Postmenopausal 9 years
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Hi 58 postmenopausal 9 years then 5 weeks ago started spotting went to doctors had ultrasound everything ok but ultrasound shown something wrong with bladder lots of backache by shoulder blades still spotting having bladder ultrasound on Monday doctor sent water sample off to hospital but that's come back clear can't understand what's wrong with me
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jayneejay sue65740
oh bless you hun, theres always something isnt there ..
you want to ask your doctor to fully explain ..
i didnt quite understand your explantion ..
have you had a bladder check or is that to come ..
was it just a urine sample checked ..
jay xx
Urologic Dysfunction After Menopause Symptoms
Urinary tract infections
Symptoms of a lower urinary tract infection include painful, frequent, urgent, or hesitant urination; lower abdominal pain; and fever.
Urine may appear cloudy and have a foul smell.
Blood may be present in the urine.
Painful urination is known as dysuria.
Symptoms of an upper urinary tract infection include fairly high fever (101 F), shaking chills, nausea, vomiting, and flank pain.
Bladder control problems
The most common types of bladder control problems for menopausal woman are stress incontinence and urge incontinence.
Women first notice stress incontinence as the leakage of urine that occurs with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure such as that which occurs when they laugh, cough, exercise, or even stand up quickly.
Urge incontinence, sometimes called irritable bladder, manifests as a strong, sudden urge to urinate.
Sometimes women with this type of incontinence feel the need to urinate so urgently that they wet themselves.
Bladder prolapse
The physical problems and resulting symptoms created by a prolapsed bladder range from mild to severe according to the degree or grade of prolapse.
Pelvic pain, low back pain, difficulty urinating, stress incontinence, and painful intercourse are just a few possible symptoms of prolapsed bladder. A woman with a low grade of prolapse may experience no symptoms at all.
A severely prolapsed bladder can cause painful, bleeding tissue to protrude from the vagina.
sue65740 jayneejay
sue65740 jayneejay
liz53953 sue65740
sue65740 liz53953
jayneejay sue65740
well try not to worry hun..
pelvic scan is fine ..
All will be explained on Monday ..
when you have a wee .. i know this sounds daft, but its so true..
always sit upright, dont lean forward like many of us do as it stops all the bladder emptying properly, can trap half of it in there ...
could be a slight bladder prolapse bothering you .. Its quite common after having kids and menopause ..
some have bladder drop abit prolapse, some have prolapse of the uterus
my uterus is slightly lower now 😞 plenty of pelvic floor exercises for me 😳
could be just a blip ..
I so feel for you .. Its the waiting isnt it ..
good luck hun ..
sue65740 jayneejay
jayneejay sue65740
i know hun..
well done you with your cycling .. I dare not cycle where i live .. Get knocked off my bike here ( Spain) 😳 plus its very mountainous ..
7 pints of water ? Good lord .. maybe you have stretched your bladder 😳
i no way could drink that much in a day .. I dont think..sounds alot ..
I never took HRT i dont know if you did or do ..
i am age 50 Sue and post menopause ..
however.. My Gyno did suggest the ovestin Estriol ( kindest oestrogen) to keep things at bay vaginally and bladder wise ..
its a vaginal estriol.. i Use occasionly .. ( not full HRT)
similar to Gynest Vaginal Estriol ( UK)
jay xx
Lily76822 jayneejay
Have been reading your posts re estriol and have learned so much about my recently diagnosed condition vaginal atrophy.
I have used Vagifem for two weeks initially but it didn't make the burning go away so then tried Ovestin as recommended by you for two weeks. I thought I had found the answer but now feel burning again. Doctor suggested trying both but after two Vagifem pessaries feel burning is worse so tonight I will just use Ovestin. Have tried everything available over the counter and from so called organic sites but just can't get back to normal. Any advice is welcome. This stage of my life is just the pits. Sorry to moan!