Progesterone side effect

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I just started BHRT estrogen and progesterone cream today. My first time using both together, normally only progesterone. But in the past progesterone usially cause symptoms increase such as heart palpitations. I thought maybe it wont be the case since im doing both of them. Well guess what, as soon as i put the progesterone cream on my heart started to palpitates and anxiety started kicking in along with back pain. Should i continue with it?

I was hoping it would work with both. Why does progesterone do this to me every time?

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26 Replies

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    I was having heavy bleeding and was very tired.  The doctor put in a progesterone IUD in and stopped the heavy bleeding.   But maybe that's whats causing my high blood pressure??  I never had the problem before.  Interesting.  I'll have to discuss this with my doctor.  Thanks for your info.  Lori

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      Lori I don't know if your high blood pressure is from the progesterone or not,but i would definately bring it to my doctor's attention. 

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    I also had a negative progestrone response and came off. Very small amounts were ok at first but as I upped the dosage I had bad symptoms. I came off everything. Retested with a month long hormone test after all hormones were out of my system and my results showed normal to high progestrone and lower levels off estrogen. For me it increased my symptoms because what I more than likely needed was more estrogen and very little progestrone. The progestrone made my estrogen deficiency symptoms worse. It's hard to know what is needed. A bit of experimenting is needed unfortunately. sad hang in there!

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    Mary, are you saying you had heart palpitations with the progesterone only?  Did you see some benefits?  I guess I'm a little confused why you were doing the progesterone if you had a bad reaction to using it.  


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      Gailannie, my menopause doctor checked my hormones a month ago and my progesterone was 7.3 and estrogen 173. This is the first time both has ever been this high. Since going through perimenopause for the past year and having blood work drawn frequently my progesterone has pretty much been low such as 0.8 and estrogen 23. During the first onset of peri i was able to use the progesterone cream but now for some reason my body doesnt tolerate it. The reason i think estrogen had increased because previously my GYN doctor me on a trial size of premarin estrogen for vagina dryness. So when my hormone dr. tested a few weeks later it had increased.  I was put back on progesterone to wash out some of the estrogen in addition to a special diet. My doctor thought the high estrogen was contributing to all the severe symptoms that i was experiencing. First he tried the biodentical oral progesterone, by the way is my 3rd time trying but with different doctors. I was not able to take it before because each time it made the heart palpitations worse, anxiety, chest discomfort (shortness of breath) , etc. symptoms worsen. So, he told me to stop it. I went back a month later to test and this time my progesterone was back to 0.8 and estrogen <15 , he said estrogen was below testing level.  He decided to try both cream since both were low, plus i'm having low estrogen symptoms such as dryness, irritation, burning, frequent urination.. The estrogen cream is applied on vagina , but it burned like crazy. Progesterone cream did the same side effect as before, increased symptoms. So he told me to lower the dosage and change the place , progesterone behind the knees, and estrogen on the inner thigh. Followed instructions and same thing. I won't try again because i am too nervous of the way it make me feel. 

      Now, doc thinks its an adrenal issue that's triggering everything. 


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      Mary, if I'm understanding this correctly, you are perimenopausal and still having periods.  Correct?  

      (I hope I'm getting your status right.)  Because this makes all the difference.    

      I'm sure you know this, but your labs will be all over the boards depending on when in your cycle you are doing the testing.  That level of 173 Estrogen with 7.3 progesterone sounds perfect for the luteal phase of your cycle ( around day 24 or so)     Your low estrogen level sounds like the start of a cycle, and progesterone levels at that time (first two weeks of the cycle) are normally under 1, so a .8 sounds about right.   

      Perimenopause is very difficult time to do HRT, because they are bouncing all over the place.  This is why docs often recommend a birth control pill which will shut off your system and replace it with level steady synthetic hormones.  I tried that, and did horribly on them. 

      But typically, if a women is still having periods, her body has enough estrogen.  In perimenopause, it's usually the progesterone we are starting to miss.  This may be why your body accepted the progesterone when you first started.  (It liked the balance progesterone provides)   

      If I'm correct and you are still having periods, I'll assume you are only doing progesterone for the final two weeks of your cycle.  Sometimes doing a vaginal progesterone is easier for women to tolerate. And possibly the side effects you were experiencing were that the dose of progesterone was way too much for your system based on your estrogen levels.  And burning is a common initial reaction for women using vaginal estrogen if you levels are really low.  (which it sounds like they are if you're having vaginal dryness)  

      And yes, your doctor may be correct that it may be tied to your adrenal gland production.  Estradiol does dampen down your cortisol effect.  These hormone systems all are intertwined, they all support and work together, or in some cases against one another.  

      None of this is easy.  It's a wonder that some women are lucky enough to find just the right combination and feel great.  



    • Posted

      Wow! Thank you Gailannie! Are you sure this is not your expertise?? Yes, i am perimenopause and still having periods whenever it wants to come. During the time of testing with estrogen 173 and progesterine 7.3, i didnt have a period that month. So how will i know what phase i was in because my cycle is all over the place now? But, i think my estrogen is low at a certain time because im having hair loss, dryness, and hot flashes right now in which i never had before.

      Yes my dr. initially wanted me to do progesterone from day 14-28 with 25 mg and estrogen 0.625 mg. But now he tells me to do it according to my symptoms since my cycle is jumping around so much. Before, he had me doing the oral progesterone day 4-12 of cycle 50 mg, day 13-28, 100 mg. I didnt get far because of the side effects. Today, i only use the estrogen and i got the same effects and horrible bloating, so its not just the progesterone ..but seem to be worse with progesterone.

      At this point, i dont know what to do..may halt everything until i check my adrenal and neurotransmitters. I think i may ask him about vagina progesterone. Is this BHRT? Yes you are right some things works well for some and others not so well. I guess its trial and errors 🙁

      Does the burning usually stop from the estrogen cream at some point?

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      Hi Mary, thanks for the compliment, but no certainly not an expert, just years of study on this whole issue and plenty of unpleasant personal experience.  I've also taught natural birth for 30 years, so when's issues are right up my alley. 

      In perimenopause I tried everything!  From birth control pills to bio identical hormones in many forms.  Nothing worked or made me feel right, and some were a total disaster that hurt me more than they did any good. I finally quit everything.  I felt horrible for awhile, but slowly things started to feel more normal and I had periods for another 10 years.  (I was 43 when this all started) 

      You can get vaginal progesterone in many forms, from a standard RX product called Crinone (I think it's now called Prochieve ?)   to a compounded vaginal progesterone in many forms (oil capsules, or solid suppositories) in any strength that works best.  It seems to have a more direct effect applied near the uterus, and I loved it and felt great on it.   But yes, timing is important.  The best you could do is wait for the next period, and start counting again.  Start the progesterone on days 14-15 and use it for two weeks.  And yes, many women find that the burning does go away once the vaginal tissues are restored.  There's also a new product named Interosa, which is a a vaginal DHEA suppository.  DHEA is a precursor molecule to testosterone and estrogen.  Apparently your body then converts the DHEA into what you need.  It seems to be more gentle than using vaginal estrogen (or so I've found)  That may be an option.  

      Glad I could help with some info.    



    • Posted

      Darn auto correct  WOMENS ISSUES...........not when's issues.  

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      Thanks again Gailannie...i think i will do as you suggested..just wait for another period to come but in the meantime i'm wondering if i should still use estrogen cream for vagina area. I used it last night and it made me feel so awful, gave me a very bad headache. According to last cycle , last night was the last day for progesterone. I wonder why the hormonal therapy cause me to hurt, especially back pain popping everywhere along with heart palpitations starts. Although, doctors say i wont feel an effect until weeks later but for me that is so not the case. As soon as it goes on, i feel it.

      For the dhea, my dheas (dont know if thats the same thing) but its usually elevated. So i dont know if i should use that.

      Are you menopause now?

      Galiannie I appreciate your comments so much!?

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      Sorry if I missed this somehow Mary, but what is the vaginal cream and dosage?  My first thought is if the cream is making you feel bad, I sure wouldn't use it.  Our bodies do have a wisdom, and yours is telling you to stay away from it.  Again, you're still having periods, so you estrogen level is high enough to support your uterine lining.  

      And you are not alone on that feel it immediately thing.  Within minutes of using vaginal Estrace, I felt it.  I'd get a dizzy sensation, the hair on my head would stand up and I'd get a cold feeling.  The dizziness would soon pass and I'd move on with my day.  But I never liked the sensations.  The standard line is that if our tissues are very dry, the estrogen can be sucked up quickly by our whole system.  I sure know I felt it.  And the other standard line is that it will take two weeks to experience any change, and a full two months for the total effect.  

      Again,I don't know what cream you've been given, but possibly it could also be about adjusting the dose.  I started using way less than prescribed because I couldn't take the side effects.  That seemed to help.  

      And yes, that is how our DHEA (DHEAs) is measured.  If yours runs high, I don't think that would be a good option for you.  

      Yes, I'm in menopause.  First signs of perimenopause were at age 42.  Had my last period at 53.  I'm now 61 and looking and feeling every bit of it.  (very sad face)   


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      On container it says Biest 0.625MG

      estrogen cream dosage is 1/2cc (1 pump) twice a day. I triedthis morning putting just a dab on , and guess what same thing. My heart started palpitating and aches started hitting me in the upper back, legs and chest discomfort. In addition , i think i have some kind of infection because of the chest discomfort and breathing. According to period app i am 5 days away from period start and initially before peri hit period should have had period 2 weeks ago. So pms symptoms along with perimenopause symptoms seem to be all month because of screwed up hormones.☹

      I will be 53 on Sunday...i hope i dont have all of this when i hit menopause. Do you thinking taking ovary out will help? I only have one.

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      Mary, I can't say this strongly enough DON'T TAKE OUT YOUR OVARY!  Personally I think it could be the worst mistake you could make.  Our ovaries do product a small amount of hormone even into our 80s. Whatever help it is giving would be completely taken away.  

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      Gail, I just don't understand how my 2 sisters and several friends had hysterectomies and they have no menopause symptoms. Then when i This is constantly a daily thing. The only relief i seem to get is when my period comes and who knows when that is. The heart palpitations, chest discomfort , and nervousness, etc is really getting to me. 😭

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      Mary every women is different. Your friends may had had their UTERUS  removed  but not their ovaries. That a totally different things.  Some women do fine with uterine removal, but I’ve heard of women in natural menopause who then had ovaries removed and did horrible. (Even doctors said their ovaries were doing anything). 

      Obviously it’s your choice. But I hate to see you get in a Irreversible situation. 

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      Gail you re right. I think one of my sister kept both ovaries and the other one only have one ovary. My cousin says she got everything taken out , although now im wondering if that is accurate. I betcha she only got uterus taken out. Just yesterday she tells me that she has never had any problems with dryness at all. (still like a young woman down there she said) This lady is in her 60's. She can't understand how im having all these issues.

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      Ovaries make a huge difference Mary, even old ones that apparently aren't doing a whole lot!  It's reported that 50% of women wind up with vaginal atrophy and dryness.  (I personally don't believe that figure, I think it's much higher.)  In fact, all my friends are in their 60s, and I don't have one friend who DOESN'T have it.  Some simply don't care and accept that sex is a thing of the past.  The rest are using a variety of products to try to correct the problem.  

      While I won't dispute your cousin's claim, she's the rare exception. If she's carrying a lot of fat, it could be that her fat cells are producing a lot of estrone which is helping her.  

      There are some good reasons to remove the ovaries, like ovarian cancer as one example. But just beware, that removal of ovaries is not  an innocent surgery, even past menopause. 

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      Gail, yes my cousin is on the large size. I was referred by my herbalist at the health store to call this doctor. I just got off phone with him, he 's a hormone doctor he has written books and has his own progesterone cream. He explained why im having an adverse reaction to the cream. He said it's because of my adrenaline. My adrenals are pushing out too much which causing all the problems. He said they are in . He explained it but it seem very complicated. It has to do with insulin resistance. Yes, years ago i was diagnoised being insulin resistance. He is sending me a meal plan and other things to start taking . Then maybe later i can use the progesterone cream but now he says to concentrate on my adrenals because it is very important. He was very , very helpful. Also, he told me to use estriol instead of estrdiol and estriol together. I'm out to buy these things...hope it works.

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      Hi Mary,  it sounds like you may have gotten to the right person to help you.  What many people don't realize is that ALL our hormone systems work together.  It isn't just estrogen/testosterone/progesterone.  It how all these things interact with our adrenal production, insulin, thyroid etc.  And at menopause, our adrenal glands attempt to help us out with what we are missing, so the adrenal gland go into high gear.  Typically our cortisol run high morning, afternoon, evening and night.  Unfortunately adrenaline is something that can't measured.  But what he's offering makes sense.  

      I hope you get some help.  None of this is fun at all.  

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