Preparation for first consultation after my biopsy
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In seven days I shall be back at the clinic to learn the results of my MRI scan and subsequent biopsy. What questions do I need to put me in a position to make sensible decisions for my future treatment and life style?
I have no symptoms at present but PSA 2011:2012:2014 were 7:10:18. Rectal exam showed some enlargement with abnormailities on right side. The consultant said these PSA figures suggested slow growth.
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peter06554 georgeGG
the results should be in Gleeson scale 1-10 i being the least agressive and 10 the most. The staging is the degree of spread from 1-4. one being early stage usualy curable. to stage 4 its already spread, treatment will vary very much on what the out come is.
this is a very personnal thing but i was offered a trial and yes I admit my concern is for me in the here and now and not the effects on other patients in 10 years time thats my view which i stand by. selfish as that might be.
This is not a nice time and my advise would be that having been told the out come ask as many questions as you think neccasary and leave any decision that gives you time to talk to family.ons to be considered.until the next appointment which should be within two weeks.
I wish you the very best and with this final note In 2009 i was given 12 months to live and im still here.
this is not some thing you can deal with alone. with out my good wife id have gone a long time ago. I set out to find out every thing i could about the cancer so that i knew exactly what I was dealing with. when the consultant starts talking in a language you dont understand tell him/her to stop.
georgeGG peter06554
With best wishes, George
MrsO-UK_Surrey georgeGG
MrsO-UK_Surrey georgeGG
George, as promised the Prostate Cancer's website is
georgeGG MrsO-UK_Surrey
Thank for your care and kindness. I have seen other post from you by which you seek to encourage prostate cancer sufferers. I have no difficulty in acception that at 73 it is reasonable to depart this aging body. I had not at all thought that prostate cancer would be my lot. None of my family have had it. A heart attack in my 70s seemed to be the family pattern. So I am having rather an emotional turmoil as I struggle to get to grips with and accept this new situation.
I have found the Prostate Cancer UK website and order their test pack. I got no reply to my phone call. Thank you very much for suggesting that resource. Best wishes to you and your now recovered husband, George
georgeGG MrsO-UK_Surrey
georgeGG MrsO-UK_Surrey
MrsO-UK_Surrey georgeGG
georgeGG MrsO-UK_Surrey
peter06554 georgeGG
I asked my consultant staight out how much time do I have 12 months she said. Hit me hard although i was expecting it and i had to say went down hill emotionaly for a week or so.
At my next consultation I see her every month i said how it effected me. her answer was. no one can give you an exact prediction. The treatment is fairly new and there is no long term statistics to provide a guide line. its just a guess.My wife stands by me through thick and thin and trying to avoid the nasty things i have to do comes with me. Im now registered with Phillis Tuckwell I had an option of a macmillion nurse but the hospice is nearer
You cant hide some thing like this you need as much help as you can.
Good luck George
georgeGG peter06554
james87879 georgeGG
georgeGG james87879
As to the bone scan - do I need to be strong to undergo the scan or strong to take the results on the chin and respond sensibly? George
james87879 georgeGG
georgeGG james87879