Pounding heart when relazing?
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Hi. I'm new to forum. 48 & peri - menopausal. Main problem has been hot flushes / sweating, day & night. These episodes have now developed into full blown anxiety attacks.
I'm taking Sertraline & Clonidine. It did help for quite some time. . but since then I've turned into a nervous wreck, with a constant heart pounding, usually when relaxing.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
Positive vibes to you all xx
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Pra_Adoni Sars77
It is quite common with pounding heart and hot flushes, sweating. I had really bad case of pounding heart for a few months, and of course my anxiety shot up the roof. But I got ECG done and all the usual check ups done, and when everything was normal, started searching for other reasons. One of the reasons given by my doctor was menopause/perimenopause, and now I realise that was the main reason.
I still get pounding heart now and then, but I dont freak out because I know the reason.
This is one of the best support forums, so do visit often if any other symptoms come up.
Look into natural supplements to help you with the worst of the symptoms, they really do help.
All the best and take care!
Mars777 Sars77
Hi Sara I know how your feeling .. these symptoms of sweating Anxiety effected me 3 years post memo
Really bad the only thing that has helped me is HRT .. I've come off them twice now ... ugh symptoms came back I'm on them now .. could not live with those symptoms quality of life is so important.
mrs_susan74280 Sars77
HI I am 58 menopausal with rapid heart beats , anxiety with a sort of buzzing inside having attacks where I have to go to loo all the time , was boiling uo on and off in the night plus the days ! 4 weeks ago woke up with bad palpitations shakeing weeing all the time had to go to doctors , was put on 15mg of mitazapine and 10 of Citalopram, this helps with sleep but has not helped the nervous and toilet issue, also lost appertight in the mornings till about 5 pm then can eat , have been though he'll the last year's with hot flashers, tryed lots of medication, proazc, gabipentin, pregabian, magnets, herbs, mitazapine has help for the hotness , but not anxiety, I will carry on
Mars777 mrs_susan74280
katyD211 Sars77
Yes my goodness yes! When it first began for me I was scared out of my wits!! They would just pop up randomly...sometimes as I slept. Then I would be afraid to do whatever I had been doing when the last one hit.
But after having a thorough check up and tests done and thankfully all was normal...I realized it was indeed hormonal and my panic and fear was making it worse. It was stealing my joy.
So now...through much prayer and the ladies on this forum...I have learned to relax a bit about any crazy symptom that shows up...and there is usually something new weekly.
So get a physical for peace of mind. I'm sure you are fine. Just going through this thing called meno. Hugs!