prescribed citalopram 20mg, 2 months getting depressive dips daily

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Hi everyone:

I was prescribed 20mg citalopram 3 months ago by my doctor for depression and anxiety.As I've had suicidal and intrusive thoughts for years but I live on my own and they were getting much worse and I had no interest eating or activities so I knew something had to be done.

As my mother said that throughout the day when I would stay with her when I would dip it was like shutters coming down.

I felt an improvement almost immediately, I felt content, the intrusive thoughts, lessened and i didn't concentrate on them, it's was like my mind had gone from a vile demon to peaceful, I actually thought to myself so that's what happy feels like.

But for the last week, it's all back especially in the morning as soon as I wake up, the intrusive thoughts start, I'm constantly tired and don't want to eat even when hungry like please not this again. But I do come out of it, the tiredness lifts and my mood brightens but these periods are getting shorter and the depressive dips more frequent.

I take the citalopram in the morning but it doesn't seem to last or work at all at times, should i ask the doctor to increase the dose or just push through as it will work eventually?

As sick of scaring my mother the way I am and things I say.



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    definately talk to your dr about this perhaps you need to up the dose. x

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