Pressure in stomach causing anxiety

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I am experiencing severe pressure off and on in my stomach giving me anxiety attacks. It is so scary becbecause it makes me feel breathless. It is like a tight band under the ribs. I have this fir days st the time. No pain just pressure.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Please get checked as soon as possible!  Those are all signs of heart problems.  
  • Posted

    Have you seen a doctor? Maybe you should just in case if it's something more serious or a simple case to be resolved. I'm not a doctor so no idea what could be. Hope you find an answer or feel better soon.
  • Posted

    Ive had that tight band pressure and its horrible. Mine was due to acid reflux caused by a hiatus hernia. Certainly worth getting it checked out. 😊
  • Posted

    Hi Delores 

    I hope you went and got yourself checked out , any sort of pressure around your abdnomen needs checking out , Do you suffer with acid reflux / i know if ive had a bad episode i can get tight and breathless , the acid can come really high up into the chest and it can cause narrowing of the airways almost like an asthma attack ,cold weather can do it for me too , Gina is right to that you need to see the doctor asap , but please remember its likely not your heart , anxiety can give you very similar symptoms ! its also good to remember women dont always get the classic signs of heart atttack , it can be pains in the chin and neck, shoulders , sweating, nausia and of course breathlessness , 

  • Posted

    Adding on to what I initially wrote....I have had pressure in the chest/throat area.  I suffer from GERD and have a hiatal (sp?) hernia.  When I first encountered the pain, I was tested for heart problems. When I was cleared of that, I had an endoscopy and that's when the GERD and Hernia were discovered.  So, I know that GERD and hernia can cause the pain/pressure, but so can heart problems.  What concerns me about yours is that you are suffering anxiety too.  Anxiety can be a sign of heart issues.  It's not very likely that's what's going on with you since you've had it for a while, but I'd have it checked out if I were you.

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