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Hi friends  smile

So i wanted to post something on this because i have been on it for 3 weeks, experimenting with how it works with my body.

Im zero hormones post meno/16 months / 54.

So because i didnt do well on the hrt/bhrt/antidepr.  etc.  i decided to try this after talking to a few medical folks that think it could help balance.

In no way am i telling anyone anything other than to share my experience thus far.

pregnenolone is the precursor of the other homrones like cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and dhea etc. and it kind of acts like an adaptogen in that it goes to where it needs to to help you balance out (or so it claims) for sure though it is the mother hormone.

So i 

am doing 30 mg every other day, and have been for 3 weeks. I can say that I am ever so slowly getting to feeling a tiny bit better. (i say this with caution because ive been battling this nightmare for 16 months)

I am waking up now with less dread, less feeling overwhelmed. I still am really anxious in big stores, but its LESS. My mood amazingly is a little bit more normal, i feel like i used to a tiny bit.

I kind of think it might be working?

I felt it important to let you ladies know because it may help you, and if i can help anyone i

WILL. Who is to say that i may or may not be turning a corner. but i feel like there is hope, and there is hope for all of us. If i slip back i will soldier on and continue to seek and research and pray and come here for support. 

(another one is he vitex - chasteberry which i havent researched yet but have heard its really good for perimenopause and works in the same way, but its an herb)




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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there... Glad you are feeling better.... Can I ask.. Did you get this on prescription? CK
    • Posted

      Well I am a bit better but far from where i was. Still struggle a lot. I'm not even certain if its related..but i don't give up easy.

      No this is an over the counter at least here where i'm at. I purchased it at the pharmacy.



    • Posted

      Hiya.. Thx for that... My hubby is a pharamist so I'll ask him bout it.. Oh this whole thing is so so hard but hang tight girl... It will pass for both of us.. Please god.. 🙏 💗 CK

    • Posted

      Yes it will pass. Its just a crazy awful time in my life i never imagined..

      your husband should be familiar with this hormone as the compounding pharmacists make it for the patients. (they do a lot of special cocktails for the meno women to adjuts to their labs, and saliva panels.) sometimes they add this. I kind of gave up on the bhrt because i tried it multiple times and believe it can help some women but not me.. I just purchased it at the pharmacy and spoke with the head lady (Phd- and a few coworkers of mine) im in the health field but im not a doc so i do my own work and respect their advice.

      thank you xoxoxo


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