Pre menopause foods
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Does anyone have worsening symptoms after eating certain foods?
These menopause symptoms can be terrible I read people's posts of stomach problems chest pain flushing the list goes on. I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel but this is ridiculous
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dawnA misty36246
nicola06347 misty36246
misty36246 nicola06347
nicola06347 misty36246
gentleballads misty36246
then i come across an article that says because the women bring on drastic changes in diet during menopause thats why stomach problems start- the bloating, belching, hypoglycemia etc etc
i know my tongue is very sensitive and i cant have chilli that was normal for my household, so ive cut down on that. I brought on many changes in diet getting scared of diabetes.....the symptoms are so shocking that women are forced to change their diets but things may be going a little too are right..its ridiculous ! I wouldnt like women to go gluten - free, celiac, etc etc - we are social beings and need to stay connected with the world and be still able to tolerate normal diets.
victoria94465 misty36246
I started to have heartburn in peri - which I have never suffered from before. I hate taking meds and the ones my dr recommended for heartburn were really heavy.In the end I went to see a nutrionalist who thought I had a gluten or wheat sensitivity (not allergy). I wasn't entirely convinced she was right but cut all wheat from my diet for a week and everything cleared up completely. An amazing difference.
Wheat is not an easy thing to take out of your diet. I live in France where the baguette is a stable part of the diet but actually once you make a few adjustments its quite simple and for me at least is well worth the benefits of stopping the heartburn (plus other health benefits). Not for everyone but for me its been a great step forward.
Sochima822 misty36246
Even water would give me a stomach ache if I drank more than 1/4 a cup. Just take it slow, and eat small portions at a time. I started making fresh vegetable juice and fruit juice, because it was hard to eat. So opt for juices and wait till it passes, if it continues to bother you.
Zigangie misty36246
I had huge boating looked pregnant with bread and went from having it every day to very rarely now. It was hard and at first I used gluten free stuff. Now I've got used to just not having it. It took a few years of going back to it because I love toast. But every time the bloating.
I also went off eggs I couldn't stand the smell of them like a pregnancy aversion. I can eat them again now but not as many as I used to.
Also had a few years with tea and coffee making making nausea worse. I switched to white tea and fruit tea, again this is better now and I drink a few cups of ordinary tea and 2 cups of coffee.
With the bread I haven't really tried it lately because it's bit something I even think about any more.
misty36246 Zigangie
Sochima822 Zigangie
pinkcatfairy misty36246