Problems swallowing, GP believes it is anxiety but...

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For the last year I have had severe problems swallowing, anything more than soup, porridge or tinned mince and powdered potatoes causes me terrible problems, I have lost 6 stone in this whole year. I have been for endoscopy -clear, barium swallow-clear- and a stomach scan which is also clear. problem is that for example, I tried to eat a mushy and very mild vegetable curry and that was it, I was off, burping, forced burping because I feel like something is trapped in my throat, this is severe as I start to spasm and feel like I am choking to death. This also occurs after eating my usual shepherds pie with the above ingredients.

If it is anxiety it is only brought on by not being able to eat- I used to eat a lot, all kinds of food, now it is just the above. My Gp said she believes it to be anxiety, but like last night, 20 minutes after eating and burping, the food literally comes back up by itself, I cannot stop this, I wish to eat! I choke and splutter, become very light headed and disorientated along with a strange feeling as if I am walking on air.. or air filled balloons.

I also tend to have a metallic taste in my mouth which is horrid, constant lump in the throat, I ate porridge this morning and have been gaseous ever since, along with other odd symptoms as my eyesight has become worse over the last year, I am insanely itchy all the time, especially under my right shoulder blade.. this is really intense.

I was however on Simvistatin for a while and had the nasty side effects like carpal tunnel, this also supposedly may cause problems with swallowing, I stopped them four weeks ago and the carpal tunnel has gone and the majority of all the other symptoms, except with I just cannot eat anything solid, I have chickens and used to have a couple of eggs every day, now I loathe the strange taste of the egg white.. I am 50 years of age and honestly feel that I shall not be around much longer.

Any advice would be welcome, I have an appointment on the 31st March with a consultant whom I believe is going to go through all the tests with me.. I am afraid if they say it is anxiety as I feel like my problem is not in the mind but is physical.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

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94 Replies

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  • Posted

    Hi ..i had a while a proplem with swollowing and felt like food gets stuck in my throat and i haveto cough like crazy to make it feel better ..i went to emergency few times couse of this ..but my solution for this was couse i have been having a lot of panic attacks and anxiety witch has made my muscles wery stiff and i read somewhere that it might couse swollowing proplems ans so i went to take massage and allso did exercises at home allso and suddently i started to swollow normaly anxiety affects on muscles and this might help wery often
  • Posted

    Ask U doctor to send u for barium meal or see an ent doctor might help
  • Posted

    Hi Melissa,

    Recently I've been having problems with swallowing liquids more than anything. It started a couple days ago when my drink went down the wrong way which blocked my windpipe and it felt like I couldn't breathe. Since then when I eat and drink I find it difficult to get it down and sometimes I have to double swallow for it to go down. When I drink I hold it in my mouth as it feels like I can't swallow it and then I start to panic. I just want to be able to eat and drink properly again without having this stress and feeling that I'm going to choke again. Any ideas?

    • Posted

      Hi adam55871,

                            I totally understand where you are coming from!!

      I have been experiencing similar problems for a while now.

      I was told by the doctors that it was anxiety related, the muscles affected stiffen with the anxiety and hence difficulties arise swallowing.

      I was also holding liquids in my mouth, fearing that i couldn't swallow, it is an awful feeling.

      Things do improve, i practise breathing and try to not think too much about the actual process of drinking, distract yourself if you can.

      Try to make the whole eating and drinking as relaxing as possible!! I know how tough it can be, it is easier said than done!!

      For me the whole process began when i became unwell with anxiety and depression following a very long period of extreme stress and toxic work environment.

      I wish you well adam.


    • Posted

      Im the same its awful. Always worse with liquids than food
    • Posted

      Hi ellebi,

                  I share your concerns, it is awful when you cann't swallow liquids properly.

      I like you always find it is worse with liquids than food.

      I was told it was anxiety related.

      I find now that i don't go out for coffee with friends or out for meals generally.

      Would you mind if i private messaged you so we can discuss this in more detail and learn from each other how to beat this "throat monster".

      Many thanks,


    • Posted

      Been a week since I've posted and I went to see the doctor and she said from her basic check up my throat looked fine. I'm not sure that it's a physical problem because there is times where I can get my food and drink down no problem but then there is still the part where I pause before I drink and swallow. I think it's physicalogical as this problem has only started since my drink went down the wrong way. Just relieved that I'm not the only one that is experiencing this but it is making me feel awful about myself..

    • Posted

      Yeah the problem came on suddenly with me, i think it was from swallowing so many big vitamins and tablets, now its very constant. Especially with fluids, not so much with food at all.

      and obviously have great diffulty swallowing tablets etc.

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    • Posted

      Hi ellebi,

                  My doctor is saying the same thing, globus sensation.

      I have the same problem swallowing tablets.

      I share the same difficulty swallowing liquids, it is really awful, food isn't too bad at all.

      Apparently things do improve with time!!

      Take care,

      Mary clare1

  • Posted

    Hi Melissa, this does sound very severe. I've had 13 years of what it is known as dysphagia. I found that acupuncture helped me - followed by head massage. I also suffer from migraine and have a neck injury from two car crashes - although the doctor says this has nothing to do with it. I was seeing a psychologist for a while and was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. I know what you mean when you say not being able to eat can actually give you anxiety!. But, sometimes anxiety can affect people in many different ways. I have given up alchohol, (I drank quite a lot) I am doing Pilates and Yoga and I can honestly say my swallow has improved DRASTICALLY! Blueberries (even just eating one by one) can help relax the brain, and herbal teas too - some are horrible but some are pretty nice, it's just a matter of personal taste. There is light. I do still have a day here and there when I'm not feeling great and can't swallow properly, but taking a long walk, deep breaths and even taking a long hot bath can just help us relax and to switch off, but I am nothing like I once was. X

  • Posted

    Hi Melissa, I can readily empathise with what you are experiencing. I have had this three times in my life and, in my case, is caused by anxiety.  Normally some serious situation kicks off the anxiety and a period of time later, sometimes as longs as a couple of years,  I get the condition. I realise that it won't improve until my mind is ready to 'let go'.  It is dreadful not being able to eat or drink without the fear of choking. I then produce more saliva to try to swallow and can't do that either. I end up spitting down the loo or into a hankie. It kills all social invitations as I cannot possibly go out for a meal. It worries me for my health. I was sent to see a psychologist when it last happened 10 years ago and that did nothing. I really feel for you because one has to eat and drink to exist! 

    • Posted

      It is like a vicious cycle isn't it!   The anxiety makes the condition worse.   One worries about not eating and drinking properly.   The reduction in nutritional benefit because one is not eating well will probably also make things worse.    

      ?I think trying some form of relaxation / complementary therapy such as relaxation techniques / acupuncture etc may well help; and sipping high nutrition liquid drinks may give your body a bit of a break and may stop things deteriorating too much during the bad times?

    • Posted

      Hi Celticgirl,

                           I can totally relate to you. I have had this problem also on three occasions in my life and like you it was anxiety. This time it has been with me from 2016 and i have been told by the doctor that it is globus sensation. The problem is there day and daily and as you say, it kills all social invitations, as you cant eat or drink properly, drinking is the toughest part for me. I am going to try acupuncture and will let you know how i get on. Take care, my friend.


    • Posted

      Hello Alan, you are absolutely correct,  it is a vicious circle,  my sentiments too. I could write a thesis on this topic. The more one becomes rigid,  the worse the problem.   After having it last time,  I had hoped not to ever experience it again. I quite often tell myself off by saying it won't beat me and it's all in my mind - which it is! It will go eventually,  just have to be patient. I make nutritious soups and eat what I can and drink plenty,  very important - even if I have to spread it out over a few hours. I'm used to food getting cold! I meditate and keep myself busy to take my mind off it and take nice long walks,  which are therapeutic.  Probably,  like others with this problem,  I prefer a tray on my lap to sitting at a table - less pressure. I feel for anyone with this - it is all consuming as we have to eat to live.  

    • Posted

      Hello Maryclare, you will get better, I did after the last bout. Be interested to hear how your acupuncture session (s) go. You will be ok and get better. There is hope. 
    • Posted

      Hi Celticgirl,

                       Thank you for your kind words and reassurance, i will keep in touch re the acupuncture.

      All the best,


    • Posted

      Hi ellebi,

                   I am the same, tablets and capsules are a nightmare to take!!

      I will keep you updated surely.

      Take care,


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