Post vacation issues! Help!
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I really hope you can help me, atleast in settling some anxiety that I am currently having.
I was on vacation last week, and was expecting that I might experience some additional menopausal symptoms (palpitations, aches and pains etc) mainly because we were in a warm place, and I am not a big fan of hot temperatures.
But during the whole week I had a wonderful time though it was really warm and I ate (and drank J) more than usual and did not have even a single episode, other than panting while walking uphill and complaining about the heat.
Now back home in my “normal environment”, I am having my usual anxiety symptoms. I have this odd pain/discomfort in sternum (chest bones) and I feel tightness in the neck. Can all this be related to menopause that decide to come and go? I had a complete heart related check-up not too long back where everything was fine.
I guess I am just looking for some advise and wondering if any of you had / have similar experiences? Am I just overreacting or should I go for a new check-up?
Please help!
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Sassyr12a Pra_Adoni
I wonder if you had some relief simply because you were on holiday, enjoying and relaxed. Anxiety can cause some weird and wonderful symptoms.... I think you just had a really good time which helped with the anxiety , now you're back home it's back to normal. I had the same thing when I went on a cruise this year. You could always go to see your doctor if you're worried, but think you need to create your own feeling of vacation at home! Xx
Pra_Adoni Sassyr12a
Hi Sassy,
most probably! I think what helped me relax more was more sleep. I'm a night owl and usually go to bed quite late and have to get up early to go to work. But during the vacation, not only was I sleeping around 10 PM, but also drastically reduced screen time (weak wifi reception in the room). Now back home / and work, I'm back to my old ways (grrr...), with similar symptoms.
I guess I need to make some changes

Sassyr12a Pra_Adoni
Yeah, making those changes is really hard, I am the same . At home I fall into really bad patterns like googling, spending a lot of time on my phone, reading news, not having breaks from work etc and it's surprising how quickly it sucks the life out of you. I tried to start small, setting timers in the day to do some meditation, popping out for a walk in the morning, making sure I drink plenty of water and stopping for a proper lunch..... Just a case of getting more balance, and switching your brain off xx
CarolKelso Pra_Adoni
Pra_Adoni CarolKelso
Actually I was thinking of doing the same...keep a diary / note the changes and appearance of the symptoms that are more noticeable.
I have had only one partial period in March after almost a year (freaking me out and sending me to the doc...which was thankfully, nothing!) and after that I have been noticing some discomfort, tenderness a few times a month. Most probably it is related to my cycle! Thanks for a great tip!
I have learnt in the last year not to freak out for every small (or big depending on what it is) thing, thanks MAINLY to this site and all your comments, tips and support. I was totally unaware that menopause / peri has such major impact on us. I was at uni (living on campus) when I think my mom was going thru it and we did not discuss it at all...and sis lives in another country and when she mentioned about her issues, I did not realise how debilitating it could be....but anyway, now I am talking abt it with all my friends and "preparing" them for what is to come, what to expect and where to find help. I wish someone else had done that for me.... but well, better late than never!
Thank you all so much!!
debra16694 Pra_Adoni
Hi Prat - I had the same thing happen to me at the end of April - I had actually been to the Er in mid April & had these holiday plans for the end of April. I was so anxious about going & leaving my husband and had such “health anxiety” before going. I was gone a week & never had a symptom the whole time I was gone, came back home & it all started up again. I personally think it’s menopause symptoms that just get escalated by anxiety. There is such a strong mind/gut/heart balance that we walk every day, maybe the change makes our bodies forget what it was dealing with. This is why just getting out in nature is so helpful to our situation.
Pra_Adoni debra16694
I can understand Debra. I was this close calling the doc yesterday! Like I said before, I had all the check-ups (EKG, blood work, ultrasound, pap-smear, biopsy....) done in March/April and there was no prob with anything. I do know I need to loose weight (sigh...who doesn't?), but apart from that, there was no issue.
We had all-inclusive so I did enjoy the buffet and drinks the whole 8 days, but never had any tummy problems, but come home, with home cooked food and back to my "normal" eating, I suffered a couple of days of heartburn and acid reflux, and after that, this pain in chest bone! Sometimes I wonder whether this will ever end! Gets tiring!
But I guess I need to be patient and treat myself with more patience.
chris620531 Pra_Adoni
I have same symptoms, chest and neck, it’s usually either acid from feeling tense and also muscle tending up causing referred pain up in neck.
Also we have much more responsibilities back home so all tension.
Try bicarb in water first to see if helps. I’m on omeprazole which shifts the symptoms.
If not try heat pad around neck area to relax the muscles.
Worth a try. Good luck x
Pra_Adoni chris620531
Very true reg the responsibilities Chris....its mainly work related for me. I had left my projects in different stages for 10 days, and coming back to a full inbox was not too good!
I do take bi-carb + water and / or warm lemon water to settle my stomach and it does help. I have taken omeprezol a couple of times (hubby's tablets), but am very very restrictive in taking any medicines. I prefer to go the natural route as much as possible...
I will try the heat pad to relax neck muscles. I use it for my sciatica and knee sometimes...
Thanks a ton for your answer!
Indifferent Pra_Adoni
Pra_Adoni Indifferent
susane84679 Pra_Adoni
same here. we were in California for a family reunion and 6 days of camping in the mountains. the whole time we were gone not one symptom. when we got back it all started again. I think when we are at home we notice more and have time to think about it. the stress of running a household and family causes a lot of symptoms to come and go. hope you feel better soon!
Pra_Adoni susane84679
I have noticed that I was symptom free while away from home. During summer holidays it was usually on-off days wrt the symptoms, and during christmas/new year holidays its the same.
This year I have to make a note of when / how often I get the different symptoms....
Hang in there!
audra86673 Pra_Adoni
We went to Hawaii last month. Had a great time and no symptoms. Even my breathing was normal while hiking long, steep ridges! We get home and a week later, symptoms started creeping back in. Thing is, I had been doing really good for several weeks before we left and when we got back it seems I took a couple steps backwards! I have some anxiety now which hadn't been an issue for me for months. I'm very tired again as well. I think it was just getting back to reality! My daughter is having thyroid issues and starting her sophomore year at college. That has me so stressed as she is unwell and trying to muddle through. The mom in me just wants to take it away and make it better, but this is out of my control and that kills me! I'm trying new approaches to stress relief in hopes it will bring me back to a better place.
I think it sounds like you are having physical symptoms of stress. Since you've recently had a heart check I wouldn't worry about it. That will just cause more stress and anxiety and make it worse.
Hang in there!
Pra_Adoni audra86673
Thank you so much for all your comments once more!!