Premarin withdrawal
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I am 55 and had a partial hysterechtomy when I was 33 and still have my ovaries. I've been on permarin for about 10 years and have started to cut my dose in half.. my way of course.. which is probably not the right way. I am on 1.25 mg and want to go down to the lowest dose. I started taking the 1.25 mg every other day. The first day I didn't take I got so angry about something minor and couldn't get out of the mood for hours. It's not like me at all. I am going to check with the pharamcist today about cutting it back but it's only been 5 days and I am developing a down mood and who cares attitude. I am on Effexor and it really helps me with hot flashes. Either one of these drugs I find are so hard to come off. Our bodies get so used to it that they go haywire if they don't have it. I once found a website but can't remember the name of it where it listed 31 signs of menopause... it was the best list I ever saw... so just google 31 signs of menopause.
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Sochima822 karen_85191
Hi Karen, if you go into forums, look up menopause, the first one lists, 66 symptoms of menopause and the list has grown to over 77. 31 doesn't even come close to all the symptoms.
You are one of the lucky ones that was given something for your partial hysterectomy. Many women here were given nothing and are suffering immensely. As for coming off of Premarin, you should really consult with your doctor about this because you're going to start seeing the 66 symptoms (as you're starting to experience) come to fruition in a very short span of time if you cut off the Premarin altogether.
karen_85191 Sochima822
Us women sure get the raw end of the deal don't we! I have decided to talk to my dr first before I do anything after I posted thatl Thanks for your input. I appreciate it! I'll have to see the 66 and 77 symptoms. God help us all!
colleen90305 karen_85191
Hi, i think it's 66 symtoms of menopause. Were not that lucky! Lol! I was prescribed a progesterone pill and still haven't started it. I'm afraid of side effects , and dependence
karen_85191 colleen90305
Well they worked like a charm for me... it was like night and day difference but I say if you can do without... try to. I would start crying at my desk at work for no reason at all and couldn't stop. People asked me what was wrong and I didn't know... a couple days later... the same thing.. a counsellor suggested I get my hormones tested. Sure enough my HT or whatever they called it was really high. Every bone in my body ached too and mood swings. I still have PMS symptoms once a month even though I haven't had a period in 22 years... I started marking the dates I felt that way on the calendar and suree enough it every 4th week I got depressed.
Sochima822 colleen90305
karen_85191 Sochima822
I see. I don't know I can only speak from my own experiences.
colleen90305 Sochima822
Agree but based on what I've read, not everybody has luck and sometimes suffer aweful side effects on top of the struggles were already faced with
Sochima822 colleen90305
I tried Progesterone for 4 weeks, it did nothing to alleviate my symptoms, in fact, during the first 2 weeks I felt worse, my doctor called to see how I was doing and I told her, she immediately took me off the pills and put me on low dose birth control pills. My friend on the other hand, took to the progesterone pills really well, she was on them for 3 years. So unless you try them you won't know.
colleen90305 Sochima822
The progesterone I was prescribed is called Prometrium. I was supposed to start it AGAIN this past Tues, but prior to this, I was feeling better until yesterday. I guess I'm PMS because my cycles have been just shy of 28 days. Now its too late and have to wait again. I guess the PMS is what's killing me!
colleen90305 Sochima822
I don't think bcp would be good in my case. My progesterone is low, and bcp would increase my estrogen making me more off balenced and too much estrogen is where we are at risk for cancer.
Blondzilla karen_85191
jude84900 Blondzilla
You should be able to get bio identical testosterone cream in the US too. I have been on bio identical transdermal creams including testosterone for over two years. Very pleased with the effects of all the bio identical creams. . I get mine through a compounding pharmacy, you should be able to also if you live in the US. The problem is the GP doctors here have their mind set on certain ways. You may have to look into a alternative dr or holistic to get it if your doctor doesn't work with you.