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Today I’m having a bad day I’m 47 years old female. My period stop on November 15 and a headache begin from the face pain all the way back to in between my shoulder blades and a pain on my lower left abdominal like a period pains and I hasn’t stop. I feel is hormonal I’m jusf want to see if anyone has the same symptoms I have been in the ER. I have joint pains from my left shoulder thru hips, back, my heart races for no reason. I have a feeling that is hormonal imbalance . Please have anyone experience this symptoms ?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hiya Aimee .. ow yes sorry to say, that’s just the norm, I’m 53 and started at 49 with this crap lol..

    My periods stoped in March this year, so hoping to get to at least April next year, then they say should be over this so called menopause ...

    4years of crap😡 hot flushes, every bone in my body, now seems to creak and crack wen I move, pain also in my left side, , and headach for me just about every day, never had then b4 this all started, so don’t worry chic, this is all the symptoms and more we have to go through, hoping there will be life at the end of the tunnel soon, and that person I don’t like in the mirror now,  will be me once again yeah 😁..

    Keep your chin up, and talk on here, we are all here for you, big hug 🤗xx

  • Posted

    Hi I am the same aches and pains every day flushed heart palpitations and racing something different every day it’s a nightmare I missed two periods earlier in the year feb and March then they started again in April heavier than ever so I know it’s all happening can’t wait for it to be over sending hugs to all you lovely strong ladies 🤗xx keep talking on heat it has kept me sane 🤪🤪

  • Posted

    Hi Aimee, yes, I’ve had all this. Last year I had every test under the sun and it was all def hormonal that caused everything. I finally missed two cycles, and this month had a wicked headache, then guess what? Yup, hello period. All of these pains are starting to accumulate in to hot flashes which I didn’t get before (except for burning feet). Heart racing is gone and some of my other severest symptoms as well. But still never get one day where I feel normal. Sorry to hear you feel the same. One of my first symptoms was that pain next to my left shoulder blade. Not sure how that is connected but apparently so. 


    • Posted

      Yes me too I get pain in the left shoulder before I get my period and it goes away after period ends then when I’m ovulation I get pain on my left side ovaries. Now the headache is kicking my butt since the 15th comes and goes l! I hope you all don’t go thru this . (((hugs )))
  • Posted

    It is horrible this year so far I missed one period. But boy the heart palpitations are crazy . I have not yet experienced hot flashers or dryeness . But I think I’m going crazy sometimes with the aches in the shoulders, hips, back and I feel I’m having cramps like my period is coming pretty much all month . The headaches are weird like it hit me all over the head , then switch on my face makes me lightheaded and it rolls on my neck, It has to be hormones last December I went to the ER and they gave me Percocet w Valium and took care it of it but this past week it didn’t work. I don’t want to take HRT I want to take some natural meds. I love this forum and I feel I’m not alone in this . Thanks for the reply and I’m at ease. I have an a appointment tomorrow and I’m gonna request a hormone test 
    • Posted

      I think these wierd headaches and other stuff are precursors to hot flashes. It’s like your body is revving up for its big last hurrah. 

      I can feel mine morphing into this. 

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