Prickly Legs
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Hello ladies, does anyone ever get the prickly legs?? The only way I can describe is many little rubber bands snapping , or like many bee stings, up and down the legs.. I did get up and clean my whole house (it needed it) so wanted to get that out of my way before my shower so I would then be nice and clean and refreshed for the day after scrubbing everything, so not sure if I lowered my blood sugar doing all this before eating or what, but while in the shower I get this bad up and down the legs, also shaky feeling and just felt maybe over heated cause shower was hot.. So maybe low sugar or a hot flash brought on by the hot water, and usually I'm always cold, unless its a hot shower or dreadful night sweats thats the only time I feel over heated.. So anyone relate to this prickly feeling in the legs? Any thoughts on what causes it if you do get it.. What were you doing right before to bring it on?
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debra16694 Gypsy014
HI Gypsy - could you also describe it as a sunburn, but your skin isnt red or hot to the touch & it is only in the front of your legs? if so, then yes. in addition, i get it on my back, neck, chest, tops of feet & forearms - it has been so bad for me that it landed me in the ER, with no explanation except a huge hospital bill after insurance - All i can say is I think falling hormones really play havoc with the nervous system. i have had a bad run with it after a death of a friend, but then it also woke me up from a dead sleep, so again, probably more to do with hormones affecting the nervous system - i do wish i knew for sure & that it would stop happening to me -
Gypsy014 debra16694
Hi Debra, oh yes I could definitely say it feels like a burning sunburn, and yes only on front of legs.. Very weird like thousands of little rubber band snaps at my legs.. I felt it before also in the shower, so just wondering if it had to do with the heat in the shower, maybe a weird hot flash brought on by the heat..
debra16694 Gypsy014
Hi there - does your sensation last for any duration or does it go away after a bit? i remember the first time i had the front of leg/shin sensation it lasted about 2 weeks & really freaked me out - also, it made me think my legs were a bit swollen, but they were not - when i had the sensation in other places on my body it didnt last as long as the leg/shin thing - so tired of always trying to figure stuff out - i really do believe its unbalanced hormones affecting our nervous system - i am really trying to calm my nervous system with Gentle Yoga, Gentle Water Movement, Acupunture & Epsom salt baths & stress vitamins -
Gypsy014 debra16694
Hi Debra no it only lasts the time I'm in the hot shower, which makes me think it has something to do with heat.. Do yours happen in the shower too with heat? I will have to watch for it to happen again only out of the hot shower..
Guest Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy, See if this makes sense..
when I get out of a hot bath and step foot on the floor, my feet and calves feel like tiny little pinches up and down. It lasts only a couple of minutes after my legs get moving and the cool off. I have Raynauds, basically an over reaction of my blood vessels to hot and cold. The pinchy feeling happens after hot. However, If I put my hands in the freezer, then put hot water...they get very prickly and painful. I have read some articles stating that people with migraine have different vascular responses. Of course, most of us were gifted migraines from peri.
Gypsy014 Guest
Hi Lou yes that makes perfect sense.. It only happens when I'm in the hot shower, mine only lasts as long as the hot shower lasts and then it faded away.. And yes I would describe like little pinches or rubber bands bee stings just weird! I did go to the doctor the other day and he asked me about that raynauds , he said I would know if I had that.. Who knows its a different day and I'm on to different crappy other symptoms today!!!!