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Hello i am 23 years old overweight and have been told I am pre-diabetic. I have had 2 blood fasting tests with a result of both 6.8 and 6.9. I am worried about this and am trying to eat as helthy and exercise as much as i can. I also have been experencing weird sensations since my hands are always cold and they get tingly as well as my feet and legs. I also have this weird body feeling like I am fizzing inside can this be due to my sugar levels. Thanks
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Whizzieliz ChelseaLouise33
I would say yes these feelings are to do with it. You say you're eating healthily but you need to cut out sugar, processed foods etc. I find the best is to eat Low GI (glycemic index/load) which means the rate at which the sugars reach your blood. There are lots of books about it. You also would benefit from taking some supplements like cinnamon, chromium, Vit B complex etc
ChelseaLouise33 Whizzieliz
Guest ChelseaLouise33
There is no context for your numbers. Without some context any advice is subject to changes. Keep eating healthy and keep monitoring your BS with your doctor. Not all general pratctioners are really up on Big D. So you may need to change Dr's. I did. You may need to find an Endocrinologist. They will be better suited for treatment IF or when that time comes.
I refuse to guess at the other conditions as there is not enough information. Everyone is different the way Big D affects you. Sure there are some common/general situations, but my treatment may not be right for you or yours for me. I get tingly when my BS is low. I have no odd sensations when my BS is high. Talk to your doctor and follow the advise. I suggest you start testing daily and find out what foods elevate your BS and stop eating them.
Big D is not a death sentance if you pay attention to your body and become active in your care.
I have been a diabetic for 12 years (adult onset) and am taking medication and 200 units of insulin a day.
sarah87162 ChelseaLouise33
Hope this helps
ChelseaLouise33 sarah87162