Post surgery, nerve sparring minimally invasive robotic prostatectomy
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I'm 52 years old and was diagnosed with PC back in January. First biopsy I had done came back with a few areas of PC, Gleason score of 6, so I was advised to do active surveillance. I decided to get a second opinion at Memorial Sloan Kettering, and thank God I did. They didn't want to use the results of my first biopsy so I had to go for another one through them. Results were Gleason score of 7 which makes that an intermediate risk rather than a low risk and I was advised I now have to do something. That was very difficult, at first, of course I was sad, depressed and scared, then I got angry and my first reaction was, I want my prostate out, I don't want this cancer in my body. Hearing about the side effects with ED and incontinence, I did have my reservations. I did my research and decided that my best option was to have the Nerve sparring robotic prostatectomy. I'm posting this because I hope I can help at least one of you that's going through this difficult time. I was told so many different things, "no more erections", "maybe they'll come back in a year, two years" , "maybe never hard enough for penetration", Incontinence, etc etc. Well I have to tell you, I can not believe how well I'm doing, I feel so blessed, not even 3 weeks post surgery and I've surpassed my expectations to say the least. My surgery was 8/11/17, I have not had a drop of urine leakage, I've been on a low dose of viagra (20mg per day) since two weeks prior to my surgery, and within two weeks post surgery, I had a slight erection. 17 days post surgery, I had a full erection, hatd enough for penetration. I'm amazed, and so thankful that I chose the path I did, I was told by a friend of mine who happens to be a urologist, I was too young to mess around with seeds, radiation, cyber knife, etc
My pathology report came back, and it was confirmed that the cancer was a Gleason 7, and it was contained to my prostate only. I highly recommend the surgeon I used, he was fantastic, he sat with me, answered all of my questions very patiently, and although I know, sadly, we're just numbers and statistics, but he didn't make me feel that way for a second. His name is Dr. Vincent Laudone, Memorial Sloan Kettering, he has done over 2,000 of these procedures. Sorry for the long post, I just want to help as many of you as I can, I know the feeling and it can be very overwhelming. Good luck to you and may God bless you
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auntiebeanie hopeful65
RichardKen auntiebeanie
Dear Auntiebeanie
Yes I agree with what you have said. The OP has indeed been very lucky with the outcome of his surgery and from all I have read over the last two years on a rather more dedicated to prostrate cancer forum this is VERY far from being the normal outcome so guys
For most it takes many months of a lot of trial and error to get back any sign of an erection and many men and their partners get very depressed as a result.
I had a Gleason score of 7 and was advised and chose after an amount of research to go down the hormone treatment and RF route and that was eighteen months ago that treatment was finished and my psa level has been stable at less than .1 thankfully.
As far as erections go I can manage quite well with just one 10mg tablet of Levitra but have some heart burn for the next day or so. I have recently added the use of a pump which I really had to fight for to help keep the penile tissues in good shape.
I have to say that the after support was very dependent on me pushing for what I wanted so I'm sure many men are left with little to no support and just have to accept their lot.
Prostrate cancer is not nice to have and can totally destroy ones confidence in many areas of life and can destroy a previously good intimate relationship. Please go into this with both eyes wide open.
Cheers Richard
hopeful65 auntiebeanie
I am sorry to hear that, and seeing some of the responses here I'm getting concerened. My doctor did tell me that even though I did achieve a full erection, that could go away. I've also heard that the penis can shrink. Is that something that happens in the future? Or would that have happened to me already?
I will follow up with my conditions in a month or so, I pray that I maintain these positive results, and I'm sorry that so many haven't had similar outcomes, seems like more men have had negative results than positive ones from this procedure. Best to all of you!
RichardKen hopeful65
I think going on what I have read over the last two years on a dedicated UK prostrate cancer support web site is that you have been extremely fortunate and this is very far from the experience of most men.
I understand that the loss of length of ones penis depends largely on the length of the removed prostrate gland. As far as loss of girth is concerned I suspect this is directly related to the loss of blood flow to the blood carrying tissues in the penis.
My reasons for pushing my doctor to refer me to the local urology doctor for a pump was to assist in keeping my penis in a healthy state. I've only been using the pump for a couple of week but the results are promising.
Due to the inaction of the 'experts' who basically left me high and dry after my treatment I've had an unacceptably long period of not moving forward with my recovery. I suspect most men are poorly supported after they have finished whatever treatment they have had which is an utter disgrace.
Cheers Richard
hopeful65 RichardKen
I'm sorry to hear that Richard, I have to say that the team at Memorial Sloan Kettering were very good, they sent me an email questionnaire every morning at 7am post surgery, and if they saw an answer they didn't like, I received a call from a nurse by 8:00 am that same day. Unfortunately most are as you said, they make it pretty clear that we are all just a number and a statistic, it's very sad. I'm thinking maybe I should try the pump so I don't loose what I've achieved, my nurse did say that although I was able to get an errection, it could go away. I wish you all the best and hope you get some better results in the future
RichardKen hopeful65
Thanks for your concern. I lived in Wales in the UK at the time and had a lot to deal with apart from the PC treatment but once I had over to where I live in the south of theme UK I had learnt a bit more a about rhe possibilities and became a lot more proactive!
Certainly I would be inclined to add a pump to make sure that you maintain the size you have.
All the best
MK51151 hopeful65
i am glad you had such wonderful and quick recovery of urinary and erectile functions. Wonderful to hear such great outcome. Your outcome is exception and not a norm for everyone who underwent RARP.
My case was total opposite. I was diagnosed at 51 with PCa 4+3 and underwent RARP on November 2, 2016. I recovered 98-99% of urinary function by the end of 3 months. As of now, almost 10 months post op, recovery of erectile function did not start yet. I am still at the point where I was when awaken from surgery with only difference significant loss of length for 2+ inches and loss of girth. According to my surgeon, he also spared both of my nerves but who really knows that. OR holds lots of secrets which will never see daylight. My cancer was also organ contained with negative margins and negative limphnodes. Fortunately, I was downgraded to 3+4 after surgery.
Before surgery I never had any problems with achieving and maintaining my erections for as long my wife and I wanted. I am healthy 52 years old, not on any medication, non drinker, non smoker, not overweight, very active.
I tryed Cialis, Viagra, VED and did not have any success with either. Since April, I am using TRIMIX which gives me erections most of the time but my penis looks pathetically small like when I was 10 or 11. I am loosing hope to be normal again and be able to enjoy sex which my wife and I consumed very regularly. My orgasams post surgery are nothing compared to prior to surgery. I was able to experience orgasm only 3 times so far and it felt like switch was turned off just before it started.
To summarize it, I am very disappointed with outcome and I wish I stayed on AS against medical advice.
hopeful65 MK51151
brent38963 MK51151
I fully sympathize with your story and like you was also a Gleason 7 and directly steered into having a Robotic Prostatectomy last April, 2016. Organ confined and excellent pathology and surgical report so I was told! I also had a very satisfying sex life until prostate cancer surgery literally devastated me not only physiologically but psychologically as well! My continued grief and loss is overwhelming and I struggle everyday to make sense of all this all the while second guessing myself and ruing the day I ever agreed to surgery! Local Cancer Center not open and honest and complete lack of fully informed patient consent! I too had bi-lateral nerve sparring but so far it seems like such a crock! Partial erections very early on and I did start the VED for tissue maintenance about 3 1/2 months in hoping to stave off any permanent damage. Daily Cialis 5mg. since last December has not produced the complete erections necessary for satisfying intercourse so I will be also starting injections next month. I am scared but resigned to whatever comes of it! I will agree with you that orgasms post surgery SUCK without the prostate! There's nothing normal about any of this and to have to accept a new normal due to a surgery that is at best man's inhumanity to man under the guise of curative medicine is more than cruel, it's depraved and downright criminal! I have lost all faith in the medical profession but believe that what goes around comes around! I hope your situation improves and that you find some peace in time.
anthony70342 hopeful65
anne05147 hopeful65
n-mac hopeful65
I'm 8 years older than you, and setting aside the continuous battle against the bulge, have managed to stay pretty good shape, and was in pretty good shape in all pertinent health and functional ways at the time that I was officially diagnosed with PC (G=7) on 12/02/16. From your description, it sounds like other than the age difference, my experience at MSKCC has been strikingly similar to yours, except the surgeon who performed my RALRP (03/31/17) was another member of what I have come to refer to as the "Top 3" at MSKCC (Doctors Laudone, Eastham, and Coleman). My surgeon was Dr. Coleman. The surgeon who performed the RALRP on the gentleman recovering in the private room beside mine (also G=7) at Josie Robertson Surgery Center was one of the other Top 3. From keeping in touch now and again since then, I would say that his results in terms of healing, continence, and potency have been close to, if not on par with mine.
I'm overwhelmingly thankful and grateful for the path that I firmly believe I was divinely led through that ultimately took me all the way from the heart of Texas to MSKCC in NYC, especially the outcome that I have been amazingly blessed to have experienced. This so much so that when I read stories from others on this board and others (e.g.), the many that bring tears as well as a few now and again like yours, I become inspired to tell as many men as I can who are currently journeying through this PC travail and those to follow about my life changing journey and amazingly better than hoped for outcome, so that hopefully they too can realize the same.
To try and keep it short (challenging for me), I'll summarize for now as follows:
1. Perhaps life saving, and part of the divine guidance was having a 2nd biopsy taken by Dr. Ehdaie at MSKCC in early February about 3.5 months after initial diagnoses biopsy and MRI analysis done locally in Texas. My oh my, what a difference in analysis and results. Local results where 3-cores positive all in left rear base to mid area with G=(3+4), (3+4), (4+3), no PI, and no ECE found in MRI. MSKCC results including second opinion on the same MRI were very different in major ways with 3-cores positive all in left to mid, G=(4+3) in all three, PI positive in one, and ECE probable (50/50 chance). Yikes, much worse than the initial!
2. Post surgery MSKCC pathology was pretty much in line with the pre. ECE was present in lower rear left base (stage raised to pT3a) and PI identified, but no lymph involvement, no vascular invasion, no seminal vesicle involvement, no bladder neck involvment, and all surgical margins negative. Some bad mixed with a fair amount of good.
3. Soon after surgery in recovery room, Dr. Coleman informed me that nerves were 100% spared on both sides. Further good news.
4. Ultra sensitive PSA taken on 06/05 < 0.02 (9+ weeks post RALRP), and again on 08/16 < 0.02. Hooray! Next PSA check is planned for late November.
5. 100% dry since time catheter removed on day-7 post RALRP. No leaks, not even when sneezing, coughing, lifting, straining, etc. So happy about this one!
6. Lost a noticeable amount of upper body muscle (shoulders, chest, arms) very soon after RALRP and persisted through the prescribed 6-week no 10+ pound lifting period, but this can be brought back by restarting some resistance exercise/training as soon as able post 6-weeks. Probably would be the case as with any major surgery. Never expect that just because it's laparoscopic, RALP is not a major surgery. It is. For me, the first week was the worst, 2nd week got a good bit better, and after 4-weeks things really started looking up. I recommend long walk, walk, and more walk (with kegels continued) as much as possible during this no-lifting time period.
7. Started having inklings now and again of slight erection (50 - 60% full) about 2-weeks post RALRP. Woke to full erection on day 27, and things have been working pretty well since then. Takes a bit more time and touch to get things going, but hey that could be a benefit depending on how you look at it. Remain on Sildenafil under Dr. Mulhall's care to help optimize longer term recovery with no relapsing. Plan to ask to try things without it at next follow-up appointment in early December. Low-T is also a factor (had this long prior to PC diagnoses), so taking T-Gel supplement daily for that one, and it makes a big difference.
8. Today (08/31) marks exactly 5-months post RALRP. Recently (within last couple of months) have noticed that climax during sex, although a bit different, is different in a better way, meaningfully more intense, and lasts 1.5 to 2x times longer. I've of late been wondering if perhaps it was the case that the diseased state of the gland was actually acting as detractor and inhibitor in that regard? After all, it is clear now that the little booger was badly messed up, and likely had been getting evermore so over time. Hard to put my finger on it, but I had noticed from time-to-time a sometimes dissappointing level of degradation in this aspect over the years past. Plan to ask doctor about this at next follow-up.
9. Although I can definitely dance to it, sort of sadly I can no longer emulate the jewelry related lyrical content included in the long ago released popular ZZ-Tops tune. However, all things considered, in the grand scheme, a minor concern and trade-off.![wink](
Factors that I think positively affected my overall outcome where as follows:
1. First and foremost, the surgeon & surgical team
2. My overall urological, potency, and general physical condition going in.
3. Focused kegel regime while taking 4-5 mile walks 3-4 times per week, as well as often when standing and sitting with feet pointed outward at a 45 degree angle.
4. Prescribed regime of Sildenafil starting 1-month pre-RALRP, and resumed after day-7 catheter removal. Cialis is maybe better if you can stand the much higher cost.
5. Prayer, faith, and best effort at keeping a positive attitude. Constant expressions and deep feelings of gratitude, humility, and humor can be the best spirit friends in these times.
6. Last and far from least, the best life partner one could ever hope for to give care and support both before and during recovery.
Finally, Dr. Mulhall at MSKCC is a well known expert on Men's sexual heath. Depending on one's own personal assessment, setting up a consultation pre or post surgery (or both) could be very helpful. I also recommend his book "Saving Your Sex Life A Guide for Men with Prostate Cancer"
There is hope, and IMO MSKCC is probably one of the best, if not the best place to find it. All the best in all of the viable treatment options, and experts in the field for each are available there (be it RP, all the latest RT methods, focal, and AS), and you'll be able to decide on the one that you come to see as best for you.
As a final valuable tip, those having treatment at MSKCC can request through their assigned social worker to stay free of charge at the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge located on 32nd St. between 7th and 8th Ave. It was absolutely wonderful to stay there through catheter removal, and MSKCC provides free shuttle service to/from the Lodge every 30 to 60 minutes depending day and time. As would be expected, space is limited, so plan on making the request at least 4-weeks in advance to helps ensure fulfillment, and always keep in mind that the ACS and all the great work it does are 100% supported by donations.
May the God of Abraham and Son of Man bless and guide all who read this.
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RichardKen n-mac
All the best Richard
vincentb hopeful65
Glad you got result.i had prostate seminal vesicles & lymph nodes removed. Non nerv sparing and still get erection not quite as hard but hey that's a miracle considering everything😊
RichardKen vincentb
That's fantastic news Vincent. Look after it! Cheers Richard