symptoms please make contact.

Many thanks, any input will be appreciated.

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    Hi ryan

    ive had the same problem as you for over two years now. I barely slept, could hardly breathe, people around me got annoyed and angry by the throat clearing and my breath smelled because of all of the phlegm.

    i was given the sprays, ppis and tried the sinus rinsing, but I think I've finally made it manageable. Here's how I did it.

    firstly, I started to realise that what I thought was mucus clogging up my throat, was actually the tightening of the valve at the top of my throat. By clearing my throat, what I was actually doing was causing it to relax, allowing the stomach acid into my sinus. So, and I know this is hard, but it does get easier after a few days, try really, really hard not to cough. After a week or so, you'll be surprised how little you think about it.

    secondly, ask to be put back on omeprazole or pantoperazole, to help with the acid. Then, whenever you feel like you need to have a good throat clear, just suck down the mucus from your sinuses into your mouth (gross I know, but heck, it's worth it, right?) and swallow it away with some water. Lastly, keep busy. Keep talking to people and doing things, to stop you focussing on it. If you absolutely cannot stop, then allow yourself to breath in and take one really good cough, right from the bottom of your lungs.

    Remember , this might not resolve it completely, but within a week or two, you will be able to live a normal life again. Let me know how it goes, man. Keep believing, don't give up and most importantly, keep calm! Good luck

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    I have had the same symtoms for the last 18 months. Nothing really started it off from memory. I have had chest xrays and a camera down the throat. The only thing found was a small Hiatis Hernia, so the 1st thought was acid reflux. Treated for this with medication, but no difference, I do not suffer from hearburn anyway, so this was rulled out. Then advised it was nasel drip. Tried nasal de congestant and seemed to imprive for a while, but last 6month has got worse. Doctor have tried different decongestants, but they are all worse that the original OTC Beconase product I started off with. Mine is better during the day when I am outside and gets worse when I get home when my chest also tightens up.I have had a test for astma and all is OK their. I have no problem with it overnight however, when I do get relief until the morning. It really gets you down though and Doctor seems to have run out of Ideas now, which makes you feel even worse, that you may have to just "live with it". My nose, mouth nad throat is constantly full of mucus. Interesting that some posts, indicate that a change in diet has improved things. 

  • Posted

    I have the Post Nasal Drip for the last two years. The mucus coming down to my throught my throat is really bad at night and I wake every two ours to clear it. It's a reallly nightmare.. I have tried every spray and medicines that are available. I had many laryngoscopies which were a waist of time. I had  seen many Drs.(ENT'S) and I finally arrived to the conclusion thet there is no cure.Maybe could be some hope with alternative med but I'm not yet willing to try. If any of you come with some  positive answer and hope I'll try it. Good luck!!!
    • Posted

      Just discovered this site. Read most of the posts. Yours represents my case in short. A year now of 24/7 post nasal drip that nothing - absolutely nothing of the many things I've tried makes a damn bit of difference. 3 different doctors... 5 runs of different antibiotics, washes, CT Scans of Sinues and Teeth... etc. etc. etc. It has become somewhat crazy making at this point.

      I was surprised to find that I do have somewhat of some things mentioned among these posts that I would not have imagined being potentially part of the puzzle. Stress... yes... run a sizable business among other life things. And... find that I have TUMS at work, in my truck, and surely at home. Don't think I have acid reflux to any degree, just a little stomach burn a few times a day.

      However sure appreciated finding this site. At least I know I'm not alone now. You start thinking maybe you're just crazy. smile

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    My PND started after an op to fix a deviated septum. Ironically, what prompted that op was my nose continually running to the point that I could NEVER be without a tissue. On reflection the op just redirected the mucus in instead of out. The PND is annoying but it is the chronic cough that I have had for six years now that is most concerning (and embarrassing). Mornings are the worst where I can sometimes throw up from coughing like an old smoker (which I don't). My dr has tested me for all the usual suspects and there is no pathology or allergen and we have worked our way through various medications and home remedies.After observing myself closely there is some merit in my Drs suggestion that the cough is exacerbated by stress and has become a habit. He suggested the same as a previous post which is try and NOT cough, swallow instead and it does help. I can still feel the drip and am no means suggesting that it is purely mind over matter but if it halves the number of coughs or throat clears you do in a day it is better for you and those around you. I am going to ask him about melatonin and have started 2015 with half a lemon squeezed into warm water every morning.
    • Posted

      Hi Kath - we are also in Oz. Have you tried DGL? It certainly saved the day for us. With your morning lemon drink try adding 4 dessert spoons of ACV with honey. Try to drink 8 oz first thing. It took us a couple of years to be brave enough to try this concoction but it seems to help. Also use a humidifier every night. This also seems to help. Only $45 on Ebay. Buderim Naked Ginger from Woolies or Coles (orange packets) does ease a sore throat and settles stomach. Are you gargling with baking soda before bed? On stress we use Bach Rescue remedy as a back up for the really bad times - 10 drops under the tongue. Like you we will be trying melatonin in February. Playing a musical instrument just before bed is restfull. The worse thing one can do is go to bed with an iPad etc? Exercise despite what experts say can also prepare you for sleep. I totally aggree with you that stress can play a huge part in reflux. And the complaint itself can even be the sorce of that stress sadly!
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      How long do you need to take DGL before you notice improvement?

      I tried ACV for a few days but I'm a bit worried that although it might be helpful when it gets in my stomach it might hurt my tender throat on the way down.What do you think?

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      Hi, I'm from Oz too and can you please let me know what DGL and ACV are that you mentioned in your comments.  Thank you very much. BKJan

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      DGL is deglycyrrhizinated licorice. available in tablet form. I tried it and in my case it had absolutely no effect.
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    I am so glad I going this forum. Is diagnosed with silent gets a few years back but just lately it has gotten worse. I Abe it throughout the day but when I wake up and in the evening it seems worse. My symptoms are shortness of breathe like asthma, drainage with this clear sticky stuff that's hard to cough up, I am always gasping for air which causes me to hyperventilate I am also nauseated off and on and its weird because when I get up from sitting to walk my shortness of breath gets worse it is like someone is sitting on my upper stomach. I have started eating no dairy very little wheat but that is not helping to much maybe just a bit. I even went to the ER the other day because Is so bad with shortness of breathe and just feeling miserable they immediately have me an EKG did blood work and an xray and said I am completely healthy. I need advice. I can't take the gerd meds because they have the PPI drug in them which causes my heart rate to speed up. Any advice would be great!! Thank you!!
  • Posted


    I'm Robert, 53 year male from Melbourne Australia. I have all these symptoms too. First started 20 years ago. To make matters worse I've also got horrendous bad breath that I've never been able to cure, and it has had a devastating effect on my social life. The coughing and the pain isn't much fun either.

    I was looking for answers too, thats how I landed here. I run a business and can get stressed some times. I can confirm that when I get stressed that the burning in my throat gets much worse.

    I had a gastrocope recently (camera down the throat). All they could find is that I had reflux, and abnormal Z-zone. I've been taking I-pantoprazole for it but it doesn't seem to have much effect.

    I try to avoid dairy as that clearly creates much more mucus. An ice-cream will give me a sinus head-ache and clogged throat in about 15 minutes. I tried giving up on wheat for 5 days but that didn't seem to have any effect.

    I irrigate my sinuses in the morning but any relief is temporary. More mucus starts to pile in soon after.

    It can't work out if the acid reflux is giving me PND, or the PND is giving me reflux. I suspect that the sticky mucous is keeping the valve at the top of my stomach open, allowing acidic fumes to float up.

    I suspect that every day pollution in the air might be causing the PND. I live in the city, with electricity generated by coal.

    Are any of you people with these problems living in the country, away from pollution?

    Melatonin? where would I buy that and is it effective. I have Vitamin D deficiency and in desperate need of a tan if that provides any information.

    I provide these details in the hope that one of you can see a connection and we can find a cure to what is clearly a common problem. A problem that few doctors seem concerned about.



    • Posted


      I had the same PND problem and am able to control it (note control not cure)  by doing the following:

      1)  Eat fairly closely to the instructions in the "Dropping Acid" book by Dr. Jamie Koufman.  Dr. Koufman is for real and very respected.  This book tells you about what foods to eat and not eat.  Also, it is very important not to eat three hours before going to bed.

      2)  Drink alkaline water. I use Iceland . pH 8.8. Gargle with it also. Sometimes if I detect reflux, I gargle with baking soda and water. This denatures pepsin on your throat tissues.

      3) I take 5 mg melatonin two hours before bed.

      The key is all the instructions in the book above. It is not totally cured but 90% better.


    • Posted

      Hi Robert,

      I have exactly the same symtoms as yours, and have had them for 18months.  To answer you questions, I live in a small village in Suffolk (England), but travel to London frequently. It makes no diiference to my symptoms,when I am in the city or at home. I have been on holiday recently (Tunisia) and it greatly improved while I was there. This could be I suppose due to less stress (not working) and a change in my diet while I was away, rather than the location.

      However, I have read Susans reply to your post and it makes very good reading. I have already bought the book Dropping Acid by Dr Koufman, I  think I will be giving these recommendations a go as it all makes perfect sense.




    • Posted

      Hi Robert, I'm sure that you've tried most things. Probiotics seem to be quite effective at treating a coated tongue and bad breath. It's worth a try if you haven't already.
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      Hi Susan, does it really make a difference to not eat for 3 hours before you go to bed? If it does then I'll give it a try.
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      I think it really does.  All the docs say this also.  You still need to do the other things I listed above.


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      Thanks Susan, I'll try that and the water. Is one bottle a day enough? Are you in the Uk? The only Alkaline water I can find is Saka and that's difficult to find. It's nice to find someone who is managing the symptoms so well.
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      Well, it depends on the size of the bottle if one is enough.  I tend to drink mabye a liter per day.  I drink some first thing in the morning (and gargle with it).  I drink a bit throughout the day but also tap water.  I definitely drink the alkaline wanter if I need water in the middle of the night.  Saka sounds good, though mine has a pH of 8.8 and Saka is a bit lower.

      I am in the US (New England).  I have great access to Iceland water so I'm lucky.  Still, I'd rather have your health care system.  It is much better than ours!!

    • Posted

      Hi Susan79492,

      Thank you for your reply. Ok, well that tends to discount my pollution theory.

      I'll try what you suggested as soon as I locate all these things locally.

      I'll post back when I've evaluated it.

      The general consensus seems to be that stomach acidity is causing PND and the resultant unpleasant mucous effects. The true cause for the acidity isn't clear yet.

      Stress, sure, its clear that stress will increase stomach acidity, but there seems to be a lot more to it than that. The acidity problem seems to persist even when stress is not present, even if less intense.

      I'll try as you suggested and will look out for any more information from others in this post.



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      Thanks Steve,

      That discounts my theory then. Just as well as stopping pollution would be difficult to say the least.



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      Hi again Susan,

      I was just googling melatonin. Apparently I can't get it in Australia as its not allowed in the country. Except the Homeoplathic version which apparently has no real active ingredient.

      Genenerally melatonin is used to put you to sleep and is a hormone. Some side effects can occur. What is it about it that makes you think thats its good for acidic issues?. If you stop taking it how much worse does your reflux get?



    • Posted

      Hi Susan,

      I am working on the diet in the Koufman book and it is going well. I am struggling to get the Alkaline water here in the UK, but I am still trying. I also wondered, is the melatonin to help with a good nights sleep or reduce the reflux when you sleep?




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