Problems with melatonin? Need insomnia solution...

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Has anyone else stopped taking melatonin due to side effects?  I started taking it nightly about 2-3 months ago because the peri sleeplessness had gotten so bad.  I started noticing a possible side effect with it before I had my surgery 3 weeks ago.  From the day of my surgery and the next couple of weeks, I stopped taking it because of the drowsiness associated with my pain medicine (knew that would be a bad idea), and the possible side effect went away, but I'm back on it now and the issue has returned.  I want to sleep well but really want to do so without supplements.  Any thoughts?

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8 Replies

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    Elizabeth, what is the side effect you keep mentioning?
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    I know that melatonin is only good for taking for 2 weeks, then let your body rest. It's a hormone (a sleep hormone) Have you tried essential oils? and a nice meditation right before bed to help your mind rest and body rest?> and a nice hot bath first.
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    Thanks for your replies.  I have Crohn's disease and think that the melatonin may be aggravating it.  I read last night that digestive side effects can occur and that people with autoimmune diseases shouldn't take melatonin.  Normally, I would check for this kind of information before taking anything unfamiliar, but I thought it would be harmless and was desperate to stop the insomnia.  Last night, I didn't take anything and slept well.  I am also in the process of reducing the amount of sugar that I eat, which is something I've needed to do for a long time and which I believe will also help.
  • Posted

    How much Melatonin?The only required amount is 10 mg.All extra usually is excreted  and unnecessary. Melatonin is a great sleep aid, and very natural, far better than prescriptions. I have found, from years of Insomnia, A mix of one Melatonin, and 2 Benadryl, over the counter, helps me sleep, with only minimal grogginess.Maybe try Benadryl alone would be sufficient. Hope this helps, Love Stella42
    • Posted

      Thanks, Stella.  I've had trouble with Benadryl in the past and prefer not to take it.  I did quite a bit of reading yesterday about Crohn's and supplements.  Some patients do apparently take melatonin with no problems, but overall I found that most who try it do have digestive issues and symptoms, and I found one really comprehensive study on patients with digestive diseases and conditions in which the findings indicated that Crohn's patients should never take it.  Crohn's is a complicated disease and I've learned a lot by trial and error, unfortunately.  I am going to work on learning some relaxation techniques as a start.  I've always wanted to learn meditation and that could be a big help, as will making some dietary changes.  

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