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I'm 45 and in the last six months been so unwell please excuse my spellings my periods have been heavy for a couple of years so bad at times I can leave the house it all started with chest pains feeling tired been to a& e a few times blood works all normal heart tests lots all normal thank god went to doc a few months ago as felt so I'll turns out I have iron anima pernisous anima low vit d low b12 have to have b12 jab every three months take spa tone for low iron has the iron meds made me I'll after having the course of b12 missed two periods then this month I got one different nit has heavy blood light red had bloods done in premenopause I feel so bill tired panick attacks facing heart warm feelings not flushes night panick can't sleep body aches all over tummy unsettled feels like som things blocked can't breath for get what I'm going to say when I'm talking mood swings feel down scared I'm going to die worry over every ache pain I've just been told I have x syndrome some thing to do with arteries not heart disease it's common in women my age he said I have a good heart feel so low please tell me I can't get any worse want natural meds I hate pills ect scared of side affects and I can't swallow tablets every thing as to liquid fora this has always been not a new thing I don't have a mum and I'm the eldest woman in family so I need some one to talk to many thanks
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donna38794 caroline92252
kim27003 caroline92252
Everything you're going through sounds like symptoms of perimenopause. The racing heart, anxiety, panic attacks, loss of energy, feelings of impending doom, excessive worrying, etc. Donna is right. This is a wonderful safe place to get great information, and lots of wonderful support from ladies all going through the same thing. Some are further along in the process, and have some incredible suggestions on helping to manage the symptoms.
The one thing that I try to focus on everyday is, this too shall pass. Please know that you're not alone. There is always someone on here that is willing to share their own experiences, and kind words.
Sending a comforting hug.
sharcerv52408 caroline92252
I panic when I feel these too but like 2kim27003 said, "This too shall pass. " That is what I have to remind myself of often. We will get through this. Be encouraged!
BellaRubia caroline92252
BellaRubia caroline92252
Jan999 caroline92252
annieschaefer caroline92252
In answer to your question regarding what might help, Jayneejay will often write what she has been taking and has worked well for her and many others on here. I know she mentions B6, B12, Kelp, Maca and few other items as well.
I am now trying the B6 150mg/day, I take a liquid multi B as well, Omega 3 -1000 with high EPA and DHA + I take magnesium pills at night (seem to help get a restful sleep), probiotics and will be adding in some Kelp and Maca here shortly. You are right, there are a lot of people giving advice and it does get confusing. I do hope Jay post on here what she follows or you could read other posts she has previously written on to get an idea of what she follows. Sounds like it has helped her out tremendously. As I've stated, I was already on a few items, but I plan on incorporating of few new supplements to hopefully help me get through what appears to be a bit of a blip here lately.
Hope you are feeling better soon. I also have dealt with anxiety and it is a real doozy when it kicks in. Just remember-while it's uncomfortable-it'll pass and when you start to relax a little bit about it, you'll see, it has less of a grip on you. Frightening as it is, it won't kill you! Try some Yoga breathing and or some relaxation tapes.
Remember, this is all will pass, just not fast enough for most of us! [razz]
Take care!
Annie xx
middlemuddle caroline92252
So let's start with B12, how was your pa diagnosed, Intrinsic Factor blood test or biopsy? Are your levels now high? Do you get copies of your blood tests? Are your Ferritin and Folate levels high enough and being monitored? How often are you injections? did you get loading doses?
I know that is a lot of questions sweetie but it is important to know where you are with this as B12 deficiency can cause anxiety and lots of other things. There is a great support group on facebook, a closed group, for help with PA and B12 deficiency.
Anxiety, especially when mixed with health worries is a lonly place to be. The this too will pass attitude is very helpful. B6 will help with anxiety. Take a good complex with high B6 levels.
If your iron is still low then i don't think spatone will help much, it is only 5mg of iron. Have a look at hemaplex, it has 85mg of iron plus B vits (so don't take a B complex to). You know that your iron and folate need to be at a decent level for your B12 to work properly.
We will help you all we can. It sounds like you have a combo of peri and vit deficiency problems going on, take care x
caroline92252 middlemuddle
lisa65434 caroline92252
middlemuddle caroline92252
The Lansoprazole will be affecting your ability to absorb B12 and other things as they need acidic conditions. I am not advising to stop taking this (talk to your GP about it) just checking you know the facts.
A B12 spray could help you to keep your levels higher you want a high dose 5000mcg spray or dissolvable tablet. This is called sublingual, it is absorted through the mouth rather than in the stomach where acid is needed.
Blood tests - did you have Intristic Factor testing? Please do consider the facebook group I recommened.
caroline92252 middlemuddle