Pressure in Head

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Hello, I have had a very heavy pressure & awful pain in the back of my head for over 7 days. I normally take slow release oxycodone (morpheine)  & amitriptyline, Naproxen & omeprazole for another condition I have. However I have never experienced pressure in my head like tis before, the pain was so bad for over 7 days I went to the doctor, he thought I may have a bleed, so off to A & E where I was given a ct scan, that showed nothing. Kept in hospital that evening and the next day a lumber pncture was performed, this in itself can give you a pressure headache, at this point I could not lift my head off the pillow. I have spent 4 days in hopsital and nothing has showed up sad although the culture test was not back at the time of me leaving. I am still in the same way, although all of the pain now covers the back and top of my head. In between morpheine I take & naproxen, paracetomol was also given as well as coedeine and Sumatriptan which made no difference. I am home now and still have this awful pressure with no answers.

Strange thing is, the doctors look at you as if you are making it up, and you just want a test to come back positive just to prove the problem you have is real. I know other people have also listed this pressure in the head, there must be something to link eople whi are having this problem, what it is, is a mystery really, to me anyway. 

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey, The sumatriptan works unless you move, the coedeine can also worsen the headache (from experience) have a blood test for any infections or diseases


    • Posted

      Well I presume the hospital did test after blood that was initially taken on the night I went in, it wasnt discussed, the only thing they said was that the ct scan showed no bleed and the lumber test showed no meningitus.

      It seems they dont bother to test for anything else, but just rule out what my doctor thought it coud be, a bleed. I was really getting fed up of it being described a headache, wheni t feels so much more like having a pressure cooker built in your head with pain.

    • Posted

      I've been experiencing headaches for a long time and they've just ruled out a brain tumour and not tested for anything else and just told be take a couple of iburprofen a day which I tried and told them they don't work, hopefully going to do a blood test soon. I have been taking 10mg amitrptiyline for the last two weeks at night, just find it difficult to wake up and the pain is a lot less
    • Posted

      Is your headache a pressure type or a migraine or just all out painful ?

      I currently take 60mg of amitrptyline, plus morpheine, and paracetomol you wouldnt think I could get any other pain with that lot. 

      I am surprised that they are only prescribing Ibroprofen, when they could try a mgraine tablet,if they havent already, have you thought about buying it yourself at the chemist, not sure where you are UK, USA ?? I know there are a few migraine tablets that you can buy certainly in UK. If you want something with codeine then there is solphedine, they helped me a few years ago with a bad migraine.

      The thing that bothered me in hosptal is that I have had headaches, and migraines many years ago, this is Not to me, a migraine its pressure that feels as if it has not where to go except explode. 

    • Posted

      I've been prescribed sumatriptan propanalol but the "specialist" prescribed iburprofen got a appointment next week as i have joint pain hopefully a blood test which may reveal leukemia as i can't live with this pain anymore, and in I'm in uk
    • Posted

      Hi Talha71666

      I am so sory you are in so much pain, have you ever been prescribed oxycodone?

      The thing that annoyed me the most in hosptal is that they ask how's the headache, I felt like screaming this isnt a headache, I know what migraines feel like, headaches I have ever month, but this is something different. They are so casual, if its not a bleed wht you are sent in with, we dont bother investigating anything else. Just go home and suffer basically!

  • Posted

    Hi there. Oh wow! U would be in absolute agony! I also have incredible pressure in my head. I've had constant headaches for over 4 years & have had neck & shoulder pain too. Doc says it's from tension. Tension headaches are unbearable. I've been taking paracetamol, codeine, proablyn, amitriptyline, & recently started taking oxycodone with naproxen. My neck & head have also become even more unbearable that I want to rip my head off from my shoulders! My tabs aren't doing much but only just take the very edge off the pain but the incredible pressure is still there. I've had scans & head/brain is normal. Only slight degeneration showed up in my neck. That was disappointing as I was hopeful that when my tension gets better (wishful thinking!) oh & I have sinusitis on & off which does affect your neck as well, that I would have a lot less pain & maybe only occasional instead of 24 hours a day! But the degeneration will only get worse & become more painful sad I started searching for answers & perhaps even remedies on the internet & found this forum which is great! Can't believe so many people are suffering with what I'm going through! Anyway, I came across a topic on 'medication induced headaches'. Not 100% sure it's a real thing, but could be? I used to have so much relief from my tabs but your body gets used to them & u need more & even stronger ones. Taken on a daily basis too. Really only supposed to have them for a short time then have a break then can have them again etc (I can't go a day without pain relief. Too unbearable!) it says that u can have even greater headaches from the medication itself. Particularly narcotics & Panadol. Totally sucks if it is true! Won't really be able to trial it as I really can't even go a minute without anything. Don't want to talk to the doctor about it cos he could take away all medication. They certainly don't really listen & think it is made up or something. All we want is quality of life! If we felt great & pain free we wouldn't have to take anything! Also thought, could be hormonal contributing to it too?! What are your thoughts? smile
  • Posted

    i know how you feel about the drs thinking you're making it up and not being taken seriously, i think a lot of us are in the same boat with that, kind of hoping that something comes back from tests just to prove to them. it sucks.
  • Posted

    With the medication induced headaches, wouldn't u get them soon after taking medication not years later? Not so sure if that's it?! Mine get worse at 'that time of month' but my neck & shoulders are extremely sore when my head is exploding. I'm sure alot of people experience tension when they have stresses in their life but how can it be this bad & ongoing & everyday for 24 hrs a day? Not sure what to say to my doctor next appt as I'm also worried that he'll take away my pain killers & keep me on something that doesn't help at all. Had Chiro yesterday & that helped it about 10%. It used to help it alot a couple of years ago. Acupuncture helps the pain in my muscles but doesn't last long enough. I can't afford to have Chiro & acupuncture & Physio every week sad At this point in time, I'm looking for a medication that helps with the pain substantially. I take an anti inflammatory already but it doesn't help with pain. What is the medication for migraines? Codeine used to work wonderfully but not anymore. My head feels like it has all the types of headaches rolled into one! 
  • Posted

    I've had constant pressure in my head for I don't know how long. I've suffered from constant headaches and migraines for well over a year, almos 2 years. I had a full head CT done without the contrast dye though and it didn't show anything. But lately the pressure has been so bad and constant in the same spot. I have been to urgent care several times and they act like I am making it up to get drugs or something. I actually hate taking anything stronger than tylenol or smoke pot. I'm constantly worried that it's something serious that is hidden sad
    • Posted

      Hi OriginalIRQ

      Ct scans norml do show anything up, have you had a lumber puncture performed? I would go back to your doctors, have you tried cutting out certain things in your lifestyle at all, something you could ttribute to around when you started with the pressure?  certain foods, washing powder, beauty things etc?

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