Premenopausal? And now a tingling head and hair loss 😢😢..please help
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Hi I came across the site whilst looking up my symptoms and was wondering if anyone could please give me some advice,I just turned 43 a few days ago but this past few weeks I have noticed my hair is coming out around the front and sides 😢😢 and now this past week I have started getting what I can only describe as cold flushes every night..I have always suffered with insomnia so its nothing new for me to get to sleep around 4 am but the hair loss is stressing me out its as if my hair no longer has any life in it,its just lifeless ..I am on 75mg of mirtazipine for apparently stress as 2 years ago I suddenly started developing heart problems and I've went downhill from there..major weight loss,mood swings,hot flushes ,crying,stomach problems then it all kind of stopped after 18months ,my periods the past two years have been hit and miss I might get one a month then nothing for a few months I have been taking kelp 1000mg for about two weeks and last week added omega 3 550mg with vitamin e &d3 but have read b6 and b12 might help with the hair loss (I'm not being vain but the hair loss is stressing me the most 😢😢 I've also read black kohosh and soya and a tablet called hair plus might help and vitamin c and d but I haven't a clue really what to doctor isn't very helpful he basically said take these promethazine hydrochloride 25 mg and come back next month..please eee could anyone advice me on what vitamins are good...
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donna38794 Daisyduk
susan21149 Daisyduk
I feel that you need to just stop stressing about your hair or it will make things worse with having anxieties.Â
Stress can do a lot of things and when you are in menopause and stresed out it can affect everythingÂ
Try not to stress yourself out about your hair try to do some yoga learn how to relax and don't think about your hair right now just get better and help your heart problems by not making yourself so stressed outÂ
Your life ismore important that just hair loss
d19606 Daisyduk
i was just told im low on estrogen iv started on kelp and other vits but at beging of spring i was taking silica and i think that ehlped abit. as when i ran out and didnt get any more i noticed my hair falling but i have been having more meno probs.
Daisyduk d19606
michelle50768 Daisyduk
I like you am having the same perimenopause problems . Im now 48 been in perimenopause 8 years. Anxiety is a major thing when our hormones are playing up. I developed health anxiety and can cause palpitations and other weird symptoms. Im on 15mg of mirtazapine AD. I could write a list of endless symptoms I have butI wont. When you get to talk to all the lovely ladies on this forum you will see that your not alone in this. Sometimes that in itself can make you feel better. Stay strong we will all get through this hormonal roller coaster together xc
Daisyduk michelle50768
michelle50768 Daisyduk