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WEll went to see my gp on weds listed all symptoms n fact i was bout ready to kill . She asked me wot id tried and after reciting the long list of natural remedies she gave me premarin. Im a little worried bout taking it even though a low dose has anyone else tried it x
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jayneejay lol64
did she explain what type of HRT Premarin is ?
Its Equine .. Made of pregnant horse urine (. Mares )
as the name Premarin
we arent horses hun.. But the choice is yours ..
why did she not give you a HRT thats not Equine
jay x
bobbysgirl jayneejay
lol64 jayneejay
lol64 bobbysgirl
TeresaJS lol64
lol64 TeresaJS
shaznay96184 lol64
I'm not yet taking 'conventional' HRT (dabble with a bit of bioidentical Progesterone Cream and feel pretty good with it), but don't rule out HRT if I feel it might help me.
One thing I've gleaned from this site is that I probably would ask not to be prescribed this.
Am I right in thinking this one for users in US comes with lots of warnings about Breast Cancer etc etc?
What I also found is HRT, like most prescribed meds on the NHS, is that the cheapest form is thrust at you on a 'Suck it and See'-basis. Like when we go to get a chest infection checked, you'll come out with the cheapest, run-of-the-mill antibiotic.....only to go back after yr 7-day course with the symptoms still as bad. and 8 quid+ later, you'll be putting your hand in your pocket to finally get a prescription for the real deal!! Call me a cynic, but.........!!
Personally, I'd ask what's on offer. I'd probably ask to start on a low dose, so that I'd have scope to either increase the dose or, in the event that I didn't get on with one particular HRT, I'd have to swap,
Ladies using/who have used HRT: How likely is it that your GP did/would suggest HRT patches first, over the run-of-the mill pills?
Being that I'm naturally averse to taking ANY medications, unless I feel really rough, I think I'd ask first about patches*. And if I was given some ol' spiel about cost etc, I would not be adverse to stating that by and large, having paid into the 'system' since I was 17, I think I should be the one making the choice, never having abused the NHS, and see how they work for me! Oh, they are just gunna love me down at my Surgery, and no kidding
Trouble is, no-one who works in a Doc's Surgery in the UK at the mo seems to have any time - let alone knowledge - of the symptoms and treatment of Peri/Meno. For something that has been with us as long as the human race, its appears all-things Menopausal still remain an enigma, carrying the taboo tag they used to give lepers!!! (Blimey, I'm on form: just stuffed two rounds of marmite toast down my gullet: lets say Slimming World might/might not see me this Tuesday morning at this rate!!!).
lol64, maybe have a read up on it, make your own decision on whether its for you, and then decide if you want to try it. Whats OK for some, may not be for others and vice versa.
Me? I'm never going to rule it out. Just don't feel the need for any proper HRT at the mo as I feel pretty good compared to some. My heart goes out to those who have real probs with the anxiety/depression. I pray I don't get too much of that, but I know I'm not that special that I shouldn't expect something somewhere down the line. I have some 5HTP ready for me when I start to feel like things are getting rough. Be nice (and naive!!) to think that someone will look over me and give me a break.......and pigs might fly!!
Chin Up Kiddo. I suppose the best thing about your visit was that you seem to have a GP who actually listened to you enough to think: "I think this lady needs a big of help" because I'm sure there's a lot out there who really believe that we're making it all up!!
Keep us posted lol. I just hope whatever you decide to take gives you a break from your horrible symptoms.
* believe they're easier on the liver, being delivered through the skin