Pre-surgery panic

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Well, I'm all ready for the surgery on Wednesday, actually excited to get on with it, but having some last-minute difficulties.  I'm having some kind of sinus attack today, and so far it doesn't feel like a cold, but it is just driving me nuts and of course now I am panicking.  The nurse also called again to say that the doctor got clearance to do the surgery as scheduled, since there had been some question about that with the blood work last week having shown low blood sugar, but the doctor will test my blood sugar again on the morning of the surgery, and of course I can't eat after midnight Tuesday.  I am panicking a lot today, my breathing is shallow and I am praying that nothing will go wrong to delay the surgery.  I have got myself mentally prepared to have it, got my work leave and everything in place, and am just freaked out at the thought of anything not working out.  I really think I'll be okay but this has been a rough day.  Please tell me that I'm not crazy.  Panic is so awful!

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    You are not crazy of course you are going to have some anxiety before your surgery. I'm glad everything is cleared for surgery. All will go well and you will be fine. I'm speaking positive vibes into existence for you. ((HUGS))
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      ((Jamie)) thank you so much!!  Every positive vibe is appreciated!
  • Posted

    Elizabeth good luck with your surgery you will do just fine😊. What is your surgery for? I need to have right inguinal hernia repair done. Hoping to have surgery in the next 30 days. Usually I'm a chicken when it comes to surgery but I'm in so much pain I can't wait for the relief of all this pain. Doctors were going to do laparoscopy for endometriosis, then possible hysterectomy to remove uterus until they finally found the real culprit the darn inguinal hernia. I know you are going to be great Elizabeth. Praying for you to peace and a calm mind and spirit these next few days. ❤️


    • Posted

      Hi Debbie... I'm having my right ovary removed because it contains a mass (which is most likely benign, all labs normal) and also having a uterine polyp removed.  I am sorry about the hernia, my dad has had two in the past and of course surgery for both.  I appreciate the prayers and encouragement.  Will be so relieved to get through it!  Take care and I hope that you'll get to have your surgery soon!
  • Posted

    Sending giant hugs your way Elizabeth. Hang in there, all will be fine. And imagine the happy dance once that ovary is out and done with. xx
    • Posted

      Same to you, Snowbell.  I have never been so ready for a medical procedure!!!  Looking forward to that single-ovary happy dance... whew!  What a ride this has been!  
  • Posted

    Sending giant hugs your way Elizabeth. Hang in there, all will be fine. And imagine the happy dance once that ovary is out and done with. xx
  • Posted

    Elizabeth, you are not crazy, just having some anxiety about upcoming surgery. I had the same thing, to the point that I was going to call it off. Need to think positive now, and visualize calm, peaceful you after it's over and you feeling so much better. Will be thinking of you, keep us updated. 
    • Posted

      Debbie, thank you for your message of peace and calm.  That is a great help to me!  Will let you all know how it goes.  So ready!!!
  • Posted

    What are you having surgery for?
    • Posted

      I'm having an ovary removed that contains a mass and also having a uterine polyp removed.
  • Posted

    Just want to say thank you, ladies, for your encouragement.  I am feeling a lot better today and my allergies have calmed some.  Can't believe it's time for the surgery but am ready to go!  Thanks again for your posts, you made me feel much better yesterday.

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