Prescribed Tranexamic Acid and Mefenamic Acid combo...
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Been prescribed Tranexamic Acid and Mefenamic Acid to treat light to middling bleeding and period-like abdo / pelvic pain after having Implanon (contraceptive implant) put in 6 weeks ago, I know the bleeding and pain is due to a temporary Hormonal imbalance after having the implant so it seems odd to chuck such a large quantity of drugs at the situation.
Anyone else had the same prescription???
And looking at some of the other posts on here, does it even work???
Any advice will be gratefully received by a very confused patient!
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I came on 5 months ago (still on now) took tablets but they havent stopped the bleeding only slowed it to like a normal period but constant for five months. My consultant at hospital has put me on mefenanic acid as well even though im not in any pain. I had an ultra sound and pelvic examination 6 weeks ago and am seeing consultant to find out whats going on on monday 6th june. 6 weeks to have scan.13 week wait to see consultant. Nice to talk to people in same position as me.
peter27265 Guest
Hello...what's your outcome so far. I have a patient with a similar condition
QUESTION: He says if the bleeding slows for long enough, I should have an intrauterine device (IUS) called a 'Mirena' fitted, which he thinks might help. Has anyone else had this done?
Had loads of tests before Xmas to rule out anything sinister (long story), but all came back clear, so they suggested the mirena coil. They tried to fit one before Christmas, but it didn't work - I was quite uncomfortable for the rest of the day (cramping pain & nausea). I finally had one fitted last Friday, not easy, everything internally objected - I spent the afternoon writhing in pain, unable to walk or string a sentence together. It was like a permanent contraction and the pain was acute, usual painkillers didn't touch it. Been prescribed tranexamic acid & mefenamic acid today - the bleeding is worse (have only had one week's break since 4th December). I hope they work, otherwise I will get the mirena removed a.s.a.p.!
I went to see a gynaecologist at the hospital, not the same one that suggested hysterectomy, and she suggested i have a hysteroscopy, I cant even let her do that. I rang the hospital recently to speak to the secretary and was shaking so badly on the phone that she could tell with my voice. Stupid, I know!!
Anyway, when they realise you are this scared its amazing what they can suggest, she told me last week that I only need to have 3-4 periods a year. I take Norethisterone which stops bleeding every day for 3 months and then have a break and during the big bleed I will be taking Tranexamic acid, mefenamic acid and Ibuprofen all together. Im hoping this will be a solution. I have been taking norethisterone to stop bleeding for a few months now but still having a break for a period every month or so. When I bleed, I bleed a lot, i will lose clots so big I almost wonder if they had a heart beat, following these clots i sit on the toilet for a long time while blood pours from me, when I get to the stage of dripping I know I can get off the toilet and use a rolled up hand towel for protection, I cant go out for a couple of weeks as sometimes the bleeding will slow down for a day and then will come back with avengeance just when Im not expecting it.
I got to the stage of not knowing what to do next, I take iron tablets like they are smarties every single day.
Roll on menopause !!! I cant wait!
It is no more uncomfortable having it fitted than a smear test and the results were felt within a couple of weeks. No weight gain or any other side effects.
I have been period free now for 3 years I wish I had known about it 6 years ago. I am 50 now so hopefully this will see me through the menopause.
Hope this helps some of you
I've had heavy periods since I started many years ago. I'm 37 now and was given tranexamic acid to help the blood flow which in turn helps with the pain, as the clots are broken down my body isn't going into contraction mode. However last January (2009) I had a prolonged period that lasted over 8 weeks and was presribed norethisterone which actually stopped my period with a couple of days of beginning to take it. I've also been prescribed mefenamic acid for the pain. Everything seemed to regulate itself until Christmas just gone, we had a load of stress after losing our business in the previous January and from January this year my periods have been all over the place even with the drugs. Hysterectomy is out of the question for many reasons including the fact that my husband and I don't yet have children. I was also encouraged to go to the local hospital for an ultrasound but when I got the letter was told that I would be at the hospital for nearly two hours as they would give me an internal examination and as it was a teaching hospital there would probably be students there too. I know it may sound stupid but I didn't go as I felt ill prepared and pressured into something that I wasn't sure about plus I work at the university that teaches these students. This mirena coil seems interesting though, have many have had bad experiences with this? I assume its a contraceptive device too?
My horrendous periods returned so after a stint on tranexamic acid they fitted the marina coil under anesthetic as apparently i have a very small cervix! this sort of settled things down, it was much lighter but some months i came on twice. after nealy a year of having it in i awoke 5 weeks ago in excruciating pain (like labour) and covered in blood. i am still bleeding 5 weeks later, the coil has been expelled with all the blood and i am due for an ultrasound scan next week.
I am 42 now and am wondering is it worth considering a hysterectomy although my gut instinct is to put this off for as long as possible!
Surely we cannot just take the tranexamic acid indefinately?
fibroids and this increases blood flow.
I have been taking tranexamic acid and mefenamic acid for three months now. It has
helped, the blood flow is far less than it was (period is now 7 days instead of two weeks) but I too am
concerned by how long you should take them for.
I have also noticed that I am seeing far more blood clots than before (they are also larger) and I have
gained about 8 lbs in 3 months. As someone who previously did not put on weight (please don't tut, I do have other issues!) this is quite distressing.
I also noticed last month that I generally felt unwell when I took the tablets (shortness of breath, pains in my arms and legs). I stopped taking them straight away.
I am off to the doctor's tomorrow to discuss:
1. how long it is safe to take these tablets for?
2. the weight gain
3. feeling unwell
4. increased blood clots
I will let everyone know what they suggest.
I have just tried tranexamic acid this month. I experienced similar symptoms to Tash i.e. Feeling unwell, larger blood clots but also a cramping type pain around my stomach, hips and tops of thighs. On the third day I started having pains in my arms and legs mainly around the joints. I stopped taking the tablets and being a bit of a worrier rang nhs direct who suggested that i ring the out of hours surgery. The lovely nurse I spoke to reassured me that the symptoms would probably go as I had stopped taking the tablets (which they did). She also advised me to make another appointment with the g.p.
I'm Feeling a little less anxious now I know that someone else has reacted in a similar way (which is the reason i have posted this reply). Maybe these tablets do not suit everyone.
My gp has already suggested the coil but after reading some of the posts I am a little wary of this option.
Background history: I'm 47 - I Started having irregular (fairly continuous) periods after the birth of my second son 16 years ago. I had a hysterscopy early on - all fine. Just got on with life & the inconvenience. Divorced, remarried - wanted to sort things out, having bled through the wedding, the honeymoon, the family holiday - I thought enough was enough.
I subsequently tried Tranxemic & Mefenamic - they worked for a while. I had loads of blood tests, then they suggested the mirena coil. The first one broke during the procedure & was removed immediately (I spent the afternoon doubled up in pain). I experienced the same pain after the procedure was repeated & to be honest, it didn't make much difference.
Then I had an endometrial ablation & a further hysteroscopy - the pain following this procedure can only be described as 7 days of intense labour!! However, for a year, my periods subsequently reduced to one a month and was light.
Last December, things started to become irregular again, and I've been re-referred to the hospital and the choice was another ablation or hysterectomy. Following a negative blood test to check whether my hormone levels were indicating the menopause and long discussions at home, I decided not to do anything, but didn't take my name of the waiting list. I was 'on' for 25 days between 1st May to 10th June & came back 'on' on the 20th June. I'm exhausted & emotionally drained. We're about to go away on holiday and I have an appointment to see the consultant the day after we return. I have to make a decision.
jada191213 Chloë
Thank you