Probiotics causing stomach ache !
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We try so hard to be well. Have had a struggle with sinus, headaches, ears and stomach for about a year now and it was supposedly under control and geting better, then I took a large dose of biotics to replace the good bacteria as I had been under the weather and taking three weeks of anti biotics. Next thing I knew my stomach felt awful and has done ever since - nearly a week now. The pp2 and the ibs tablets do not help. Anyone else had any similar experiences?
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1st Sept 2014
The stomach cleared up, goodness knows how, but still believe it was all down to the mix of flora in the gut and when you get it right you feel well and when you get it wrong you feel ill. The Chinese believe that your gut flora affects your sinus and head and this certainly seems to be the case with me. But now I have a bad back ache, really bad, last few days, and am sure there is a connection. It is no good going to doctors, they never look at the WHYS they only give you painkillers etc which you can easily sort out for yourself far quicker.
emma666 carmel83758
Did you take probiotics to sort out the gut flora, if so, which ones?
carmel83758 emma666
I didnt take special biotics, just some live yoghurt and normal ones. But am sure it just wore off and was caused by the large dose of biotics in the first place. Just as previously I had a very bad stomach ache for a long time after eating raw garlic - which kills the bad bacteria in the gut.
So possibly the stomach and system got a shock by suddenly having lots of the bad bacteria killed off and this results in aches, pains, headaches or whatever? Hve ordered some of the professional strength Dr Ohhira biotics. In the meantime it seems to be that in a way it is better NOT to take them as whenever I take them or something to kill the bad bacteria I seem to be more ill. The bottom of the back is the kidneys? The pain is like a fist pushing in there.
I also had terrible diarrhea and a bad stomach ache but then both went away. So it might be something to do with kidneys flushing stuff out. I usually take fibre capsules and vitamin pills each day but will not take anything special for a while cause it always seems to me that that is what maks me more ill. W
emma666 carmel83758
I have given up trying to take anything now. I tried a salt drink that was recommended and it made me worse, then I was recommended to try digestive enzymes because Im having trouble digesting everything at the moment and these made my stomach sooooo poorly and almost raw.
Now the probiotics are reacting, so Ive decided to forget every medicine and just do the diet.
Be careful what you take, would hate you to make things worse. Not sure on the back, think it could be the kidneys.
carmel83758 emma666
and assume that one word to him or her and they will understand it all and put it right - even though they failed lots of times before., When I talk to people I know they assume the doctor understands and knows it all and dont like it if I say I have researched it and understand it myself.
emma666 carmel83758
The trouble with me doing research though, is that I will read about some medication that works for someone else but when I order it, it makes me worse.
Got to stop trying things.
Hope you sort your back pain out. x
carmel83758 emma666
carmel83758 emma666
Hve done some reserch this afernoon taht point to my kidneys/diarrhea etc being caused possibly by the cimetidine and which I have been taking on and off for months.
I was talking to someone on the phone about it and said about the kidneys and they said "how do you know it is the kidneys" when it is easy to find that out. Then they gave me a leture on makiing sure that I wash fruit before I eat it in case I get a funny tummy ! Like a woman of 57 needs to be told to wash fruit - and it has nothing to do with the kidneys etc.
maggiegirl77 carmel83758
s14891 carmel83758
tonya65409 carmel83758
gloria82922 carmel83758
They gave me a stomach ache also. I've stopped them and no more pain. I thought I would take them to help my food digest. Has anyone ever tried slippery elm for your stomach. I thought I would try to help heal the linning of my stomach since I have a inflamed stomach. I open the two capsules and poured water over them and drank it and soon as I did my stomach starting hurting. I understand injesting that way you get the affects quicker. Has anyone else had this experience. I really afraid to try them again.
gwen45436 gloria82922
Yes me. I tried Slippery Elm - it hurt like mad. Tried a couple more times and the same thing. Bin them. What I have found best is Pepzin am and pm - it was suggested to me by a guy who has set up a web page for gastric issues. He also suggested Mastic Gum. Both of these line the stomach. I take Zantac 150mg am and pm from my doc (refused PPI's). I can go for ages feeling great then ruin it myself with something I eat (or drink).
gloria82922 gwen45436
Is that Pepzin a another name for zinc cardisone if it is I can't take that either. It makes my stomach hurt also.
gwen45436 gloria82922
What about Mastic Gum - it has been used for years and years.
Another one I tried is DGL but that hurt - but the mastic is ok - maybe it will be for you.