Potatoe Juice
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Has anyone actually tried raw potatoe juice to clear ulcers and deal with gastritis and GERD?
I've read it's been scientifically proven that it works and that many medics actively promote it.
I'd like to know if anyone has experience of using raw potaoe juice with the above symptoms, how you juiced/ how much you took, and what the results were and over what period of time you got results.
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sanya11314 supermoon
You bring back memories of my beloved grandfather.
My grandfather did as he had to take so many medications, that he developed gastritis.
He had a store bought bottle and drank the amount of a 'shot' first thing in the morning and before every meal (about 3 times a day).
He swore it saved his stomach.
I juiced the smallest normal white and sweet potatoe for myself freshly and had no effect. (grated potato and through strainer, amount of 1/2 glass plus some water into it)
The uncooked starch can upset (depending on bacteria composition in guts) the bowls further down, hence the amount needs to be small.
(some can eat uncooked potato, others can't even tolerate 5 uncooked peas regarding starch digestion. Very individual. Not talking of poisons that get broken down during cooking, just regarding starch)
Others swear by a glass of three Cs (green cabbage, carrot, green celery) every day to keep stomach healthy. (fermented is often not tolerated well in guts)
Good luck!
supermoon sanya11314
Hi Sanya
Thank you very much for your response.
I suffer with gastritis, GERD, duodenal ulcer and hiatus hernia. Initially mastic gum really helped me, but recently I've got flared up and mastic gum is not helping anymore and I'm not sure what it is - so far it's being written off as IBS; I suspect it's ulcers again along with gastritis. I've had US scan which reveals nothing unusual and I'm absolutely loathe to undergo endoscopy again - - my experience was that I felt I was much worse after endoscopy.
Recently mastic gum is not helping me and this is getting me down, so I am looking for an alternative natural treatment.However, I had started taking mastic gum with omoprazole for some time thinking it would work better that way ( my theory being omoprazole would hold back the acid and allow mastic gum to work better) but I now know that mastic gum works well with acid rather than without it so I need to get off the omaprazole and then continue taking it. However, at the moment omaprazole is ht eonly thing helping me as cutting back the acid seems to prevent the sharp pains I am gettting, so I'm caught up in a vicious circle right now of having to continue omoprazole until such time as I feel the ulcer/s have healed and then perhaps start mastic gum again, or potatoe juice. In desperation I took a big glass full of potatoe juice recently and it caused severe stomach upset and a high temperature. I'll take your advice when I'm ready to try again and go for small amounts at a time, thank you.
sanya11314 supermoon
Oh dear, poor you, but no one tells one, isn't it.
The good old potatoe juice......
Yes, shot glass amounts only, the starch will play up in your intestine with bloating and cramps otherwise in most people, not all, but....you experienced it, too.
Potatoe juice is considered a form of antacid, being the base to sour, binding existing acid. Not hindering production though.
(My grandfather didn't take any PPI or H2blockers, but lots of heart meds mucking up his stomach)
Mastic gum is known to reduce stomach acid, too, if you know how, please let me know, does it work like an antacid (I guess) or on production?
May I just say please:
You probably had no effect of the omeprazole due to taking Mastic gum same 'time'.
all proton pump inhibitors (PPI) need a minimum of ph of 4.5 to work, a sour millieu, to get metabolised into active form, they don't work forever hence need to be taken again and again and acid will appear at a point again - not too high, but high enough-, so PPI will work again.
Hence PPI is a once or twice a daily dose.
If you take anything like an antacid, anything reducing stomach acid,
together with a PPI,
the PPI will not be metabolised into its useful state, was taken for nothing.
The problem:
if it was hindered by a short term relief like an antacid, there is no acid production reduction once the antacid has worn off = stomach emptied content into guts, gone from stomach, and people think, they have taken their PPI anyway for that period after antacid. Nope, if taken closely together the PPI is gone for good and not working.
I would actually try the omeprazole without the mastic gum
space those two 4 or 8 or 12 hours apart (depends how mastic gum works) to be on the save side.
As you noticed, it doesn't make much difference taking both together at same time or too close timely together, they don't work double, is clinically proven. One hinders the other if you don't consider the work mechanism and timing. (and I tell you: hardly a doc tells you that, my experience)
Here a rule of thumb:
Take any PPI minimum 12 hours away from any H2blocker.
Take any PPI minimum 4 -8 hours apart from any antacid (like Mylanta), as soon as stomach is emptied, this antacid is gone, you can swallow PPI.
Depending on symptoms sometimes it is quite good to give a combo, I don't mean that it was a useless combo, but one needs to know when and how to take them.
Antacids are immediate helpers, neutralise existing produced acid,
they can bridge the time until the full effect of PPI sets in (which can take days) or if PPI was just once a day thingy.
Also H2blockers are often used to bridge the first days or to get off PPI to bridge the time without to not go into total acid rebound effect when stopping PPI.
Once you have taken any acid reducer, you can never just stop from one day to the other, not even stop from one week to the other. the risk of producing excess amount of acid is huge, your body is smart, it trys to wind up the production, which is put on hold. Once the 'plug' of proction hindering is pulled, it's still in overdrive and one feels very very 'sour'.
You need to pull the plug slowly, over weeks and months.
Never take any other medication together with antacid (like Mylanta) since they often bind other medication and make it useless.
So please review your taking of omeprazole and mastic gum intake,
if you could have actually canclled out the benefit of omeprazole.
By accident meaning well.
Yes, the ulcer needs to be healed and PPIs are actually quite good as the first band aid, they are the most powerful acid production reducers.
If you have GERD, that's a bit more of a problem then 'just' gastritis.
The oesophagus is not made for acid, the stomach is.
I hope you get your symptoms under control!!!
Best of luck!
supermoon sanya11314
Thank you so much Sanya; that is so helpful and much appreciated. Are you a doctor or herbal doctor ? Or have you gone through this awful experience yourself? Hope you don't mind me asking - my wife and I are just so impressed with your level of understanding and knowledge on this subject; it's so kind of you to share this information and in so much depth.
I now see what you mean about taking mastic gum with omoprazole.
I've always been baffled as to what causes these flare ups - is it HP bacteria or ulcers or both or one causing the other....I suppose it makes little differance, and I'm no actual hurry to find out by means of the dreaded ensoscopy.
I felt traumatsied by my symptoms, diagnose, and endoscopy ten years ago and just about got a stage where eventually I managed quite well with mastic gum on its own. But slowly I (wrongly) theorised about how it probably works best and got used to taking it the wrong way, and now I have a really bad flare up and wish I knew how long this is going to last. I often get an uncomfortable and sometimes severe cramping or pains both after and before eating ( if I leave it too long ). I'm on a very restricted diet all of a sudden and I'm just eating whatever I hope may be healing and not damaging or cause a flare up. I'm confused about wheat and gluten as they are among the foods I believe don't bother me ( I'm fine with white flour products not brown) but I'm really worried they are feeding the bad bacteria. NOt sure what is actually causing the pain and bloating - is it bacteria or ulcer or both.
I'm so desperate to heal I've bought matula tea and the advice I've received from them is to stop omoprazole first before taking the tea. I'm hoping the ulcer (?)will have healed maybe after 4 to 5 weeks. I want to try that and then go back to mastic gum. Have you heard of matula tea? Has anyone else here tried it?
I'm still not clear on what it is exactly mastic gum or the matula tea will or may do. All I know is the mastic gum works for me. I don't know how it works - if it stops the acid like an antacid and/ or kills HP bacteria. I think matula tea is reputed to kill the bacteria. I'm assuming there is HP bacteria ( I can only do the stool test to verify this 2 weeks after stopping omoprazole but for now omoprazole is my saviour) .
I'm guessing mastic gum and matula tea work by killing bacteria and that in turn helps reduce acid build up and re-set the balance as it were; I will of course continue to take acidophillus. However, sadly, I literally can't stomach kefir - twice I took it recently, a glass full and it kicked off severe episodes which was really disappointing as I wanted to be able to drink kefir/ I did take a tiny amount another time and I was ok with that so I guess I have to build that very slowly. .
I'm thinking of taking slipperly elm and liquorice root with omoprazole right now to help heal up and treat on going symptoms.
Thanks again for taking the trouble to respond,
Best wishes.
supermoon sanya11314
Just wanted to clarify and expand on the pain symptoms - the pain is actually severe burning/ stinging/knawing, often accompanied by a noisy rumbling tummy with wind when empty and sometimes after eating , usually occurs especially after earing certain foods and if I get stressed the burning gets worse; I feel better when empty but then start getting pain around belly button area on either side and also from the chest in the digestive tract going all the way down. Confused as to what the symptoms indicate - bacrteria/ gastritis/ ulcer? or all 3? For last 7 years prior to this I coudl eat almost anyhting, just sufferred with indigestion and took omoprazole as needed. Been stressed last 6 months and very tense, don't know if this in itself could have triggerred everything this time.
sanya11314 supermoon
I like your forum-name btw since it was really a super moon few days ago.
I am sorry to hear you were traumatised by the gastroscopy.
It is a good, but yet invasive procedure and I do understand the aversion very much due to the procedure's nature.
My grandmother was tortured with it and injured, my mum flys through it like a yearly routine check up. So one and the same procedure can be very different, of course. Nothing to brush off.
Hopefully things have improved over the 10 years compared to your first endoscopy experience (was it more during or after bad experience?), because the 'knock out' my daughter got this year, was wonderful
(Propofol was given, a profound sedation under full supervision)
Maybe also different doc or location could do the scopes if you ever needed one again?
My family including myself have been through a lot;
my mum seems to have your symptoms, for decades -with hiatus hernia and GERD she needs the acid reduction for sure even ulcers in stomach and duodenum are long gone, the oesophagus is irritated and damaged,
-always depends on situation, if risks outweigh benefits-
I studied medical science and have years/decades of work experience in some different lab fields and it seems easier to read through publications/studies therefore. But that's all. I am not a medical doc.
I always loved -despite my love for chemistry- alternative medicine
(only exception: homeopathy, which must not be ever confused with naturopathy - then again 'belief' and 'placebo' effects are very well documented, too. But difference is important to know when coupling different treatments if they interact or not. Herbs are powerful.)
What helps one, might help the other, or might not.
Under the line there are some do and dont's
(e.g. like spacing PPI from other acid reducers simply due to chemical reaction)
The problem:
there are many very individual reactions re food and treatments apart from the common 'do and dont's'.
Even for PPIs are so many different brands, since they have different side effects on individuals, what is taken without headache by the one, causes strong headache in the other.
You mentioned H.pylori.
Have you tested positive for it?
(you don't need a gastroscopy for diagnose)
It seems Mastic gum (1000mg a day, split in two serves?) and Matula tea - better two months than one- both treat more antibiotically the bacterial H pylori infection.
Some take Sulforaphane (isothiocyanate from e.g. broccoli sprouts) with it. for H.pylori treatment.
It seems to have an effect even studied in medical trials.
We got more bloated from a certain probiotic mix, which can occur first week, but should wear off. It didn't.
Currently I am taking bacillus laterosporus (more a yeast killer and does not colonise in your guts, it's flushed out within 3 days, but while present does its duty) and some normal bifidus and lactobacillus mix hoping they would colonise. Sometimes a good e.coli nissle 1917 thick capsule for colon.
It seems to work against bloating.
Some swear by completely gluten free diet even not having the coeliac gene or being gluten intolerant (biopsies, blood immune response test),
I guess the effect is also due to monitor more what is eaten.
For me personally the intake of household common sugar is more a problem than eating gluten containing starch products, that get digested down to di-and mono saccharides.
In contrary, my daughter's belly pain is less with bland white bread.
One needs to keep a food diary as annoying that is.
How is slippery elm going? I could only take the capsules, not the powder as it is really slippery.
Deglycyrrhizinated licorice and slippery elm are taken by many, who have wheened themself off PPI or during that period.
There seem to be no interaction of slippery elm with PPI.
As usual not taking straight together at same minute since you don't want to fibers of slippery elm to bind anything.
Hopefully you find something that helps!!
Trial and error, taking a long time, frustrating.
Ah yes, and many do a GERD diet:
mainly vegetarian for a while.
squash on its own or in a soup, greek yogurt, switching to lactose-free milk and soy milk, cutting out caffein, alcohol and fats......
Apparently also
Kefir has to be introduced in tablespoon amounts
due to the microbiotic composition, that might play havoc at first in guts.
But if it was due to some protein in the product, that causes the problem, you could experiment with different bases (different milks, coconut water) of kefir.
If also with small amounts and in different bases the problem occured, I would not take it anymore, but again, you can trial around a bit, maybe too much at once re bacteria or maybe the basis of product is what troubles and not the bacteria composition at all?
All, all the best!
supermoon sanya11314
Thanks Sanya. So sorry to hear so many of your family members are affected. What works/worked best for all of you? Might you all try fresh potatoe juicing ?
I note what you say about kefit and once feeling better I will try tablespoon amounts - I think it was the bacteria bothering me as I feel I am generally ok with milk as long as its very cold or freshly boiled, not in between.
My current action plan is to continue 20mg omoprazole morning and night for another week ( making 2 weeks total, but was taking on and off quite frequently before the 2 weeks as well) , then I'm going to cut to one a day and 12 hours later take mastic gum again. I plant o do that maybe for a month or longer until I feel well enough to come off omoprazole completely, then eventually do the 30 days matula tea. Meanwhile I'm going to take slippery elm maybe twice a day, IO am taking the liquorice as needed - I think it probably helps a little, I will continue manuka honey twice a day at least, drink a little aloe vera now and then, take fish oil a tablespoon a day, and bee pollen and propolis for energy as I have no energy and have been diagnosed "CFS". I am very slightly better in energy levels since losing weight and eating less on a restricitive diet with all this stomach trouble going on, but still generally exhausted and get exhausted fast. The pains affect my moods as well which make life hard for me and everyone around me.
I recently had flu and tried a propolos cough medicine which contains traces of eucalytpus and tea tree - literally can't stomach it due to that.
I feel I am losing hair due to omoprazole.
I am low in magnesium.
Believe I am low in B vitamins too and seem to have trouble absorbing vitamins. Mrs.Supermoon bought me niacin a while back - never tried it and little nervous about how/when to use it.
Would love to just feel normal, get better and feel better. I have constant joint pains as well, and history of prostatis ( non bacterial) .
We've tried so many supplements over the years but I'm so senstive in my digestion often we end up discontinuing or having to discard them.
I was diagnosed with HP 10 years ago , got rid of it initially with triple therapy but I think it's come bakc ona nd off over the years; so fed up of anti biotics and want to build up my immune system not damage it constantly.
supermoon sanya11314
Hi Sanya
I sent a reply but for some reason it's been sent for moderator approval, so hopefulyl it will be posted soon. Thank you so much for your valuable input.
sanya11314 supermoon
Hi, good morning,
No, I don't think the skin on the potatoe is essential for juicing,
in contrary,
the solanin (anti-eat poison) is in highest concentration in and just under the skin, depending of variety can be really high.
If you ate the uncooked skin, you actually can induce vomiting, diarrhea due to the solanin poison concentration (not even talking of soil contamination), depending on amount, that no one knows is in there.
There is a small amount of solanin throughout the potato, but so small, one can neglect it usually and sold potatoes are actually every now and then solanin content screened since also in cooked potatoes solanin can remain high, not just all destroyed to heat.
Another important fact:
use fresh potatoes,
use correctly (dark, cool) stored potatoes,
cut out the eyes of potatoes (skin off anyway),
especially if they start sprouting on the eyes, do not use that one raw,
never use a green part of a potato, even that is just chlorophyll, but it has the highest solanin content with it.
If you don't buy the potato juice in a bottle (steralized and tested product) and make it yourself (which I also did),
it is very essential to work very clean,
use a fresh potato and surely peeled!
You only want the anti acid effect of the potatoe juice,
we don't worry about vitamines, that could be highest under skin since the solanin is the highest there, too and needs to be thrown out especially uncooked.
(Hence when I boil potatoes, I boil them with skin and skin them after boiling since I don't like the watered down taste, that's ok. Different story)
As said the uncooked long starch (not even talking solanin poison) in potato will feed some gut bacteria and bloat.
So yes,
please peel, de-eye, rinse peeled potato before juicing (finger contamination possibility via peeling) and only drink small amounts,
then you should be fine and enjoy the benefits!
sanya11314 supermoon
Best helped for my family and constant treatment with PPI.
Sorry to say.
No one tested positive for H.pylori infection in any test, but since it is a physical problem (hernia) for my mum, there is no way to cure her (she doesn't want an operation).
Whenever my mum started experimenting (we didn't know about how bad she made it by going on/off in such short periods), it got worse, of course (now we know about how terribly slow one has to wheen off PPI and to bridge it and not counteract it by other antacids when finally taken again)
The absorption problem with PPI and low stomach acid is a problem after decades and hence she does get blood checks and take VitB skin patches.
But the esophageal cancer risk is higher for her.
But to know that, one needs an endoscopy to see the damage, get a biopsy, grade the damage and weigh risks of treatment versus damage.
If I was you I would get a H.pylori test (breath test, stool test):
the problem: you need to be off PPI for 2 weeks, so you might do that when going off them.
(Don't do the blood test since you were positive before and blood IgG test cannot tell you, if you are right now or if it was positive because of passed infection, that you had)
Sounds like a good plan you have and yes,
please stay on PPI and go off very slowly a month at a time with lower dose.
I fear at a point you will need an endoscopy if symptoms persist, because you need to know where you are (which kind of irritations or damages and where and if yes which grade).
So keeping fingers crossed you get symptom free!!!
supermoon sanya11314
Been meaning to write to thank you for your on going input, but haven't been feeling too good. Feeling a little better today and hoping I'm on the mend,
My symptoms currently are feeling pain, cramping, sore, with bloating - after eating as opposed to prior to eating. When empty I feel ok. Often I wake up at 3am and feel perfectly fine, with no discomfort and have no soreness in or around my tummy and sides. I cherish the feeling of wellness although I find it hard to go back to sleep !
The discomfort and pain only start after eating which is when I feel bloated and start burping; then I get painful cramps from the breast bone down to the belly button area ; it is uncomfortable and I have a feeling of soreness- from the left side under the ribs right down almost to the pelvic area beneath the hip. It is not always accompanied by burning, it depends what food I have eaten and how much, I generally do not experience what is "indifgestion" or reflux and I feel this is because the omoprazole keeps that under control.
I am still confused about what exactly my diagnosis is. The doctor I saw a few weeks back said "IBS" and prescribed buscopan. So I stopped omoprazole and took buscopan. I got worse and started ot feel burning and was getting reflux. So I went back on omoprazole and started to feel that was helping to ease the symptoms straight away.
Do you think everything I am describing is typical of ulcers? and/ or gastritis / or anything else? H.Pylori on its own?
I don't throw up at all; but I do feel nauseous sometimes and that seems to settle with burping/ wind.Right now, anything and everything bothers me when I eat, and also the extent of the symptoms depends on how much I eat.
The other night I had cabbage and potatoe soup and was in discompfort and pain/ wind the entire night - it was leafy savor cabbage liquidised with an onion and some potatoes. It gave me such a rumbling tummy and a sense of urgency like sooner or later I was going to have to rush to toilet but in the end I did not empty out or flush out at all - it must have all absorbed somewhere inside. It was very uncomfortable.
Thinking of making a lighter cabbage soup next time and not liquidising it, just boiling and eating the cooked leaves and water. Possibly with a little minced meat and a little whole potatoe.
I'm thinking to start juicing again, and to add just a shot of potatoe juice to apples and carrots - would it work just as well ?
Finally , have you ever heard of "belly button massage" or digestive tract/abdominal massage ? There appears to be a theory that when the digestive tract is playing up it is because it is "out of place" and needs to be massaged and coaxed back into position by means of suction with something like either cupping or manual massage.
Hope other people will free to input and comment as well.
Thank you so much .
sanya11314 supermoon
I am so sorry you feeling still unwell.
A food diary will show you if you can eat or drink cabbage and other foods, for some people it's THE cure, for others it's a no go. Same with raw potato starch.
Very individual.
As to massage and cupping, I personally think it can't work as anticipated, because...guts move, they always move freely, you can do handstands to get the guts 'up' (also the stomach through the hernia, not so good....), but when you go back, it flops back,
one can strengthen the core or do yoga intestine lift ups (browse, it exists), but the success is limited.
I think you can get the stomach, that slipped up through hiatal hernia, down with physical manipulation.
But guts even moved will move again.
So I personally cannot see the point as per outlined physically structurally, but more as a wholistic picture of relaxation and destress.
Going in colon direction with hand movements for constipation is known for peristalsis help, but that is not the same as changing location of physical gut loops.
Cupping...is very superficial, if you believe in 'hot' or 'cold' marks after cupping and eat or do acupuncture accodingly to pattern of cupping marks, is one thing, but physically moving and repositioning guts, another, I highly doubt that it can 'lift and reposition' guts, blood is drawn to the surface,
We tried cupping for months, but not for repositioning, but general wellbeing and 'chi' flow which might 'lighten' the guts and make them work better?
Not sure.
Don't forget you can't stop omeprazole cold turkey from one day to the other, you will get acid rebound. You need months to go lower and lower, probably bridge with H2blockers and ease them out, if you need or can stop.
A hiatal hernia can't just heal on its own. Also depends how big and how big the effect on stomach.
I really think you need an endoscopy at a point to actually assess the stomach and duodenum walls and take biopsies.
Revisit the hernia via xray?
Without it's a guessing game.
But it's chronic, you have time on your side and it's good if you do profound observation since that will give clues to doc.
All, all the best!
Really hope you feel better soon!
supermoon sanya11314
Thank you so much.
I've reduced omoprazole ot 20mg in the morning, and taking high dose mastic gum at night. In between I'm taking omoprazole both am and pm as required if I feel too uncomfortable and that generally helps keep it all just under control. Trying to maintain healthy diet ( inlcuding avoiding milk) and undertake exercise; am losing weight due to eating less.
Hoping to experiment more with cabbage and cabbage soup ! I did wonder if the liquidised version along with the potatoes was just too much in one go.
Thank you again for wonderful observations and suggestions.
All best wishes to you and your family, take care. .
supermoon sanya11314
Hi there
I wanted to mention I take it in tablet form on and off, not regularly; I feel sometimes it bothers me and gives too much wind and makes my stomach runny. However, I plan to try it on a regular basis when I feel significantly better.
I am feeling a little better the past few days and my energy levels are up and I am sleeping better. I have also started taking a drink recommended by someone else on this site, 3 x daily:
1 capsule of organic turmeric soaked in a teaspoon water, to which I then add a good teaspoon manuka honey and stir well till smooth, then add 4 teaspoons yoghurt and stir till it looks like a smoothie - it does taste quite nice actually.
Mrs SM ordered for me (vegetarian) digestive enzymes and I'm not sure when would be the bets time of day to take those and how often- instructions say to take once twice daily "as needed"; not sure also whether to start adding those in just now or to wait longer. My plan is to wean off omoprazole slowly; already I am taking omoprazole once in the morning now and mastic gum 1000 pm before bed; so 12 hour gap between the two.
Any advice on the digestive enzymes would be appreciated.
Thank you.
At the beginning of the first sentence above I meant to say "regarding slippery elm" .......
sanya11314 supermoon
Ah, slippy elm in tablet form, makes sense (it's really a gooey drink otherwise).
Very good if you feel a bit better.
The tumeric/yoghurt with honey drink sounds almost like the new fashion hype drink here 'golden chai', Good, if it tasts good, too.
Digestive enzyme content per capsule differ often, so you need to read the label for guidance of recommended dosage. (sometimes one has to take 6 what is in another product in 1 capsule).
Just swallow it before you eat. So that food and these digestive enzymes are together in your stomach, that's all it needs.
Usually they contain protein enzyme/digestion help.
(I opened the capsule and blend it into the drink my daughter had with food since she is fed up with swallowing too many capsules. Hide hide)
I love your MrsSM! She sounds very caring and nice.
all the best and keep on getting better! Way to go!
supermoon sanya11314
Hi Sanya11314
We have been meaning to drop you a line for some time just to say hello, also to wish you a very happy New Year, and we hope the holiday time is peaceful for you and you and your famioly are all well and managing on going gastric challenges !
I am faring a little better, much better in fact than when I first posted. I am not fully healed and I do not expect a full recovery before 6 to 12 months, but certainly I can now be a little more relaxed about what and how much I eat and I have to stop myself over eating. I have lost a considerable amount of weight which is a benefit, and have been exercising more and feel fitter and more energetic ; although I still do get typical CFS symptoms flaring up in between I would say overall even my CFS is marginally easier to cope with and I think it is the diet that has assisted.
I bought bottled potatoe juice and take it in small quantities. I don't honestly know if it helps and I can't say I feel considerably different taking it, especiailly because I am taking other things so its hard to tell what works. Defintely I feel now that slippery elm helps alleviate pain along with liquorice root tablets which I chew prior to a meal. I take mastic gum at night and teaspoons of manuka honey through the day ( incidentally someone suggested I do not use a metal spoon to take honey but I still do !). I avoid wheat and bread as much as possible; I find home baked bread troubles me less or not at all compared to store bought bread, but I limit my bread intake either way and also still tend to avoid sweet coffee which I love ( with the occasional lapse). I try to add in vitamin supplements and I think I feel worse after vitamin C.
I am low in magnesium and will work on building that with supplements.
Overall much better and living with more hope and optimism than when I started this thread. Thank you for your help and support along the way which we value veyr very much. Take care, and best wishes,
[ps: we are in UK/ where in the world are you if you don't mind us asking? !]
sanya11314 supermoon
Thanks so much for the positive update.
Is also very valuable since you described what you are actually taking/eating now and was helpful for you, which can be beneficial for others too in the same boat.
(often posters do not update and question somehow left in limbo for anyone trying to find an answer via reading through existing posts. Updates are so valuable! Ta!)
I wish you a Happy and better New Year too!!! Keep up doing what you are doing, sounds like the right track! Wonderful.
Take care!
(I am in Australia, but from Europe)
supermoon sanya11314
Hello Sanya
Just a quick update, still up and down realy. Sometimes getting pain in upper tummy/ abdomen, from region above belly button all way down to belly button. Accompanied by occasional sharp pain and soreness, sometimes before, sometimes after eating,
Continuing omoprazole , 1 per night at 20mg, and find the pain is aggravated if I don;t take it - really frustrating as I was hoping to wean off it and replace with mastic gum, but no chance so far.
Still taking slipperly elm as required, licorice root occasionally, these do help - especially .slippery elm helps with pain
I have matula tea line dup, not trie dit yet, but wnat to be off omoprazole.
Was keen to look into Dookanoos suggestion but it's disappeared along with another one I was hoping to look at this evening, oh well.......
sanya11314 supermoon
Maybe you would like to ask doc to switch omeprazole to a not as strong H2receptor antagonist? (This was the way for my girl to get off PPI very very slowly)
supermoon sanya11314
It really is such a long, long road, sometimes it seems there is just no end in sight. I now have the ranitidine, but what I am finding even when I try to reduc eomoprazole to every other day or even skip it only 1 in 3 days, I still experience stomach pain that only goes away with omoprazole. So frustrating. I desperately want to get off omoprazole. I am losing hair with it, and suspect mood issues and sleeplessness may be linked with it. I was hoping that after 3 months + of regualr omoprazole my ulcer would heal, so I am confused and anxious about the fact I still get what feels like ulcer pain more than 3 months down the line after watching my diet, and taking omoprazole. CFS doesn't help I suppose. I am constantly in pain, and having stomach pain adds to the distress. I have been overall better I must say, and perhaps careless the past few days in eating meat more than usual, but still wondering why I get pain without omoprazole and how to gradually come off it when I experience pain and discomfort every time I miss it. I generalyl take 20mg every morning but sometimes 20mg morning and 20mg night,
sanya11314 supermoon
Moment, you have Ranitidine (Histamin 2 blocker) AND Omeprazole (PPI).
Both are best taken before a meal. Some take PPI in morning, H2 blocker in evening.
Also PPI is simply stronger, a different action.
Histamin 2 blockers usually have the benefit side effect, of tackling nausea a bit.
If you struggle with a constant reflux or stomach ulcer, PPI are way to go.
I have to say some are on it, as mentioned,
for already 25 years. Since it can lead to malabsorbtions takes a vitB complex patch once a week. But can't get off.
The risk of getting acid related oesophageal or stomach cancer is higher than the risk of taking PPI for this person.
Half a year and healed and good would be awesome!
3 months is not a long time for an ulcer.
But sometimes it does not heal or physical structures (like hernia) always allowing a reflux, so that long term takling the acid since it was in places where it should not be, the better option.
Please discuss with your doc.
But if you feel that without it is not good, you better stay on it anyway.
Taking PPI every other day is also not good aparently.
It's better to take a smaller dose every day than double the dose every second day due to its work mechanism.
We went to 'every other day' with the lowest H2 blocker. But PPI the smallest dose every day.
The rebound acid effect is terrible. And even if it was normal acid, if the stomach is not healed or reflux happening, even the normal acid is to much.
All the best!!!!!