Pregabalin weight gain???
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My GP often recommends that I start Pregabalin for nerve pain, I have MS, and anxiety and sleep
problems too I have heard that Pregabalin causes huge weigh gain. I;'m not being overly vain. I'm at 63 years old, a lost cause in that respect
but being over weight would put more strain on my ageing joints that are already aching. Your comments and advise would be much appreciated.
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I am currently on 400 mg of gebapentin and I am to increase the dose to 3 x per day. In honestly I have very little appetite but unfortunately I am able to eat cakes, drinks coffee and Nash at most opportunities . The idea of siting down in an orderly fashion eating and relaxing over 3 managed meals a day is beyond my reach just now. Instead Gegapentin, Percocet and sleeping tablets have taken over my life and the life of my loving family. My chronic neuropathic pain has full control of my nightly sleep patterns, sleep deprivation due to the pain is common place.
I do not believe that my above comments will be of great use to anyone but if simply by sharing our experiences we are able to help fellow sufferers then let it be,
At 57 habits die hard but I am sure that if you discuss your case To a dietitian that is also familiar with pain issues and drugs that he or she may be of some help to you,
Perhaps we should start a Forum meeting event for all of those interested and we could invite on some meetings a guest lecturer such as dietitian
Flowerlady katecaithness
tclancey katecaithness
sheila1 katecaithness
I was on Gabapentin for 6 months but the sidefects were terrible so I
changed to Pregabalin and in a year I. Put on a stone in weight, maybe it was
partly down to being less active because I was still having a lot of pain. Now I
don't take either and I am slowly loosing the weight but that is probably down to
my reduced appetite due to lots of other pain medications.
The only thing I can say is that Medication works differently for different people
So it may help, there is only you that can make that decision and if it doesn't help you can always stop taking it.
Take care
Sheila xx
sheila1 katecaithness
I am 57, nearly 58!. But no matter what age we are, no one wants to put weight on.
Well that's not so true, some people are suffering because they can't put weight on
but that's a whole new subject so I have done enough waffling for now.
Take care.
Sheila xx
mandy35295 sheila1
Hi , i am on many drugs for pain due to osteoarthritis , one of which is pregabalin , my weight was going up anyway because of lack of exercise , whilst having both knees replaced, but i only started on the pregabalin after that which was 2018/19, then i had a jaw replaced and thats when i started on it, and i just keep gaining, 3 stone in as many years, which isn't any good for my new knees or my back which now has oa as well, but the more pressure i put on my self to loose , the more i seem to gain, so i have decided i want to try and come off of them and also reduce my other medication, i am so fed up with taking it all. it would just be so nice to be pain free(which even all the meds im on don't do)even if its just temporary , i have actually forgotten what its like to not have pain, is that the same for every one???
Winkydebs katecaithness
I've got fibromalgia and I think they do make you put on weight. cos I've put on 2st since I've started taken now I've decided to stop taking them for a month to see if it is that medication.that's causing me weight gain.
Kind regards
Deborah scully
Winkydebs katecaithness
I have fibromalgia and ever since I've been on that medication.I've put on 2 I stopped taking them 3 days ago.just to see if its the tablets that's causing my rapid weight gain.
I'm 56, myself
Hope this will help
Kind regards
Deborah scully
rebecca86872 katecaithness
I have fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, spinal stenosis and osteoarthritis. To let you I am in awful pain 24/7. I am on pregabalin and a couple of opiates. I have never had a problem with my weight until last year when I started taking pregabalin. I gained 25 pounds. I really don't need to be carrying all this weight. I hate the way I look and feel. I am 74 and I still work full time. I wish that just one of the doctors I see could come up with a weight loss plan. I can't think about quitting it because it does help. i have a recumbent exercise bike which i use every day. Right now i am on a fast for Lent and am only eating fruits and vegetables but the scale doesn't go down. Has anyone out there found a solution to this problem?
michelle74018 katecaithness
I was prescribed lyrica for migraine and neurologic pain. It took a few weeks to work, I take 125mg a day. unfortunately I have put on nearly a stone in two and a half months. This alone has me wanting to lower the amount I'm on with the view of coming off it altogether. Saying that, everyone reacts differently so don't rule them out completely because of this. They have helped somewhat with the pain, dulling it so I can go about daily tasks.
rebecca86872 katecaithness
I take 300mg per day for severe back pain and fibromyalgia. I cannot think about going of it. It doesn't completely take away the pain. I also take three other prescriptions for the pain. None them causes weight gain. I have gained 25 pounds from the drug. I have tried all kinds diets and exercise but none have worked. My frustration levels are very high.
rebecca86872 katecaithness
I take 300mg per day for severe back pain and fibromyalgia. I cannot think about going of it. It doesn't completely take away the pain. I also take three other prescriptions for the pain. None them causes weight gain. I have gained 25 pounds from the drug. I have tried all kinds diets and exercise but none have worked. My frustration levels are very high.
rebecca86872 katecaithness
I take 300mg per day for severe back pain and fibromyalgia. I cannot think about going of it. It doesn't completely take away the pain. I also take three other prescriptions for the pain. None them causes weight gain. I have gained 25 pounds from the drug. I have tried all kinds diets and exercise but none have worked. My frustration levels are very high.
Niftynana katecaithness
Hi, if you don't want to put on weight then my advice is to stay well away from pregabalin. I was put on it for muscle pain approximately 6 years ago and my weight has rocketed. I was a size 18 and am now a 30. what they also fail to tell you is that they are very addictive, very quickly and coming off of them is notoriously hard. I wish you luck with your search for pain relief but please stay away from these awful awful tablets.