Postmenapausal with breast soreness and pain for about a week and a half.
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I haven't had a period since October 2017. So I am post menopause had horrible peri menopause symptoms. It wasn't abnormal while I was having periods to have breast tenderness. But this is worse and intermittent. Both breast with ache/hurt/pain. Sometimes one will ache or only a part of one breast will ache and then the other will do the same. It is mostly my right breast I had a horrible upper backache with it yesterday. But so far today it is just both breast ache and feel sore. It is the breast muscle, not the breast itself and my nipples do not hurt. I just changed my bras to without under wire. I switched to a smaller purse. But I don't think that is it. I am really worried about this. I have an appt with my Dr's FNP tomorrow morning. I have to get a referral to get my annual mammogram for this year. All my past mammograms have been clear. I don't expect to get much answers on a Sat morning. Probably will request blood test, etc. I am so tempted to go into the ER just to get the ball rolling. I am miserable and trying not to stress. I don't even know what to expect with post menopause. When I look it up on the internet, it seems I have either breast cancer or cyst or some other hideous disease. Ugh. I know peri-menopause this isn't abnormal but post???
Anyone else post menopause with this issue?
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CarolKelso Keljo48
ive had breast pain the last few days going into my a nerve pain..but comes and goes....breast very tender amd been feeling for lumps ect but nothing...i choose not to worry as other issues with menapause wind and bowel issues so im just getting on with it.....try not to worry and get checked out if really concerned . ..
Keljo48 CarolKelso
I just came back from the ER and had chest X rays and an EKG and bloodwork. Everything was fine. I have an appt with at my Dr's with a FNP at 8 am tomorrow morning. At the very least to get a referral to get my mammogram scheduled. I don't have any lumps or anything. But the pain is worse than I ever had in my life in my breast. It is hard to concentrate on anything. I take a probiotic and I gave up caffeine, sugar, and eat a low fat bland diet now. I do have LPR so I need to keep to the bland diet to help control it.
The new bras and smaller purse hasn't solved my issue makes life more pleasant 😃
sharcerv52408 Keljo48
Hi Keljo,
I was going to say that it sounds like reflux. The pain from heartburn or reflux can refer into our breast muscles and the area in your back at the level of your breasts. It could be gastritis. When I get a nasty flare up of it I feel it in my breasts too. It is very unpl
Anyone interested. I went to see my Dr's Nurse Practitioner on Saturday. She said she would have them schedule a diagnostic mammogram. I just spoke with scheduling and it is a 3D imaging mammogram with an ultrasound afterward next Monday morning. Never had this done, I am a little nervous. I get a mammogram every year.
My breast pain has subsided. Actually have a bit of pain twinges in my left side breast this morning.
I am hoping it is just hormones and nothing serious. (Yes, I realize the irony of that sentence) But it feels like everything is serious as my hormones tap dance across my body. I thought it would be less as my periods have stopped, but I find that hormones epitomize health and wellbeing and whether they are fluctuating or rock bottom life can at many times be hell. I get so tired of struggling through the days. I told my husband I would sob if it didn't make me feel so much worse. Stress make this issue much worse. I also said to him "How can this not be something seriously wrong with me, this can't just be hormones, it feel so wrong"
The lyrics to this song seem apropos and they run through my head sometimes. 😃
I'm only human I'm just a woman
Help me to believe in what I could be and all that I am
Show me the stairway that I have to climb
Lord for my sake teach me to take one day at a time
One day at a time sweet Jesus that's all I'm asking from you
Give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus and tomorrow may never be mine
So for my sake teach me to take one day at a time.
Eliaimee1970 Keljo48
i was gonna go to the ER . i have similar symptoms . for the past few weeks i have been feeling with this pain is not a bad pain but i have been in the ER 2x and they do all heart test and in 2014, 2015 i had heart test , angiocardiogram , heart xrays, heart ultrasound , 100's ekgs, blood test, stress test you name it. im 49 and im still got my period but this past few weeks i have been having these pain on my left side of my shoulder on my left breast and radiates to my armpit and upper left upper back and left abodominal side of my abdomen, it feels like a muscle pain , no chest pain,. but ansiety think the worse so today i got my period and i want to know if anyone have the same pain.
malina55946 Eliaimee1970
hello! i read you post about the breast pain you had 10 months ago. how are you feeling now? i am having the same kind of pain as described by you, all tests and checks came back normal, but my pain is terrible: breast, arm, armpit, shoulder, fingers all on left side. Happy New Year!
I had my 3D mammogram today. It was all clear. I was told I have fatty breasts so it made the imaging pretty clear. Dense breast are harder to read apparently. So glad my fat is good for something lol. Didn't need the ultrasound they said because my mammogram diagnostic was that clear. My breast issues have been good lately. So more than likely menopause or something. She said they will keep the ultrasound on the books so if I have issues again it will give the another avenue to explore.
My breast are a little tender after a deep breast exam and then the mammogram, but it is to be expected. But I am relieved to have that done and good.