Premature menopause

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Hi, I'm 39 years old(5 months away from 40) and for the past few months I've had very heavy periods accompanied by headaches, chest pain(tightness), heart palpatations, shakiness, dizziness-you name it I'm feeling it. I haven't had any test yet to find out my hormone levels but from my Internet research it sounds like I'm starting premature menopause or perimenopause. Has anyone else ever started this early? And will these symptoms ever subside? I feel awful! Thank you! 

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5 Replies

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    All mine started at 43.  And symptoms come and go.  I might have a good 4-5 months and then bad again.
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    It might be early menopause, but you should get your thyroid levels checked, too.  I was diagnosed with "early menopause" by my gp when I was 40, because my periods stopped.  Well, it was a mis-diagnosis.  He never did check my thyroid levels.  I had Hashimoto's disease that killed my thyroid.  Your thyroid is a "master" gland.  So it pretty much governs the secretion of hormones in your body.  I experienced palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, was exhausted.  My hair started to thin.  All of this was blissfully ignored by my gp.  

    Best of luck to you!

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    I started at 38 and I just turned 40 in July. I had several trips to the ER and was rudely told by a doctor that was tired of seeing me that I was fine, it was just my menustration, it's common in women my age and see a psychiatrist. Needless to say that was my last trip to the ER, but he was right even though his delivery sucked. I still suffer with many of these symptoms but it seems to lighten at times and then new ones come up. Make sure to see your doctor and stay connected to this site. These wonderful women are a great help. Take care!!

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    My Auntie had her menopause in her early 30's. Such a shame because she wanted to have kids but because of the early menopause had left it too late. She had horrible symptoms of depression, mood swings, etc so went on HRT and felt much better.

  • Posted

    Hi there sorry to hear that you are experiencing all these symptoms but you are not alone ..I started my Peri at the age of 39 also and its been a long road but I am post meno now 10 years and things are finally settling for me ..I still have some hot flushes but to a way lesser degree and my palps are almost none existant I have had everything that you have listed and many more but just know there most definitely is light at the end of this crazy meno tunnel many women On here can give you insight into what has worked for them its truly trial and error to find what will work for you ...this is a wonderful forum to come to it helps so much to speak to others going through the same as you and know that you are not alone ........Blessings

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