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Have anyone on 10mg of Prednisone had significant weight gain 10mg of Prednisone daily I'm taking it for autoimmune hepatitis and have to be started back on it today so I'm trying to see if anyone's had significant weight gain or moon face on 10mg being on Prednisone before depressed me I just don't want to be depressed again
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nidia53744 Canessa2207
pmorgan7 nidia53744
Nidia, Aza (imuran) is usually a relatively benign med. preds are very much more nasty especially at higher doses (and 30 is not that high). Depression and anxiety are side effects of preds wean being too fast (Going from 5 to 2.5 is a drop of 50% which is way faster than the 10% change that is usually recommended. The wean below 10 MG/day seems to be the hardest on patients. There are two choices, slow down the wean OR take meds for the side effects. anti depressant would be SSRIs, (see my reply to Canessa2207). Anti-anxiety like alprazolam can calm the anxiety. You may also be jittery for which trazadone works well. Ask your Dr about all that I've written. (I am moderator, LO, or Admin for support groups for retroperitoneal fibrosis for which the initial treatment is preds at 40-60, sometimes 80 mg/day for three months. Preds side effects and weaning are the most discussed issues by at least an order of magnitude (10X). Imuran is one of three meds used to treat RF and it is the most benign of the three.
nidia53744 Canessa2207
May I ask why do you have to start back on? Relapse? Hope not. 😢
Canessa2207 nidia53744
Ive changed dr so much due to lack of support and I was on prednisone put on budesonide took a biopsy and found out now I have cirrhosis so it's just been a trying time for me so now I have a new doctor he up the imuran told me to start the prednisone again to help bring the numbers down the AST and ALT there right now both at 50 and he wants them to go down to at least 30 or 20 and he said that I may just be one of those people that need both medications for now
pmorgan7 Canessa2207
Canessa, Weight gain is not at all unusual for patients taking preds, almost no matter what the dose. Side effects of preds includes depression so ask Dr for an SSRI, something like Zoloft, Prozak, Lexapro, etc (Do not take St John's Wort as it interferes with a bunch of other meds.) Make sure to be patient as it may take a while for full effects of SSRI to be felt. If you get other symptoms when weaning, take it slower (wean less rapidly) although it is always best to use only the minimum of preds for the shortest time and to get off of them as fast as your body will tolerate. Make sure to take Vit D (1000 mg/day) and eat lots of calcium rich food to minimize bone density loss. You might ask your Dr about taking a calcium supplement. The cheapest that I've found are generic Tums. Just do not take within two hrs of ANY other med. Ca is well known to interfere with some hypertension meds, but it is not as well known that it actually interferes with a couple hundred other meds so just be safe if you take it.
Canessa2207 pmorgan7
Thank you for that information I'm just concerned about the weight gain because I was on it before I was 190 lb and course of a couple years I'm down to 131 pounds I changed my diet completely I exercise and I just don't want to go back to where I was and it not be anything I can do about it so I guess that's why I was asking because I did everything they told me to do to and it was hard but I did it
nidia53744 Canessa2207
I left a great message to you on here on this discussion about food etc. but somehow it disappeared!! 🤔🤔🤔. You keep doing everything right. You will be fine. Live life. And things will work out. Would love to private message you. Keep me posted on new Doctor ?? Keep your chin up.
pmorgan7 Canessa2207
Canessa, You're a trooper. The weight gain will disappear after you're off the preds, which you probably know already. In order for the preds to work, some people gain, some lose, some don't chnage. Each is different. Please be patient. And GOOD FOR YOU for firing that Dr!
nidia53744 pmorgan7
amy_57955 Canessa2207
Canessa2207 amy_57955
I've been going through this since 2013 and I too was feeling ill went to the ER and found out my liver enzymes were in the 600 but being tossed around from hospital to hospital no one could seem to help me to my satisfaction I had a first biopsy that did not show cirrhosis I was only in inflammation stage no one or two or anything and then when I found a doctor at the liver Center who claimed or he had all the answer this is when I develop cirrhosis on a second biopsy this summer and was so devastated so now my liver enzymes are at a 50 which is still not normal and it have never been normal so I was just kind of upset about that so now I seem to be going in the right direction with a hundred mg of imuran I just started the prednisone two days ago so hopefully I'll get down to normal and then my liver will get maybe a one or two I'm at a 3 right now the devastation for me was so real because I have a 13 year old daughter her father died about 11 years ago and just the thought of me not being here for her just had me in a different place but I just had to get my mind back right and I just pray to the Lord to heal my body as I do every day and I just try to continue to keep the faith and move on and just take care of myself and know that everything is going to be okay just hearing your story makes me feel so much better anyway
nidia53744 amy_57955
amy_57955 Canessa2207
My enzymes are always less than 27 and if I eat very clean , no gluten organics etc they are as low as 17. I found that really makes a difference.even tho medical drs don’t push or maybe believe, functional drs do and I have def found it to be true!
nidia53744-, why does it upset you so to take the imuran. I have no side affects and look at it as a life saver. Maybe your concerns are unwarranted . I would love to know where both of you reside . You can direct message me .
nidia53744 amy_57955
I am much better now. In remission 6 months. 23 and 25 or 29. I don’t likeImuran because of cancer. And very bad for our liver. I am only on 2.5 prednisone. I pray a lot. I eat wonderfully. No GMO. No Soy. No Gluten. No meat. No diary. Lots of Tumeric and ginger. Beets and lots of fresh veggies and fruits. And my vitamins. I go out with friends now Dancing 💃 and have fun. Enjoying life. And enjoying my 2 year old granddaughter.. No alcohol but that’s 👌 ok. My Friends know I don’t drink!! Lol. Also I refuse to take medications. And now doing acupuncture!!! I know more about nutrition then doctors!! Missed talking to you. Also my heart tells me mine could maybe be drug induced because 10 days prior I was on amoxicillin-acid. Very high dose. Not sure but weird. I see liver Doctor March 28. We shall see. Like to lower Imuran to 25 but doubt it 😢. I have come along way since 8 months. Thanks to you !!??????
amy_57955 nidia53744
Canessa2207 amy_57955
I appreciate that because I need the support to this is a wonderful mechanism for me because up until this point I was just feeling slightly lost and confused this whole situation has taught me to enjoy life just a whole lot more and I should have known to enjoy it a whole lot more even after my husband passed because I was a young Widow at 35 years old with a then 2 year old daughter who's now 13 but I guess I was so all over the place I wasn't paying much attention but I tell you I'm paying close attention 2 it now I notice everything about my body now and if it don't feel right I try to find out what's wrong and get on it as soon as possible
nidia53744 amy_57955
Yes I am !!! I would love to talk to you. 💕💕💕💕