premature perimenopause is considered autoimmune?

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I am only 32 years old and for the last 2 years I am living a torture due to my awful estrogen deficiency symptoms and awful PMDD since 26 years old. The problem is that I am in a deadlock because I am still having regular periods but after 3 day of my cycle my flow is light.

I am inclined to believe that it is some kind of a rare autoimmune hormonal imbalance because the severe emergence of these symptoms at such young age.

Last month, my doctor told me that I had some follicles on my ovary and especially on which I have a no functional cyst...

Next week I am having a surgery in order to be removed a cyst from my ovary and if everything goes well, I would like to receive hormone treatment but I am sure that since my periods are still regular the doctor will be negative. What can I do? Any young lady in peri with awful symptoms? I am desperate for relief...

I know my body and I firmly believe that a weird hormonal imbalance is happening with me. I believe that I am estradiol deficient not progesterone....

Today, I woke up and I was feeling my knees hot and stiff. Now I am having instant but sharp flu like pains behind my buttocks. Maybe it is my IBS that is becoming worse as the weather is changing.

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    The reading that I have done on EBV says that more and more younger women are having hormone deficiencies in their 20's and 30's and the EBV is to blame. Since 95% of the population has EBV it's something that we just have to learn to deal with. The best way to combat it is to keep it at bay by keeping your immune system as strong as you can. Which I find ironic since the decline in hormones can cause your immune system to weaken. It's kind of a losing situation.

    Do you live somewhere that you can go to a doctor who deals with just hormones? He/she would be more likely to prescribe estrogen for you at your age if they feel your estrogen is low. Also, an OTC progesterone cream may help, I know you think you aren't deficient in it, but it's usually the first hormone to decline. And I've read that it can help with hot flashes as well. It would be something easy enough to try and see if it helps. I thought that being estrogen dominant was the cause for many ovarian cysts. But I could be wrong.

    Good luck with your surgery!


    • Posted

      Hello Suzanne, thank u a lot for your reply!

      First of all, I was supposing the same with you that it is the estrogen dominance that can cause cysts but maybe it is just an hypothesis or maybe different causes depending each woman can lead to the creation of non functional cysts!

      About EBV I am not sure if I have it, but it is very have caught this virus during my adolescence. As far as the immune system, from my awful experience hormones can affect all the systems on our body.

      To be honest, all of my life, i think that my hormones are not well balanced. But the last two years my situation is unbearable...I cannot work, I am in constant pain and I firmly believe that the culprit is the hormones and not the cyst.

      I believe that the progesterone/estradiol ratio in my body is weirdly imbalanced at wrong phases of my cycle...

      I know that I may sound "illogocal" but I am not yet! haha

      I pray in God for miracle as I think that I am an "error" of nature.

      Maybe I am wrong but I think it is a "rare" possible genetic autoimmune condition and sth is happening with my metabolism along with my pituitary gland. I wish to find an expert to fix me somehow

  • Posted

    Hi Evi, I have heard that autoimmune issues can bring on premature menopause...losing periods before 40. The nurse at my gyno went into meno early...then discovered it was due to untreated hypo thyroid which became auto immune...hashimotos. Have you had an anti body test for immune?

    If you think about peri, you can be symptomatic for 10 may lose your period late 30s or early 40s. Have you tried an oral contraceptive...just for the hormones? I just started back on them 5. They basically take over the function of your ovaries and feed you an exact amount of hormones every day...and level out the waxing and waning. HRT is a no for me because I get periods..even though they are erratic...last one 57 days late. sorry you are dealing with this so young. I hope you find a dr that can sort this out for you.

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      Hello Lou,

      no never been on any pills...

      after my surgery, I am going to discuss any treatment options

      No hashimotos in my case, I have checked my thyroid numerous times.

      Yes I know that peri may lasts many years but I cannot live like this any more...I feel so tired form every aspect.

      I hope you find relief with oral contraceptives!

    • Posted

      Hi Evi, far so good... best of luck to you on your surgery!

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      Good morning Lou,

      thank u very much! I am scared a lot but trying to ease my pre- surgery panic

  • Posted

    Hi, evi...

    I think we all know our bodies better than anyone. I'm turning 50 this year. No period since October of last year.

    Was on bcp from 20 to 32 years of age. My periods started at age 13 and were always heavy and 2 weeks long. Diagnosed with endometriosis at age 22 and told hysterectomy was the answer. Knowing that I wanted children, sought 2nd opinion. 2 laparoscopic surgeries, and a laparotomy at age 25, my new doc gave me 10 years to get pregnant. And I did at age 32. Had mono at age 25. I do believe there is a connection with auto immune and all this peri crap. I've had psoriasis off and on since I was 22. Many fungal infections, bv and terrible pms, heavy bleeding after giving birth. I believe the bcp disquised my peri symptoms that I would've had much earlier. At this point, I just want a hysterectomy. My one and only child is the BEST thing EVER, but I've begun to believe that some women weren't meant to be moms. I have several friends who never had children. I have fibroids and one ovary that was consumed by the endometriosis. My Dr. once told me had a patient who bled from the ears and nose during her period, and she was 16! He used my laparoscopic surgery photos as an example for his teachings. 'm no expert, but I wonder if maybe hysterectomy is the answer? I know you're so young. Do you have children or want them? Just my 2 cents. Hope it helps, and good luck with surgery. Hugs. Why is being a woman such a curse for some of us??!!

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      P.S. Miscarried my 1sr pregnancy at age 30. Blighted ovum was the diagnosis.

    • Posted

      Hello and thank u for your reply!

      In my case, according to my ultrasound my uterus seems clear thank God! I have only a cyst of endometriosis on my ovary.

      The last years, my periods have been painful and heavy along with severe PMDD...Now they are only heavy the first 2 days and then light.

      I am experiencing fungal infections, too. I am sure that it is from decline of estrogen levels.

      Due to my condition, I believe that it is too late for family for me..but I am trying to accept it. I want to feel normal again and I cannot make dreams at this moment.

      I know it is a curse to feel horrible so young.

      Despite my pains, I am a good looking, sympathetic woman and I cannot enjoy nothing. It is a curse!!! I am thinking that If I had children I was not able to raise them because of my pains and my husband would be unhappy.

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      ps I am sorry for your miscarriage. I wish you be healthy to raise your only child! I am an only child, too. My mother is very upset about my health condition. I know that I am everything for her and I can feel this unique connection and relationship with your kid

    • Posted

      So sorry you're going through this. But you seem to have a good outlook. Trying to accept it is about all you can do. And I believe you're right. Feeling like we do and functioning is so hard. At least you have some youthfulness left. I don't even recognize myself these days.

    • Posted

      Thank you. It was hard when it happened. But that was a long time ago. Now I pray to be healthy enough to see my son graduate this year. I'm an only child too. It definately is a strong bond. Stay strong and message me any time. We will get through this.

    • Posted

      Thank u a lot for your supporting words Nancy!

      Stay strong and brave all of you ladies!

      What hell is this we are going through?!

      Hugs to all!

  • Posted

    hi evi

    i got shingles on the back of the change...other very bad symptoms also....too many to mention...lack of hormones can make me feel like my body is dying at times...last night i was very hot at points with a horrible feeling i cannot describe in my body. like overload in anxiety. this is a hot flash without sweating....its a nitemare....i has very little symptoms and then bang they are back...

    guess the only way is through it...even tough its are not alone. CK

    • Posted

      Good morning Carol and thank you for your support

      I hope this day will be better for you!

      Since first of November, I started again experiencing a burning sensation on waistiline low back area radiating down the back of my buttocks and sometimes burning inside my uterus ...What the hell is this?

      I tend to believe that it may be ISB or/and intestenial cystitis that worsen in fall and spring along with humid weather.

      I am going to have a surgery next week to remove a cyst from my ovary and with these symptoms my pre surgery panic is increasing. I am so scared

      I do not know if nightmare is the right word to describe it, it is a hell without end

    • Posted

      Hi Evi

      The burning sensations is also common throughout the body and I have also gotten them all over.

      Going for surgery is daunting and the change is so complex for our bodies that we feel all kinds of things. I have been going through this for a number of years and just had a window where I felt like my old self and bang, neausea, wind and a low mood especially when I woke up this morning. Id a hysterectomy 10 years ago with my ovaries left in so it has been a roller coaster ride I tell ya,

      Evi, one step at time girl. Your body is changing and our minds struggle to keep up. believe me, mine does but I always have to keep reminding myself, this too shall pass. It is hellish, as you cannot pinpoint exactly or even describe how you feel. But our bodies will adapt to this but we need to allow it to change. and yes the worry is the worst as we always think the worst.

      Blessings on your surgery. Focus on just recovering. Keep checking in here for support as you are not alone. God bless with it all and let us know how it goes.

      Lots of love, CK

    • Posted

      Thank you so much Carol for your support and your wishes!

      I appreciate your interest and your kindness!

      I hope God mercy us.

      It is unfair why some women are suffering so much and others do not. Others start symptoms older others much younger..

      I hope finding a window like you Carol! I am desperately seeking for a bit of light!

      I am incredibly sad because of this hormonal hell.

      This forum is my refugee.

      Lots of love, kisses and hugs

    • Posted


      you will have plenty of windows is awful hard as no one prepares you or knows what it is like unless you have been through it.....

      let me know how your surgery goes ok...

      CK XX

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