Post Op 12 days on
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Hi Everyone. Just thought I would update you all on my recovery. Do I have pain? Yes - this is the muscles repairing themselves - they have had a major traumatic time. This may be an 'everyday' operation but it is still a major op. Everyone will heal at different rates - alot will depend on how 'active' you were before the op. Is the operated side swollen? Yes -but this is normal. If you have alot of swelling, get medical advice. You might need to lay down with your foot higher than your heart. Are my stitches/staples out? No - this is happening on Friday. Can I shower? Yes - I shower everyday including hair. This makes me feel so much better. Just take my time and sit if I need to. How am I sleeping? Still on back, sometimes with a pillow underneath the affected side especially if the leg is throbbing. I sleep in a semi recumbrant position. Not sleeping fully flat yet. Do I feel frustrated? You bet I do - I want to be so much further on than I am, but patience is a virtue (or so they say)! Do I have daily help? No, husband has returned to work. Have to use one stick in the home in order to be able to carry a cup of tea etc. Use a rucksack to carry miscellenous items i.e. puzzle book, kindle, purse, tissues, etc. Just take my time and potter when I feel up to it. Love tennis so with Queens on this week, Eastbourne next and then Wimbledon I couldn't have the op at a better time! Do I use 2 sticks? Yes. Everytime I go out. Using one stick all the time will instill bad habits - i.e. putting all your weight on the good leg. To get back to normal walking you must put weight on the operated side. I got 'wrong' from Physio son last night - I was standing with my legs too close together. Stand with a wider astride - you are more likely to put your weight equally on both legs with a wide stance. Otherwise you are protecting the 'injured side'. Have I suffered from Post Op Blues? Yes. First day home was horrid. Husband was at work. I was frightened in case I fell. I was annoyed that hubby was unable to spend time at home when I needed him. No one to talk to. No one taking blood pressure etc. No longer the centre of attention. Was not confident to have a shower. Found everything difficult. Think there was also an element of the 'cocktail of drugs' leaving the body. When did I feel better? Thankfully the next day. Helped that son took the afternoon off to spend time with his mum and then hubby was off the next 2 days. Friends and Family have been major factors in helping with the recovery. I have hayfever as a result of so many bouquets of flowers! How old am I? I will be 55 in just over a weeks time - more cards to fill the house! Husbands was last week plus the get well cards. Could start a shop! Is it Easy? No, but I am feeling postive and I hope that my experience will help others. It is not pain free - take pain killers when you need them. Yes, they might make you constipated but you need to keep moving to improve. I am sure I will hit another brickwall sometime but taking one step at a time and crossing each bridge as it presents itself. Good luck everyone. We are on the road to recovery. There is light at the end of the tunnel xx Mo
3 likes, 4 replies
mic71403 MoDem01
All sounds a normal healthy trajectory!
Just wish someone would design a cup attatchent to the crutches!
lynne09047 MoDem01
well I enjoyed reading your update, the ruck sack idea is great!! why didn't I think of that
anyway I went thru all those stages too, now I'm 7 months post opp, but I'm going in for my other hip to be done this month, I agree that putting all your weight on one side is bad, but in my case I have no choice, anyway good luck with the rest of your recovery,
karen50048 MoDem01
renee01952 MoDem01
have a great day - warm hug