Progesterone Cream (Progesterkey)
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Hi, there been looking around internet. Can anyone tell me about the nautral progesterone cream, you can apparently buy on the internet, Does this work? have read some good reviews etc and aleiviating symptoms. etc.
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TeresaJS nikiola18292
jennifer01077 nikiola18292
I use progesterone cream that I get on the Web and it helps me a lot.
There are some controversies about progesterone cream treatment. In a study in California it indicates that it leads to increased risk of cancer (like any hrt, hormone replacement therapy). I buy mine from the States, and the box it comes in expressly says it can cause cancer. However, the evidence is not strong. A study in Denmark indicated the reverse, and a study in B.C. Canada indicated that the progesterone only supplementation did not lead to cancer.
The risk is worth it for me. It really helps my mood, noticeably and right away.
I do have strong estrogen dominance, however. My periods are very heavy, come very often (every three weeks) and I have trace veins in my legs (which are all signs of estrogen dominance). So probably it is preventing cancer in me rather than the reverse!
A lot of people use it and a lot of people use hrt, despite the slightly increased risk of cancer. You have to weigh the pros and cons.
Best of luck with your decision.
annieschaefer nikiola18292
You can buy it on the internet or through compounding pharmacy. My doctor had it done for me. I have friends that have used/using it and seems to work for them as well.
One thing I was told to watch if you are trying to offset unopposed estrogen is to not purchase the cream made with soy. That makes sense. There are quite a few really good brands to look at depending on where you live. There's Kokoro, Emerita, Progestorelle to name a few.
Good luck!
annieschaefer nikiola18292
Yes, the creams do work if you need them. I have used them in the past, mine was to help against unopposed estrogen which my doctor determined. There are quite a few brands out there, search them. My doctor had mine compounded, but you can find great creams on the internet. In my case I was to stay away from the soy base creme (makes sense) and I have had several friends it works very well for.
Just google them as my other comment is sitting in mod. lol!
I am now on the pill form of what Theresa mentioned is, micornized progesterone, some docs refer to this as bioidentical. I don't know what that means, but ok. It's supposed to be easier on the body then other forms of progesterone. This one is by prescription and my insurance pays for it and it is doing the trick better. The plan is not to stay on too long, so we'll see how this goes.
Good Luck!
TeresaJS annieschaefer