Pre opp diet

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Hi guys starting my pre opp diet tomorrow so nervous

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Don't be!i had my op two weeks ago yesterday was 17st 12 now 15st 9 x best thing I've ever done! And so worth it x

  • Posted

    it depends on which pre op diet you are doing (all hosps and dieticians seem to have their own version even though the aim is the same - ie to shrink your liver in readiness for the op) but some are more stringent than others however its important you stick exactly to whats on your diet sheet cos the way i seen it is that it is your chance to make the op as straight forward as poss for the surgeon and this can only be good for your recovery if there are no snags due to a fatty liver - of crs any wgt loss is a bonus but its not the main aim here - my advice would be to have as much variety as poss within the confines of yr diet sheet - so if you are allowed sugar free jelly have diff flavours - if it says veg soup then make sure you have diff varieties and spread out what you are allowed evenly over the day so that you are never more than a couple of hrs from either a  drink or something to eat - have everything you are allowed and you wont be hungry =- g00d luck
    • Posted

      Thank you so much. In really confused. The people I booked with gave me a diet and my dietitian gave another one
    • Posted

      give them a ring - presumably you are paying for this and it is important you get it right so if both diet sheets are different ask them which you should do  - sounds very confusing i have to say and thats not on

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