pre opp diet issues

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Hi. Im due to have my band fitted 18th Aug. I will be on a low carb/fat diet for my pre opp diet. The only issue is that i work in quality control for a bakery and tasting product is part of my job. My boss thinks im have minor surgery to explain why i may not be able to do some of the heavy lifting that comes with my job after its fitted but im struggling for a reason as to why i wont be able to eat anything the weeks before and after... (no one at work knows im having a band fitted) anyone have any ideas of how i can explain this cause im stuck for ideas???

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Tell them. I did and my work mates are great very nice to me.
    • Posted

      I cant tell them. The women were i work are very bitchy and i hear the way they talk about other people. I dont want to be the next one on their list and believe me I would be :-(
    • Posted

      That's just jealousy. Maybe you need a new job. I found it very hard being on my shake diet. But maybe that was just me. I drive a bus for a living I am going back on Thursday. I don't think I would have been able to go back any sooner. Hope you have lots of support at home. My husband as been a God send. Good luck hope all goes well for you x
    • Posted

      I live my job just not some of the peoole. Lol. I do a low carb far diet before and liquids after.
    • Posted

      Mine was liquid 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after xxx
  • Posted

    Hi , if you have already told them your going for an opp just tell them it's gall stones and you have to reduce fats in your diet .... Ans after opp just say I did that well pre opp I'm continuing on cutting out fats.... Also all the baking ingredients etc is bad for your cholesterol say the doctor said its to high ..... Good luck ☺️
    • Posted

      Great idea but ice already had my gall bladder out! Lol
  • Posted

    Ooopppsssss sorry lol .... Try the high cholesterol it worked for me as I'm a chef and constantly trying food πŸ˜•πŸ˜• now get the others todo it for me πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

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