Priobitic drink for digestion
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I think taking a priobitic drink daily can help with digestive issues in peri/meno for those ladies who aren't aware, I have had digestive issues in peri and I think it does help x
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Marnee313 pinkcatfairy
randa_99573 pinkcatfairy
thanks a lotÂ
becky221 pinkcatfairy
I take a probiotic every day but what's a probiotic drink?
pinkcatfairy becky221
The little bottles of yoghurt drink which contains lactobacullis casaei (or however you spell it)
becky221 pinkcatfairy
Thanks! I'll look for those. I eat yogurt every day so it might be the same thing.
Wannaflbttr1 pinkcatfairy
I need to try that! I don't recognize my body anymore I have so many funky symptoms from GI to palpitations to alcohol intolerance .... I'll try anything !!!
pinkcatfairy Wannaflbttr1
dee53012 pinkcatfairy
Hi PCF (very cute name),
I take a probiotic in refigerated pill form for high amounts, and yes, it does help in digestion. It also helps with things vaginal as well as all the things that go up and down the entire GI tract. My doc said if you have ever taken any antibiotic, you should be on Pro B's the rest of our lives.
I had stopped taking them for a few months because I was not able to get to the store, but a few days ago, I got a 4 months supply of the ProB's, started taking them and the stink I was getting from my vaginal area is now gone. No more stinky is nice!
A good quality ProB is awesome. Best medicine out there imo.
dee53012 pinkcatfairy
From what I have read, the trouble with the yogurt and drink pro-b's are that they have lots of sugar and they are not consisitant in the levels of live bactiria. Taking a pill form will be more effective.
If you are having any troubles up and down the GI tract, it is imparitive to get off all sugar, including fruit, and anything white (potatoes, breads etc) which acts like sugar in the body (including artificial sweeteners).
The PH in the our human bodies is all wrong because of what we are eating. It is not easy, but processed foods should all be eliminated. We have gotten so far away from eating real food, that we beleive what the label on the box tells us and, well, it is all a lie. Sadly, boxed (anything processed) food and "natural" flavors are crap.
My ND said, "if it has a nutritional label, don't eat it".