Prednisolone 30g, advice on how not to put on weight
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Hi My doctor has put me on these tablets for my chest infection, but last time i took them i put on weight, can you give me any advice on how to prevent this please.
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laurenabbey margaret439
EileenH laurenabbey
When I was at school I never ate breakfast and didn't have too much of a weight problem. Later I followed all the advice that breakfast was the most important meal of the day blah blah - and changed my eating pattern to more like the one you have just advocated. Now if I eat breakfast it makes no difference to what I eat for lunch or dinner - so it is added calories that I can manage without.
Since I rearranged my diet to omit breakfast and eat very little fruit I have steadily lost weight while on pred.
One size doesn't fit all, that is the primary mantra with PMR - but the biggest constant we have seen on the forums for avoiding weight gain with pred is to cut carbohydrate intake quite drastically. And fruit is solid sugars - simple carbs.
ptolemy laurenabbey
denise76179 EileenH
carmel83758 denise76179
denise76179 carmel83758
denise76179 carmel83758
carmel83758 denise76179
I make a big issue of choosing what to have, cooking and preparing it, I will even sit and read a cookery book with lots of coloured photos and watch tv programmes about food so that I get a food fix, without putting on calories.
ptolemy carmel83758
EileenH ptolemy
I think the diet mentioned by Denise is probably the "5:2 Fast diet". You eat 500 calories a day 2 days a week (but not consecutive days) and normally the rest of the week. It is pretty much impossible to catch up the calories you missed on those two days but you don't get bored with dieting day after day because you know tomorrow you can have that icecream or whatever. You don't ever have a day with NO food - it isn't dangerous in any way because of that - and believe me, with care you can have a pretty good diet for one day on 500 calories (600 for men). There are suggested menus for the fast day all over the internet - 2 or 3 meals that total to 500 calories.
I used it to kick start my weight loss on pred but only for a few months. Within a month I was far less hungry which is something that the person who developed the diet had claimed - and what was a normal plate of dinner before is too much now so it was brilliant for learning portion control. I know quite a few people who have used it to learn to eat less and are back to the weight they should be - and for most of them the place the weight has gone from is their middles even though they aren't on pred!
It ISN'T something a diabetic should use because the 2 days at 500 calories would probably pose a problem with their medication. Some of the principles otherwise would be helpful for anyone - like omitting simple carbs as much as possible. When you stop that sort of sugar you often lose the craving - you eat simple carbs or fruit, get a sugar rush and then the blood sugar falls lower than it was before, so you crave the sugar again because you believe it makes you feel better. If you must eat, then veggies, especially cucumber and cherry tomatoes and carrot sticks for example, kept ready to eat in the frig gives your mouth something to do and are satisfying crunchy! The sugar content is low and doesn't cause the surge in blood sugar in the same way. A drink of water or unsweetened tea should be your first stop - people often mistake what is really thirst for hunger so eat when they should be drinking. My go-to when I felt like that was normal British breakfast tea diluted 1:1 with water and a squeeze of lemon. Other aromatic teas (Earl Grey maybe) or herbal teas are just as good if you like them.
denise76179 EileenH
EileenH denise76179
There is some evidence that it can reverse high cholesterol and blood sugars in pre-diabetes. I've never had raised sugars with pred but the cholesterol did go up. I think several people have taken it as a basis and tweaked it a bit then claimed it as their own idea. What has annoyed me has been the sensationalist comments in the UK that fasting is dangerous. It is used all over mainland Europe - for days at a time and often with as little as 200 calories with plenty of fluids. That can be hard work and you do need supervision but it isn't food we need all the time - it is water. The concept of feeling hungry and not snacking has disappeared - when I was a child you got 3 meals, no snacks because it would "spoil your dinner" and feeling hungry before a meal was normal. The western world has forgotten that - and compounded it with the idea of 5 or 6 small meals was better for you and would help you lose weight! Only if you kept the total calorie count and level of activity the same and some experts think it may have been that misguided idea for weight loss that has led to the steady increase in obesity in the modern world.
mollymoos margaret439
I have Had GCA - Mine is related to my head and shoulders.
Please beware that those with PMR... that GCA is the worse end of the stick and can affect your eyesight , to the point of becoming blind if you dont keep regular eye checks. I control mine by 30mg PRED. per day. Yes.. you put on weight, but weight is easier to get off, than losing your sight or living in constantly pain. It is all down to carefull eating plus how long you are on the steroids for.. I have been them for 5 years now and am a cuddly sz 16(UK) lol lol
Just been accepted under Addenbrookes hospital ,as it is now connecting with my Thyroid eye Disease... there are many many traits that interconnect with each other and it could be any one of them that could be the underlying cause of the main problem.