Prayer please-mammogram
Posted , 8 users are following.
Going in for a call back on my mammo this morning. Please say prayers that i am covered by His word. Thank you ladies
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Going in for a call back on my mammo this morning. Please say prayers that i am covered by His word. Thank you ladies
1 like, 9 replies
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valarie24431 2chr2015
natalie86711 2chr2015
lana07071 2chr2015
Oh that is stressful. Most call backs turn out to be nothing awful. I'm waiting for my results. You will be in my prayers.
2chr2015 lana07071
tina47117 2chr2015
lynda20916 2chr2015
Good Morning,
Please know that you're in my prayers! Let me know how you do!
tbaby 2chr2015
Sorry, I just got your request. However, I pray that all went well with your appointment & may God keep you in his hands. God Bless!
Thank you everyone for your prayers. It is very scary. It sends my anxiety out the roof. He wasn't concerned and said just an area of asymmetric breast tissue left side. They did an ultrasound also. That breast has been causing me pain since last march when I had my first very heavy period. (they haven't been that bad since). I do think the pain does get better sometimes and then comes back. I am a few days away from my period, and my breasts have been tender for a couple of days, so the diagnostic was uncomfortable. I do seem to have pain in the right breast sometimes, but not as bad as the left. I went to a breast specialist over the summer bc I felt an area of thickening in that breast, but he wasn't concerned and wanted to see me back after this mammo. I go to see him next week and I am going to discuss further as well as ask about the 3D mammo for dense breasts. Sometimes I feel like that whole side is swollen and even pain up into my clavicle and shoulder blade. But when the swelling goes down, it's better. I am just wondering has anyone else experienced similar symptoms. All of this started a couple of months after I started having peri symptoms.
lynda20916 2chr2015
Glad to know that it was asymmetric breast tissue. But what you're going through sounds painful and scary! Please let us know how your next appointment goes, and how you're doing! xx