Preparing yourself to live the rest of your life with an Anal Fissure

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How have you guys prepared for this?

I have plans of buying a car to work Taxi, it is a job I can do with a fissure assuming I get a special fissure style cushion it should be no problem.

I plan on living with my fissure for the next 40 years to come, tho I believe it may go away in about 20 to 30 years time.

Amazingly I have come to like this fissure as crazy as it sounds and as miserable and painful as it may be. But it might actually be pretty cool to live with it, just to see how strong I am to live my entire life with it. This is assuming I live to 74 because I am 34 right now, chances are I may make it to around 60 years old so I might only have to live with this fissure for 26 more years.

Now I have been using Nitroglycerine 0.2% and it seems to be helping a huge amount. But I don't believe a fissure can ever be healed without surgery, something I will never do.

I was going to HVAC school but I will abandon the school from this week because a fissure would prevent me from doing work like that, because I need to prepare for a life with a fissure. The idea of driving Taxi sounds pretty good.

Since the massive pain only lasts 7 hours a day, I could stay home for the first 7 hours and then go drive Taxi until 10 PM in the night to make up for it.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi John, I hope you don't give up on your HVAC schooling. If you are close to finishing your studies there just get it over with. 20+ years from now is too far to project your current condition. Taxi driving is great as an option but remember you will be dealing with a major sore between your bum. Make sure to find a cushion you can sit on for hours. bring an emergency AF kit with you that has pain medication and ointment, thermis to hold hot water to use your sitz bath to help you a long your shift. Mark out rest stops in case you have to drop off the kids to the swimming hole. Probably best to evacuate your bowels before any shift. I know you know but its a great reminder. The only good thing about AF is losing weight. Liking it I can not agree with since we Sacrifice so much because of the horrible pain.

  • Posted

    that is no way of life. do continue with the nitro for 6-8 weeks. you should get 0.4 or better 0.6%... hopefully it will heal.

    but if it doesn't you need to speak to a CRS and discuss surgery options. why are you so against surgery?

  • Posted

    Sad thing is I only have 4 months left before I finish my HVAC schooling I was so close to having a new life until this fissure happened then turned into chronic.

    Surgery will most likely leave me in diaper for the rest of my life so that is a no no there. I

    For the last 10 days my problem was so good, it was getting so much better with the Nitro Cream no blood or anything infact the pain was almost gone the spasm was almost gone. Then I stupidly started eating too much food and it actually didn't even cause an issue, Until today, had 2 bowel movements and then I saw BLOOD. Everything I worked for in those 10 days gone down the drain all the progress.

    The Nitro is only 0.2% I wonder if 0.6% would work much better? should I go for 0.6% after or Botux?

    I am thinking of going back to my original diet, which is eating Tiny amounts of food and eating once or sometimes twice a day of a very little bit of food.

    I never should have eaten so much food today and yesterday. All that fiber bulked up so much and just tore me open 😦

  • Posted

    its hard i know but it does get easier

    although i feel mine at times but no pain

    it took a good year to be totally pain free but the 7 hours of pain passed around the 4 months mark

    rectogestic cream , movicol , sitz baths and wash not wipe helped mine

    guess we are al different but even 18 months forward my routine stays the same

    guess it is something we have to live

    this forum helps , lots of us going through it and lots of advice

    chin up !


    • Posted

      I am going on 9 months with pain constantly, until I take Ibprophen, then I get some relief. I go for a colonoscopy next week, hopefully that will tell me what is wrong, since 2 doctors say different things. You would think they could find one medicine that could help so many people in pain. I have about 14 prescribed meds and none of them work, it cost me a fortune. I keep trying new ideas.... I have some really depressed days. I am glad we have this site, so we know we are not alone.

    • Posted

      i used to tale zapain x 2

      retogestic 3 times a day

      have you tried bert bees lip balm with peppermint ? worked wonders ! ive tried lots

      i was also given Oromoph for the pain

      there is one cream i get of ebay stinks but is good too

      ill get the name and forward

  • Posted

    Have you ever tried Smoking Cannabis for this fissure?

    It is the only thing I never tried because I had quit it because of panic attacks which apparently is a real thing with Cannabis, who would have taught....

    The Nitro works amazing for me, but right now if I urinate you know you have to contract when you are done? atleast for men anyways. Its painful when I contract since it ripped yesterday after weeks of healing.

    For now I won't give up hope I know there is nifedipine 0.5% which has a over 80% healing rate for chronic fissures. And then Botux which should be even higher.

    I am just eating pop corn now, some pumpkin in the morning just pumpkin squash alone. And evenings I eating crix multi grain crackers with chocolate milk that I mate with natural creole cocoa. I believe strongly this will help me I am also taking Aloe Vera gel my neighbor gave me 2 leaf.

  • Posted

    The more concentrated nitroglycerin solution isn't going to heal you faster. It's more likely to give you a strong headache. The 0,2% to 0,4% which is usually marketed and prescribed is safe and good for treatment of an anal fissure. I think it's also time for you to visit a psychiatrist and talk about your state. I know the pain that an anal fissure can cause myself, but you have to remember that it is just a cut. You will get over it. If the ointments don't help you can have an operation. Your fear from it is misgrounded. While their slight risks, you can try to minimize them by chosing an experience colorectal surgeon.

    • Posted

      What you fail to understand is there aren't any real surgeons like that in my country, and if there are I can't afford it leaving me with public health care options that is a hell of a lot worse. Even a doctor warned me against doing this surgery locally. A psychiatrist isn't going to help me I mean how on earth can they help me? what are they going to do, prevent me from killing myself? that would not be helping in anyway shape or form. And they sure as hell can't heal my fissure....

      And it is not just a cut, it is a cut that causes pain worse than kidney stones and can get infected and turn into something far worse which eventually ends your life.

      I would happily trade HIV or Cancer anyday over a fissure.

  • Posted

    if u dnt want surgery try botox may be it will help

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