problems with diagnosis... a bit of a trauma!
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Hi - I went to see my GP after a week of gaving the rash (it's not really a rash is it, more like blotches!) and they seemed very concerned and sent me off to A&E which was a bit scary...
At A&E they first of all discountred meningitis (because I really haven't felt unwell with it) and then they did a blood test to check white blood cell count to discount leukemia (which really worried me!). Then, after musch prodding and examination the doctor said she 'thought' it was PR and sent me off with no creams, nothing. Said it would go in about 6 weeks.
I'm just slightly disturbed that lots of us have different experiences with diagnosis - I'm still not sure it it's definately PR that I have. Also worried that some people here have it for ages and get re-occurrences of it!! In my basic research so far it seems to be most common that it goes and doesn't come back... just started itching ;(
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Well it does sound like you've got PR to me and - good grief - I feel like I could go and work in a dermatology dept now, I've done so much research!
Sounds like you had a good going over at the hospital though. I think you'll find most people with PR have had the devil's own job getting the medical profession to offer any sort of help or guidence.
Anyway, I can only speak from my experience, but I had PR for 7 weeks in total. The first two weeks were a living hell. I was absolutely covered in it and itched like crazy. However, I found this website to be an absolute saviour and tried out all the tips and hints - Vit B complex, Zinc, Head and Shoulders, not getting stressed etc and they were invaluable.
I'm usually not one for what I call holistic 'mumbo jumbo', but I've got to say, the self help advice, living a cleaner lifestyle, juicing fruit and veg, taking the vits and trying to keep calm and positive despite all the odds REALLY DID WORK. Working yourself up to a frenzy of worry and anxiety is to be avoided at all costs as it makes you feel physically and mentally worse. Beleive me, you will get better. This thing does go as quickly and as inexplicably as it comes. And in the vast majority of cases, it never comes again.
Wishing you lots of luck and healing................
I rand NHS direct who sent me to an out of hours GP who then sent me to A&E.
I spent 3 hours there and they had no idea. But did say if it got any worse to go back to my GP.
The next morning it was 10 times worse. We returned to the GP and in turn she sent me back to A&E!!!
After alot of pushing they did do blood tests (they were not going to). These came back normal.
So after another week my daughter still covered in the rash..I took her back to the GP. He gave me creams and we were told to return in a week.
We did and were refered to a special who has now told us it is Pityriasis Rosea.
Well suppose at long last we know, but it has been hard work getting there.