Postmenapause Bleeding
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Hi!! I'm new to this site but I hope someone might can help me. I haven't had a period in 16 months. About a month ago I noticed lower back pain but really didn't think anything about it. Last Tuesday night it was really bad almost like I had a catch or something but I just ignored it. On Thursday night I spotted and it continued thru Friday. By Saturday morning I was seeing a little more blood so I ran out to buy some panty liners. By Sunday morning I am having a full force regular period with of course the back pain and a few clots along with the bloating feeling. I did call my Dr's office on Friday and was told then was not normal that I would need to be seen. So I have an appointment this afternoon. In the meantime I have researched and one site I get scared to death and other places I feel more at ease that this might be normal for some of us. I had a biopsy done in 2015 due to my uterus was thick she said and I had a couple of polyps. The biopsy came back fine at that time and she wanted to remove the polyps to help with the heavy periods but I decided to leave them alone. Now I'm really worried that something is really wrong just because of this lower back pain over the last month or so and now I'm having this horrible period. Has anyone else had these issues with the lower back pain followed by a heavy period that ended up being uterus cancer? I'm a little nervous about my appointment this afternoon cause I know she will do another ultra sound and a biopsy. I just wished she wouldn't do anything but schedule surgery. Just go ahead and get this stuff out before it causes more issues.
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lynda20916 judi40048
Hi Judi, you did the right thing by going to your doctor, but she has to investigate before she can help you. I know it's very scary! Best of luck to you and please let me know how you get on. xx
judi40048 lynda20916
Thanks for responding. I had an ultra sound and a biopsy. Should get results by Friday she said. However the results turn out she wants to do a hysterectomy. I was wasn't polyps but a fibroid tumor from 2 years ago. She really thinks that is what's causing the bleeding.
gailannie judi40048
Judy, please try not to worry. I know it's easier said than done, however I've known several women who had off the wall periods after they had gone longer than 12 months without one. Please remember that our ovaries still produce estrogen even after menopause. (While all women are different, this can go on for years) So yes, your ovaries can produce enough to build up a lining and therefore create a period.
Get it all checked out of course. But don't worry yourself to death in the mean time.
Mars777 judi40048
Hi, i did have a hysteroscopy & polyp removed March of this year, All was fine i am postmenopause, it was due to bleeding but not to much, let me know how you go.
lynwell14 judi40048