Postmenopausal bleeding

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I had a trans vaginal ultrasound and now they're sending me for a biopsy. They wouldn't tell me the number for the thickness of the uterus. I know the technician saw blood. Does anyone know how much they can find out from the ultrasound? I'm pretty scared.

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    To my knowledge they can pick out any abnormality.  I had a friend where they detected something in her uterus and sent her to have a the time she got her appointment it was gone.  What irritates me is when they can't  give out information about what is going on in your body.  I have had so many tests over the years, and the doctors keep all the information and tell you if it's normal or not but don't give a copy of the we are left wondering and worrying.

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    Sorry you're going through this.  In the US, the technician isn't supposed to inform you about anything.  A written report is usually prepared, then reviewed and approved by a radiologist and sent to your doctor.  You have a right to know why they're ordering any medical procedure, and to receive a copy of the report.

    I would imagine that you can demand that your doctor inform you what's going on and why these procedures have been ordered, and not be fobbed off by someone who's treating you like a child.    

    The ultrasound can show the thickness of the uterine lining, whether you have cysts or polyps, or other growths.  How do you know the technician saw blood?  Because you had a transvaginal ultrasound, some could have gotten onto the instrument because it came through your cervix.

    Please let me know how you get on.  xx 

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    I've had this done in 2016 and now I spotted again 15 months after my last period again. Had my transvaginal ultrasound 2 weeks ago and the endometrial thickness is 4,2mm.   Last time it was "hormonal surge".  From everything that I understand, it doesn't matter how thick the lining is, as long as there is postmenopausal bleeding, the protocol is transvaginal ultrasound and biopsy.  Scary I know, but try not to panic because many of us have been through it and it turned out to be a last hurrah!  Of course in my case, since its happening again it more of a hip hip hooray?  How long have you been postmenopausal?


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      Any time the uterine lining exceeds 4mm in a menopausal woman, the protocol in the USA is am ultrasound and biopsy. xx
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    Hi. No but I think that I have perimenopausal bleeding awaiting scan. Bleeding for three weeks now. Hope all goes well. 
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    Dont Panic, they may just be doing a biopsy as a precaution. Your bleed could just as easily be fibroids they often bleed. If it is anything more sinister be thankful that due to dilligence they have probably caught it early and can sort whatever it is easily. The worst thing you can do for you is panic. You need to keep as calm as possible until you have been told exactly what is going on. Big hugs to you XXX
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    I had this happen to me, and immediately had the biopsy & transvaginal U/S.  My gyno said they don't fool around with bleeding because if catching anything amiss early is key.  i have uterine thickening that needs to be dealt with, so had a Mirena IUD put in about 6 weeks ago.  I suspect it is doing the trick because I bled pretty heavily for 5 weeks, and now just a bit.   I figure my lining has to be somewhat thinner after all that! 

    I was terrified prior to receiving the results so I understand what you are going through.  I just kept telling myself how lucky I am to be alive in a time when we have these tests available to us and when doctors take these situations seriously. 

    Wishing you the best, and that time flies for you between now and when you get the test results.


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    Hi Judy! I went through the same situation a few months ago. I had transvaginal U/S but I had a Dr in the room with me explaining what he saw. He told me my lining was 4.1mm and suggested I still have the biopsy. Everything turned out fine. They can see your uterine stripe thickness, ovaries, fibroids, cysts and masses. I do not think they can tell if what they see is benign or malignant so that is why a biopsy would be recommended. And in the US the guidelines for uterine thickness is 4.0mm.  Good luck with everything!
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    I would think we would have a right to our records. I would request them if you want them. I rather not read mine (health anxiety). 
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    I am 59, never had any female problems, stopped cycles at age 54.  Suddenly, brown spotting, turned into a light period for a few days.  Went to my doctor, had a vaginal ultrasound and a biopsy...waiting for results.  Now Zero bleeding, no pain, and yes, I am very nervous...but from what I have read, it does irritate me that doctors put the "scare" in us...maybe they have to, who knows.  Hope all goes well Judy!  My friend had a total hysterectomy 2 years ago for the same thing...she had a thickened wall, with abnormal cells, but not cancerous.  She said she feels great...

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