Prednisolone Success but now have Leg Pain
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Hi all, I am so glad that I have found this forum!
So firstly, let me introduce myself.
I am a (young looking) 60 year old woman who up untill recently had been leading a very fit and healthy lifestye.
I had been experiencing the odd niggling aches and pains in my muscles and joints for over 18 months, but did not think too much of it as I just thought it was the 'getting older' process that happens to everyone. But in September of last year the pain and stiffness got alot worse and seemed to attack my entire body with vengeance. The pain became unbearable and very debhilitating. I was sometimes so bad I could hardly move at all, and I felt that I had aged 20 years in a matter of weeks.
I eventually got my diagnosis of PMR early in November, having baffled doctors and physios' throughout the month of October with what on earth could be wrong with me.
Once diagnosed, my doctor imediately proscribed a daily 20mg dose of Prednisolone.
Within 24hrs of my first dose my pain went away completely and I felt on top of the world and more my normal self, I felt better than I had felt for years. This drug was a miracle!
After two weeks of being blissfully pain free and feeling remarkably well, my doctor dropped my dose to 15mg. I was still ok, fit and well apart from a slight niggling stiffness in one of my arms and in my neck on waking in the morning. These pains subsided after about half an hour, so I wasn't too bothered.
I told my doctor this and he said that was fine. I had my life back, and as a bonus I seemed to feel great on the steroids, with no side effects at all.
After two more weeks the doctor dropped my dose to 10mg a day (my present dosage) as it seemed I was doing so well.
However all has not been that good over the Christmas and new year period. Just before Christmas I developed pain and stiffness in my back which lasted for just a couple of days. It then went away so I wasn't that concerned, as I knew even on the steroid treatment I was to expect the odd ache and pain.
But sadly things have deteriated further, as for the past two weeks on getting out of bed n the morning I have the most excruciating pain shooting down one of my legs starting in the knee joint and stretching up to the buttock. The pain is so bad I can't put my weight on my leg at all for at least five to ten minutes. As I slowly and painfully get moving, the pain does subside and eventually it almost goes away completely during the day.
However, in periods of inactivity it comes back again, and the whole procedure starts up again, especially in the evenings.
It seems I have to be active and on my feet at all times to keep this pain away, which is not a bad thing I know. But this of course is not always possible.
I have not upped my Prednisolone doseage again so far, as I am waiting for my next doctors appointment to see what he suggests. I am now wondering if the pain is not actually PMR, and could be a side affect of the Prednisolone, as the type of pain I have is slightly different to what I was experiencing before.
Question is, should I wait for my doctors advice, or should I up my dose right now myself?
The pain is really excrutiating and hard to take, even for five to ten minutes. But I don't really want to mess with my doses.
Comments fellow PMR sufferers would be appreciated.
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What a coincidence - on the evening of the same day that you posted Jenny Joseph's poem I went to a friend's purple-themed 70th birthday party - there were cards on the tables containing the poem and the most delightful picture of a little old lady on the back wearing a purple dress and a red hat (so wish I could copy it on here). No red hat in sight but the birthday girl wore a patterned purple dress (mini fru-fru over glittering thick black tights - just 'cos she could! :P ) and her sister made a gorgeous cake decorated with purple and silver ribbon, wore a purple dress......and red shoes! Magic :magic: Wondering how I can beat that when mine comes around next year! :lol:
So I know where to come now for the red hat and purple knickers when it's my turn next year!! :P
Your post about you being \"any's body and legless\" really had me giggling - wonderful - I really refuse to believe you're an 87 year old! :lol: :lol:
Granny Moss,
I was a sherry girl too in my teens and early twenties!
I can remember right now the lovely warm glow it seemed to give me inside.. :D
I even had a couple of sherries on a Saturday night throughout my two pregnancies, as a couple of drinks was not considered to do you any harm back in those fab days of the swinging sixties .. :P
raybocop Guest
Hi .
I've been taking prednisolone for 3 mths and omg the first 2 week's was just like you said .I felt amazing.
I had started on 30mg a day cutting down slowly. .but the same happen to me pain behind the knee bad hip pain can hardly walk probably and I would normally be doing a half a marathon. .its not good I notice that was a year ago for you if you are still on here can you tell me how your doing and did you correct the problem.
lodgerUK_NE raybocop
Go to the North East website, click on the Summer Newsletter and read upon PMR-Add on's.
Also try Bowen Therapy it helps people with PMR - three sessions, one hour per week for three weeks, if it is working - continue, if not the therapist will tell you - it is not for you. Brilliant you then know you are not being cheated.
raybocop lodgerUK_NE