Postmenopausal Bleeding
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It's been 12 years since I have had a period, so I am definitely postmenopausal. For the last few days I have had some needing. It isn't very heavy but definitely red, also have some low abdo discomfort, very much like a period and I know it sounds crazy but it smells like a period. I have a telephone appointment with my GP on Monday (in 4 days) but I am little worried. I am 63.
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lynda20916 sue28371
Hi, Sue,
Sorry you're going through this. I suggest that you go to see an ob/gyn as soon as you can, so that you can get proper testing. Don't let your gp tell you this is probably normal or fob you off. In my opinion a gp can't properly test or diagnose this. Sometimes women take symptoms such as yours to their go's only to have a long delay before they can be referred to a gyn. Gp's often try this test, for which there is a wait, and then that test, involving another wait, without any sense of direction or effort to be timely.
The idea is not to waste any time, but to go right to an expert. Most anything can be sorted if caught soon enough.
Best of luck to you! Please let me know how you get on! xx
Pra_Adoni sue28371
Agree 100% to what Lynda is saying. I too had a bleeding / period after a year just month, and of course I freaked out. I did go see a doc, and she did ultrasound and saw that my uterus lining was a little thicker and found cysts on ovaries. Am waiting for biopsy results to rule out any cancer.
so please insist on a test and ultrasound, especially because u have been menopausal for such a long time.
Do write how it goes and what the doc says.
All the best!
Pra_Adoni sue28371
Maud12345 sue28371
They have booked me an appointment for june go go back and see them
I no its scary i was the same
It will all be ok xx
I just noticed I should of put bleeding (stupid predictive text). It's also a worry because my Mum passed away at 68, she was in hospital having tests done on gross ascites (she hid it well). She passed away while she was in there, the only tests they managed to do was a CTscan which showed a mass but they couldn't see where it originated from and a guided needle biopsy for the fluid. The consultant said the abdo swelling was more mass than fluid. The fluid was sent off for analysis but the result wasn't back until she passed away. No post mortem was done. On the death certificate stated adenocarcinoma as secondary, the primary unknown. The consultant told me afterwards that he believed that the primary was probably ovarian/uterine. So you can see why I'm concerned.